"It was taken! It was taken!" The tabloid reporter held the camera and said excitedly.

In the camera, the second son of the Qiao family and the Miss Han family sit side by side. Son Qiao's arm was placed on the back of Miss Han's chair, and it seemed to be around her. And the tabloid reporter just had a very good shooting angle. At a glance, the two people ’s heads overlapped, as if kissing. Although he knew it was not true, it did not prevent him from using this photo with the narration of "Golden Boy Girl Passionately Kissing" and "Uncle's Turn into a Couple" to attract attention.

"It's over, it's over." The reporter whistled, and stole the equipment with his companions and withdrew.

"Are you gone?" Qiao Chengyu asked. He turned his back to that side and couldn't see the situation.

When Han Yanyan saw the paparazzi retreating early, she glanced at Qiao Chengyu, who seemed to be close to her, but actually kept her distance, and said, "No, I'm still shooting. Maybe I'm not satisfied."

"Don't be so stiff, it's so unnatural." She raised her cheek slightly and said to him, "Be closer, pinch a strand of my hair, wrap it around with your fingers, yes, that's it ... around ..."

Qiao Chengyu did what she said seriously, her body leaned slightly, and she naturally approached her, smelling the sweet fragrance on her nose.

Qiao Chengyu doesn't study women and perfumes deeply. Unlike some noble men in this circle, he can smell women. He only found the scent of Han Yanyan very enticing. This seductive smell is too mature. She is a young girl only twenty-three years old. This seductive fragrance has matured beyond her age.

Her skin is younger than her age, firm and elastic, and she can feel the youthful vitality jumping.

And her eyes ... eyes ... Qiao Chengyu saw the playful look in those eyes, and gave a slight pause. Looking back, there is a shadow of a paparazzi in the distance.

Was played.

Qiao Chengyu pursed his lips and tried to take back his hand. But Han Yanyan's long hair curled up on his finger. When he pulled it, Han Yanyan screamed awkwardly. Qiao Chengyu's hand paused and he said "I'm sorry", leaning down and leaning against Han Yanyan, turning his hair round and round.

When the last circle of hair was untied, and the curly long hair was about to slip from between the fingers, Han Yanyan suddenly raised his eyes, raised his face and printed a kiss on Qiao Chengyu's lips.

That long strand of hair did not slip, and Qiao Chengyu's hair ends were pinched in his hands. The two eyes were opposite each other, and the tips of their noses were no more than a few centimeters apart. Qiao Chengyu's eyes were dark, and Han Yanyan raised an eyebrow.

There was no overbearing presidential kiss, Qiao Chengyu and Han Yanyan confronted each other for a few seconds, released their fingers, and let her long hair slip from her fingers and sit upright.

"Boring." Han Yanyan frowned. Qiao Chengyu angled her. Han Yanyan hit him: "You look like an old man."

Suddenly she paused, and asked in amazement: "You ... wouldn't you still be a virgin?" It shouldn't. In her pre-assigned message, this Qiao Chengyu had more than one girlfriend while studying abroad.

Qiao Chengyu silently lowered his chest and said calmly, "No."

"Then you are gay?" Han Yanyan frowned. It shouldn't be, the advance information is not prompted at all.

Qiao Chengyu's breath blocked in his chest could no longer be smoothed.

"How else to explain? You haven't reacted to me at all." Han Yanyan complained.

Qiao Chengyu turned to look at her, his eyes were dark and dark.

"You are the one I want to marry," he said, "I want to be more serious about you."

This time it was Han Yanyan's eyes fixed. After a while, her rosy lips evoked a slightly cold arc.

"Give you a piece of advice, in this world, don't be too affectionate. Who really feels ... who's stupid." She laughed and refused to be thousands of miles away, Leng Yan.

Lazy Korean smoke, **** Korean smoke, proud Korean smoke, confident Korean smoke ... Maybe, none of the Korean smoke at this moment is more real, Qiao Chengyu thought.

Due to this episode, the dinner was extra quiet for two people. Han Yanyan didn't have to send her Qiao Chengyu after dinner. She asked the driver to pick her up and had to go elsewhere.

"Going to play at night, together?" Han Yanyan asked.

"No." Qiao Chengyu looked at his watch and declined, "There is still a report to hurry."

"Okay, work hard, heirs." Han Yanyan said.

The word heir touched Qiao Chengyu's nerves. The driver opened the door, Han Yanyan turned around to step on the car, and was caught by his wrist and pulled back.

Although winter is about to pass, the wind is still cold. Qiao Chengyu's lips are hot and the tip of his tongue is hot. The kiss technique is good, and it really is not a virgin.

Uncle Chen smiled professionally, leaning the door in the direction of the front of the car, leaving his back to the kissing couple.

Qiao Chengyu let go of Han Yanyan, gently wiped the lipstick on her lips with her thumb, loosened her hand, and said, "Have a good time." With his hands in his pants pockets, the black coat was wide open, and the corners of the clothes were fluttering in the evening breeze.

Han Yanyan glanced at him with a smile, bent over and got into the car, and walked away.

In the car, Han Yanyan lit a cigarette.

Han Yanyan himself does not smoke, but the world's "Korean smoke" will.

Once the pre-feeding information in the brain is activated, Han Yanyan can receive everything she has in this world, including manners, behaviors, living habits, and even personality.

In the world that originally collapsed, "Han Yanyan" was a small white-collar worker with a pure personality and a simple mind. This personality can be said to be a weak character. After receiving, Han Yanyan's own personality occupied the dominant position. In the eschatological world, the design of "Hanyanyan" is even more blank, directly filled by Hanyanyan deity. So in those two worlds, Han Yanyan didn't feel anything.

But the "Miss Han" in this world is born with riches and riches, with a enthusiastic, open and powerful personality. Although Han Yanyan still controls, he is inevitably affected. For example, now, when her mood fluctuates slightly, she smokes a cigarette. This is the habit of the young lady "Miss Han", not the habit of Han Yanyan.

In this world, Han Yanyan feels that he must be fine.

She smoked in the dim carriage, thinking about the progress of the world.

In this world, her golden finger is identity. The Han family has three generations of wealth and rich capital. In the face of the "Heir of the Han Family", the beauty is just the icing on the cake. The mission of this world is to make Qiao Wenxing understand his mistake, and to put it plainly, isn't it to make him regret it?

This task is not difficult, what is difficult is how a living person can control his heart and restrain his emotions in his interaction with other living people.

"Quickly wear the world", who really feels silly.

Han Yanyan took a deep breath and let the nicotine penetrate into his lungs, poisoning his cells.

It's been half a year since I came to this world, and Han Yanyan feels that he is much better now. She remembers very well. When she first arrived here, she went around the world. Every day, she lived very fast and very wantonly, but at night, she always awakened from dreams again and again, touching her chest with cold sweat. Make sure that there is no blood hole there, and no sharp claws crushed his heart.

Then she couldn't help looking back, and wanted to see if there was a cruel man behind him. She really wanted to know what Ding Yao looked and felt at that time. She would curse him when she couldn't sleep in the middle of the night, hoping that he would also die in the hands of the corpse emperor after her death. Then fell asleep in this anger.

Half a year later, this anger gradually erupted rarely. But Han Yanyan knew it hadn't dissipated, but was held in the bottom of his heart.

Probably, hate lasts longer than love.

The cell phone rang and tonight her playmates called her to urge.

She chuckled: "It's almost here, and I'll have dinner with Chengyu at night, and it's a little late." The person at the end of the phone teased and asked if she and Qiao Chengyu were really here. Han Yanyan smiled wildly: "You will know after a while."

She extinguished the cigarette and asked the other party, "Are there any handsome guys at night?"

The other laughed: "Of course, they are all owned by our family, all of them are popular little fresh meat, which one do you like?"

In the past, Han Yanyan wrote a lot about the rich and drunken life of the wealthy. After all, Mr. Ba is the mainstream of romance. Some of the paper drunken fans she wrote depended on entertainment news, and partly on the scales and claws that were occasionally revealed in the forums, and most of the rest depended on her own imagination. At that time, I couldn't help but feel kinky, thinking how good it would be if I could live such a life.

I did not expect such a day. If "fast wear" is regarded as a job, this can be regarded as a company benefit.

Han Yanyan spent a pleasant evening.

The next day, she held two blurred photos of the popular little fresh meat in the club and made her headlines on the entertainment. The newspaper was at her eldest father at breakfast.

Father Han glanced at him only, and gently instructed her not to stay up all night and hurt her. Qiao Wenxing reported that his divorce would hurt Han ’s face. Although Han Yanyan is currently dating Qiao Chengyu, giving him a little color, Han ’s father felt harmless.

In this case, Han Yanyan feels very comfortable for the big dad he is wearing.

As soon as she was in a good mood, she called Qiao Chengyu: "I have been chasing me for two months. When is the second son Joe planning to propose?"

Qiao Chengyu said, "Miss, you have the final say."

Han Yanyan looked at the large courtyard outside the floor-to-ceiling window.

"Then today." She said lazily.

The two men appeared in front of the public the next day, and the paparazzi found the pigeon eggs on Han Yanyan's fingers. When asked whether the two were engaged, Han Yanyan and Qiao Chengyu crossed their fingers, their faces were sweet.

One said, "You guess?" The other wrapped his lover around his arm, blocking the paparazzi's over-approximation, and said, "I will know it after a while."

The news that they have settled for life has made entertainment headlines, and the fermentation has spread rapidly.

After seeing it, Father Han glanced at the pigeon egg in Han Yanyan's hand and asked, "When is the engagement ceremony?"

Han Yanyan only drank healthy freshly squeezed fruit juice in front of his father, held the glass, and said, of course, "This kind of thing must be mentioned by the man's initiative."

On the other side, Qiao Chengyu, who lives in his apartment, received a call from his secretary, "Master Chengyu, the chairman wants to see you tonight, please come home."

At the same time, Bai Ye also read the newspaper.

Her lover is the authentic young master of the Qiao family, and the elated young lady of the Han family has to marry an illegitimate child from a peripheral girl, and they are all hypocritical, a sad business marriage.

In Bai's heart, there was a sensation of victory.

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