Strategy to Capture Men

Chapter 134: Epilogue 4

The psychological implication of the near-hypnosis of the Duke is too serious. The attendant's eyes sharpened immediately: "Who is it? What kind of psychological suggestion?"

"I don't know who it is, but ..." said Duke Kline. "This man gave me a strong hint that he was trying to manipulate me to kill Leo Parker. Why was it ..."

He didn't finish talking, raised his eyes to see the attendant's expression, his voice stopped abruptly.

The attendant's expression showed clearly that he clearly knew something.

Yao frowned: "Well?"

The attendant asked rhetorically, "Are there any other psychological hints other than killing Leo Parker?"

Yao said, "Nothing has been found for the time being."

He paused and asked, "Who is it?"

The attendant lowered his eyes.

who is it? Who else besides Han Yanyan? He had been monitoring the Duke's resurrection process himself. When did she give him such a psychological hint?

However, he was not surprised at all. She's like her, isn't she?

He couldn't help smiling bitterly.

As he raised his eyes, the Duke was looking at him.

Yao completely trusts the servants, so he doesn't ask questions and gives him time to adjust his emotions. But the attendant also knew that he had to say clearly that such a serious matter was implied by the mental manipulation of the Duke.

He glanced at the medical officer, Yao Chong nodded, and the medical officer immediately packed up and returned. There were only Yao Callander and the attendant in the room.

When there are no outsiders, there is a little more casual between the two. The attendant took off his hat, sat down opposite Yao Callander, and untied Feng Ji's buckle.

Yao lighted a cigarette, then threw the cigarette case and lighter over, watching the attendant officer also light a cigarette, and said, "Say, what's going on?"

The attendant took two breaths and spit out white smoke, saying, "You have been assassinated, your mental power has been closed, and you have fallen into a state of mental death. I have convened all the top doctors and biologists of the Clinic system for two years. Helpless. In the end, I found someone to check the rumored Undead Awakener and found him with the Guard Fleet. He restored the prohibited simulation world technology and closed it in the simulated world through stimulation. The reopening of the spiritual power source can let the deceased speak and resurrect the dead-rumors say so. I don't believe it, but I have no other way to go. "

"He awakened me. This technology is impressive. He should be a good scientist. He can see if he can be recruited later." Yao restrained the killing motivated by hearing the name and said calmly, "So, who wants me to kill the person who wakes me up?"

The attendant looked down and took a deep breath.

"It's not him, someone else wakes you up," he said.

Yao Callander was surprised.

"Leo Parker restored the technology of simulating the world. This technology is very powerful, but no matter how powerful it is, he has no soul. In order to make the world realistic, he replaced the system with the human brain to build the world. This person must be full of imagination, logical and meticulous , The world constructed in this way will make it impossible for those in it to discern authenticity. For such people, Leo Parker calls them ... the builders. "

"However," the attendant looked at his duke and smiled bitterly. "How stubborn you are, I don't need to say more. In short, the builders fought against you in the simulation world and killed three in a row."

Yao Callander quietly smoked his cigarette and automatically skipped the words of stubbornness such as "stubbornness". He only asked, "What later?"

"Later, Leo Parker grabbed a woman from a technologically backward planet ..."

Yao paused holding his cigarette.

A white skirt flashed in front of his eyes, with long black hair flying in the wind. She stood on top of the ruins and was alone.

"She raised me." He said the obvious results.

"Yes." The attendant stared at the floor. "We didn't expect that she would be such a good builder. She raised you up."

And he left her to Leo Parker. Is she alive now? If you are still alive, are you crazy?

This was the end he had foreseen when he swore to Leo Parker.

"Then how did she hint at me psychologically?" Yao asked.

On this point, the attendant was also confused, and he was monitoring the whole process. But suddenly he remembered something, his expression was slightly different.

"I personally monitored the whole process, but ..." he said, "I avoided some of her worlds, her and your private time."

Private? The privacy of him and a woman from a backcountry? Yao Callander frowned slightly.

He asked, "What's her name?"

In fact, the attendant later also knew that it was not her real name. In the end, she didn't even know her name. He could only tell Yao Callander: "Han Yanyan."

Han Yanyan ...

The smoke between the fingers dropped, and a hole was made in the precious carpet. There was a momentary image of Yao Callander being cast into a sculpture, without moving.

The name Han Yanyan is like a row of sharp needles, piercing a layer of vague veil. Some emotions that I have never experienced suddenly surged up from the deepest part of my heart. There is love and hate, and there is also acid and astringency, all over the body like a current.

This is a completely strange life experience for Yao Callander, who has always had a weak emotion, which makes him feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Duke?" The attendant called.

Yao suddenly turned back.

The attendant saw that his expression was wrong, and asked, "What's wrong?"

Yao Qiang suppressed the discomfort of every cell on his body and said, "I often dream recently. I always dream of a woman wearing a white skirt and standing on the top of a ruined building, she ..."

Attendant Wei Wei.

Yao looked up and saw the complicated look in the servant's eyes, and knew that he didn't have to ask again. The white skirt girl is the Han Yanyan. It really is her.

The attendant took a breath and said, "Leo Parker said, you won't remember."

"I don't really remember, just dreaming." Yao Dun said for a moment. "Not only she. I actually dreamed of several women. It's strange that they look different, but ..."

Yao looked at the attendant and asked, "Tell me, are they all alone?"

"Yes." The attendant was silent for a while and told him the answer he wanted to know. "They are all Han Yanyan."

"Your will is too firm, she also passed through several simulated worlds before finally waking you up," he told him.

It turned out that the things that puzzled Yao in his dreams were answered. He remembered and said, "I remember you said that those data were brought back?"

"The seal is stored, and only you and I have permission to open it," said the attendant. "The technician said that without Leo Parker's simulation system, we cannot parse the build, but we can read it."

"That's OK," Yao said, pressing his brain and giving instructions, "Call the technical officer to me."

After that, he stood up.

"Go." He said, "Let me see, what is happening in these worlds?"

How did this woman give him a psychological hint?

The technologist linked the virtual capsule used for training with data from the simulated world.

"Optical flow infusion technology is needed. This is rarely used in our daily life. It has higher requirements on the brain, but you are an SS-level mentality. It should not be a problem." He explained to Yao Callander. "And The problem of double the speed of time is analyzed in the brain, so the sense of time follows the data. It should not be too fast at first to avoid stimulating the brain too much. It is best to slowly increase the speed. "

Before Yao closed the hatch, the attendant came over and held the hatch. The look was complicated. Obviously he had something to say to him.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

The attendant sighed and said, "Whatever she did to you, it was to wake you up. Please remember that those are false data."

"I see." Yao Yi nodded and closed the hatch.

With the flow of information flowing in and opening and closing his eyes, he came to the world of the original president.

The messy plot is like a ghost, and he has no impression of Han Yanyan, a clerk in this world. He just skipped.

Immediately after, it was the last days, and he was a little surprised. Because in his dream, Han Yanyan in a white dress is always last. He thought that in chronological order, the last days should be the last thing to happen. He didn't know that this eschatological world had been activated twice before and after.

But the first eschatological world and this Korean smoke both made him impatient. He didn't understand. How could such a simple and stupid woman not be able to control herself impose psychological hints under the eyes of the servants? How did she do it? Where's her guts?

Although Han Yanyan also wore a white dress, he was far from the woman he dreamed of, and his temperament was almost like two people. Yao Callander patiently followed up with Ding Yao to sleep with a girl in the winter, Han Yanyan acted in front of him to fight for favor. He was really impatient of the little cleverness and small means of these women, and he was ready to skip forward.

But then Han Yanyan began to restrain himself and strengthened himself. Although better than the previous soap opera-like plot, Yao Callander didn't have the patience to watch it.

He pulled fast forward, only at the end Han Yanyan was pulled by Ding Yao to stop the knife, and frowned slightly.

At the end of the world, he felt hungry. He opened the hatch, and the attendant was gone.

"Colonel Lin went to the meeting," said the technical officer.

Yao used the meal and asked the technical officer: "How long does it take to finish watching?"

The technical officer said: "I monitored that you pulled the fast forward directly. If this is the case, it won't take long. If you feel that your brain is not uncomfortable, you can also increase the speed of time, it will be faster."

Yao nodded and sat in the virtual warehouse. The content of the world disappointed him, but the girl in the white skirt in the dream was always engraved in his mind, making him determined to bear with it again, and if it was the same, he would not look at it.

Light flowed in, and he was in the next world in a flash.

Undercover Han Yanyan opened his eyes in the preparation room, facing the eyes of Shangyao Callander. With one glance, Yao realized that something had changed in her.

This Han Yanyan gave Yao Chen a shot by raising his hand.

Everything disappeared and Yao returned to nothingness. The world had ended inexplicably a few minutes before it began. Even Yao Callander was stunned.

Although fast and messy, Yao is very sure that this Korean smoke is really different from the previous Korean smoke. Taken by a man he loves to block the knife. Is it too exciting to change? It should be, he thought.

He started the next world.

The same world restarted once, still in the same preparation room, or the same waiter uniform, this time undercover became a female student.

Her mood seemed calm, but her eyes did not change. She is different from that silly woman in the last days.

But she still intends to sell hue. Although her wrist as a woman is obviously much higher than the last eschatological world, in essence, there is no difference.

Yao Callander was disappointed again.

Is this the woman in his dream? Why does such a woman repeatedly appear in his dream?

He saw Yao Chen holding Han Yanyan, who was drinking a broken piece, into the suite, saw what he had done to her, and saw the rogue threatening her to get in his car with a fruit photo.

This hooligan is him.

Yao Callander rubbed his forehead to open the hatch and went out to eat.

He found this troublesome and asked the technical officer: "Can I use another access?"

The technical officer said: "It is also possible to use the dormancy chamber. If you use the body culture fluid, you don't need to eat. But do you want to keep watching?"

Yao Callander wanted to see it again. This time it was not for Han Yanyan. He wanted to see Yao Chen. He did not expect that in his life, he could still be a hooligan like Yao Chen.

Born as a royal family, he was rigorously taught from birth. Every move must conform to noble etiquette and royal style. But who doesn't have a rebellion in the second phase? I was annoyingly restrained when I was a teenager, and I dreamed of becoming an ordinary person.

It's better to be hooligan among ordinary people, pure bad people. Feel free to swear and do bad things.

This is Yao Chen.

When the technical officer went to prepare the equipment, the attendant returned.

Yao Zheng had a question and asked him, "Why am I like that?"

The attendant asked; "Where did you see?"

Yao said, "Yao Chen."

Hearing the name, the attendant couldn't help rubbing his forehead and understood why the Duke asked this question.

"They call it human, similar to the role that the director has set for actors." He explained with his understanding, "You in the world will definitely maintain your own nature, but at the same time accept human settings, and finally show The person who came out should be half and half, a fusion. "

"So the director is ..."

"Constructor, yes, it's Han Yanyan."

Yao nodded and asked, "Is the world continuous in time?"

Before Yao Chen, there was Qiao Chengyu. The world attendant didn't see it, but knew it. He saw the violent Leo Pike calm down strangely because of Joe Chengyu's death.

The attendant hesitated, but thought that if Yao continued to watch, he would see it sooner or later. He said: "Between Ding Yao and Yao Chen, there is another world, a client of Leo Parker. The world ending for Ding Yao is too intense, she is too stimulated, and her brain waves are approaching dangerous values, so It made her a simple world to repair emotions. "

He paused and said, "There is a virtual character in that world called Qiao Chengyu, and it will appear later."

Yao wondered why the attendant told him the name of a virtual character, but the technical officer had already prepared the equipment and came over to interrupt their conversation.

Yao said to the servant officer, "Go and rest."

The attendant was called in the middle of the night, and was busy until now. Duke Clin's official residence had his own room, and he went to sleep.

After waking up to see, Yao was still in the dormant cabin. He was a little worried and called the medical officer.

The medical officer didn't know until now, with a slight sweat on his forehead: "Why didn't you call me early?"

"Is there anything wrong?" The attendant nervously.

"This is equivalent to the reappearance of the scene in hypnosis." The medical officer said, "People do not really forget anything. Those memories are in the brain, but are suppressed in the subconscious mind. Through artificial hypnosis, or technical intervention, is Can awaken memories in the subconscious. Now it is equal to technical intervention! "

"So the possible consequence is that he will remember those memories in the simulated world?" The attendant asked.

"It's just possible," the medical officer said. Then a stack of sounds asked those memories in the simulated world that might hurt the duke's spirit.

The attendant's face was gloomy. After a while, he said, "Go talk to the Duke and ask him to come out."

Technologists cut off the world and connected communications. The medical officer communicated with Yao for a while, took off the headset, and was a little dazed: "Duke he refused ..."

The attendant strode over, took the headset and put it on: "Duke!"

"Of course." Yao's voice sounded. "I already know. It's okay, continue."

The attendant can only say: "There are some behind her, she is more fierce."

Earlier Li Yao was silent for a while, slowly said: "Very good, I was just wondering, what else can she do?"

After hanging up the communication, Yao looked up.

In the bathroom, Yao Chen bite Han Yanyan fiercely, biting blood on her shoulder, and then said, "We are getting married."

Ding Yao looked at the man and woman with cold eyes. Because at this time, he has been awakened as Yao Chen's memory.

In the beginning, when Han Yanyan and Yao Chen fell in love in a luxury car for the first time, he felt a slight fever. But he didn't care, as a man's physiological response due to visual stimuli was normal. Not to mention that the female student Han Yanyan looks intellectual and elegant, but act unexpectedly stingy, the contrast makes this woman more attractive. Look, Yao Chen in the world was seduced by her.

Yao didn't realize at this time that his memory of her was first projected onto the body.

He was originally not interested in the female student Han Yanyan. He was forced to keep watching to see how he lived another life.

She is smart, but the woman is smart. She has a wrist, but a woman's small wrist. If she was true to her, he wouldn't mind taking her as a lover. Men's lives can not only be war and politics, but also need to adjust and relax.

Yao thought he was a spectator, and he didn't expect those memories to recover step by step.

When Chen Chen kissed Han Yanyan's cheek and smiled, Yao also smiled. He didn't know that smile was exactly the same.

A little, he remembered how soft her body was and how charming she was in the bed.

He remembered that she was rubbing his temples in the study. In the kitchen, she wore an apron to cook for him.

He remembered the smell of the soup and a lamp left by the porch when he returned home in the middle of the night.

Of course, he also remembered later.

Now that you know the results, look back. When Yao Chen said to Han Yanyan, "We are married," he was already playing with Han Yanyan.

Yao Callander realized that she had underestimated her cleverness and wrists. Little smart little wrist, it can be upgraded to insight into the heart. This Han Yanyan had a terrible grasp of Yao Chen's heart.

Yao Chen is him.

Yao's lips were tight.

Here he can see things he cannot see in the world.

He saw how Han Yanyan was monitoring, ventilating, reporting, betraying. These things, she did not change her face, but also played a perfect wife.

If it hadn't been for the emotion of "Yao Chen", he would like to applaud her.

Compared with the last eschatological world, she has improved too much. It's not just about means, it's about mentality.

"boom"! Yao Chen shot Han Yanyan in the ankle and gritted his teeth: "Tell me why!"

Yao Chen's anger had accumulated in Yao Callander's chest, but he now knew why.

"Because, you ... are you, and I ... are me," she said.

Yao stared at her. This sentence was completely unknown, and now he understands it.

Lin Ran said that she was captured by Leo Parker from a backcountry. So she was forced. She deceived Yao Chen, betrayed Yao Chen, and intended to put Yao Chen to death only because of her ...

The awakening of the undead Leo Parker only serves the elite. His name is quietly circulated in this class. Yao Callander had also heard of him before.

He is a multi-national wanted criminal with several crimes, including multiple prohibited technologies, abductions and slavery.

So she was actually a prisoner of Leo Parker-Yao Quan understood.

Han Yanyan smiled.

Yao finally found the shadow of the white skirt **** top of the ruins in the last days on this female student Han Yanyan.

Their faces are different, but their smiles are desolate.

Then the world ended abnormally. Unlike the end world, Han Yanyan died in the end world, turned into a white light and disappeared, and then the world whitened and ended automatically.

This world suddenly had a black screen during the killing of Han Yanyan and Yao Chen, and someone forcibly interrupted the world from the outside.

what happened?

Yao didn't leave, he continued to the next world.

When the cold and desolate world spread out in front of him, he saw that "self" was born with Ding Yao's memory. It is true that the architect has a wild imagination.

When the lonely girl in this world bent over and hugged him, revealing the first gentle smile, Yao Callander's chest seemed to be hit with a sledgehammer!

The word "Mom" almost blurted out.

But what followed was huge anger! The anger is full of abandoned pain!

Those intense, heavy, and frantic emotions filled Yao Callander's chest and almost broke him!

How can she! How can you do this to him! !!

Unfortunately, Yao Chen killed his parents when he was a child.

To Xiaoyao, starting with her mother and family, she learned all about life tailored for him after she learned about it.

Duke Klinn, Yao Callander, his mother eloped, killed by her father, and then died of a magnetic current. His parents' tragic marriage set the tone for his life. His indifference and indifference stem from this.

The people around him may understand or understand, but who dares to reveal?

Constructor Han Yanyan, in a fictional world, mercilessly uncovered the scars of Duke Kline's Yao Callander, causing his blood to drip.

Lin Ran said that they did not expect her to be such an excellent builder.

She really is.

Yao covered his eyes with one hand and clenched his teeth, trying to suppress the pain that had been hidden by him at the age of eight, but couldn't. Is he not as good as he was when he was eight years old?

Gentle humming sounded and the pain disappeared strangely.

Yao lowered his hand and raised his head.

The twelve-year-old girl was holding the little baby, shaking it gently and humming.

Yao remembered this tune. Until he grew up, she often hummed while patting him. This way, he will fall asleep quickly, especially when he loses his eyes.

The baby grows up slowly, and the girl is babbling every day. What remains unchanged is her tenderness towards him, like a real mother, never slacking off. Even after he fell asleep, she touched his cheek gently and touched her soft lips lightly.

When Yao was just awakened from the memory of the mine star world, she was furious and mad, just thinking, how could she do this to him!

It turned out she could. She must. Because everything is to wake him up.

Yao closed his eyes, remembering the touch of her lips as he kissed his cheek. He also remembered how she gave him psychological hints.

It was in this world that her lips were clinging to his ears, using the lightest voice to tell him over and over again that her enemy was Leo Parker. Instilled her hatred in him.

She was so eager to kill Leo Parker.

Yao's mood gradually calmed down, but his eyes began to kill. He didn't know what Leo Parker had done to her, but he knew Leo Parker must be damned.

With a slowing mood, he continued to look back on the world. He didn't pull the progress bar, and Xiao Yan and Xiao Yao's daily life were not boring to him at all. He even looked funny at this self with Ding Yao's memory but only three heads.

Yao Calland rarely laughed at why.

Then the boy heard the change and suddenly turned around. The flashing white light made him lose his eyes, and then someone stepped forward and kicked him.

Yao Callander stared at the man.

She put away the special instrument in her hand and took off her goggles to reveal her beautiful face.

It was her, Yao Callander smiled bitterly.

The one who kept his eyes on him when he lost his eyes and fell into fear, accompanied by gentleness and patience, was the murderer who took away his eyes.

But at this moment, her face was completely expressionless, like wearing a fake face, totally indifferent. She walked over and kicked over again, breaking Xiaoyao's bones.

When Xiaoyao woke up, gnashing her teeth and dragging her broken body out, she sat on the garbage mountain, biting fruit, and looked indifferently.

Yao recalled that at that time he had no other thoughts in his mind except to save Xiaoyan.

His gaze turned to Han Yanyan's face. She glanced down, and finally took a bite of the fruit, tossed the core, jumped from the other side, made a circle, pretending to "discover" Xiaoyao, and started the show again.

Her tenderness and sadness are so real. Her indifference was so real.

This Korean smoke is completely different from the first two Korean smokes. Her whole body was transformed from the inside to the outside.

However, Yao remembered the stupid woman who couldn't control himself in love with Ding Yao in the last days, and his heart was blunt and uncomfortable.

Soon, Qiao Chengyu appeared. Lin Ran said that he was a piece of data from a world where they had never participated.

But when this Han Yanyan stared at the man, Yao saw her love for him from her eyes.

She had reborn, but still had the shadow of that stupid woman on her body.

Yao has seen clearly that Han Yanyan in the last days does not seem to know what is going on in this so-called world. But Ding Yao who crossed, Qiao Chengyu who crossed, and Han Yanyan from Mining World obviously already knew everything. How else would you kill Leo Parker's obsession.

But she still loves a piece of false data. Is she ... too lonely?

Yao Callander has a deep understanding of loneliness. Life is too lonely to support.

When he was still a boy, he opened the history of the Amikin Empire for the first time, and the title page of the Callander family was printed on the title page: "Only white clothes can make the enemy's blood more beautiful."

This family motto shocked the young man's heart and heated his blood. He regarded it as a belief, pursued his whole life, and had support inside.

But the person she loves doesn't love her. He may be in love with her, but not in front of her.

And she has long been unable to return.

"Chengyu, tell you something." She said with a smile, "I've loved."

Yao watched the man's body lying in a pool of blood and turned to look at her. She pinned her gun to her waist, walked to the console, and slapped her palm on the red button.

On the console at the same time as the palm, there was a crystal tear.

She killed a man she had loved and a silly woman in her soul.

Looking at her thin back, Yao Callander couldn't help walking over and hug her with open arms.

Death light hits the ground at this time, killing Xiaoyao, and the world ends automatically.

Yao Callander's arms were hollow and he didn't hold anything.

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