I heard that Ding Yao was bleeding, and others could not remain indifferent.

Lin Ling helped Han Yanyan get up. The couple first donated clothes and food. Surprisingly, the girls on the third floor also silently donated a lot of clothes and food.

In addition to supplies, Han Yanyan also needs manpower. Needless to say, her own team is very close to her. Qi Tongtong and the other two girls also mobilized a lot of girls to help them, even Zhao Yuxuan, who was always slouching, came. These girls have not left the team base for a long time. Although they have to pay for their bodies on the third floor of the Thunder Base, they live a good life. As soon as I went out this time, it seemed like I was back in the real world.

It turned out that the outside was as starved and frozen as before, and the world was unchanged. The girls' emotions cannot express sadness and joy.

Zhao Yuxuan went to help for a day, but was freed from a long state of mourning.

"Looking outside, think about that you are not freezing, not hungry, and still living well, and suddenly you are content." She said Tongtong Tongtong.

Lin Ling had training missions, her husband Sun Lijun was pulled strong by Han Yanyan. Many people have severe frostbite. Under the condition of lacking medical treatment and less medicine, Sun Lijun's ability to heal flesh quickly is simply amazing.

Lin Ling was of course supportive, and said to him, "Help Xiao Han well. This is good deeds. Let us not catch up with this world in our next life."

But she did not expect that Sun Lijun would bring back a child.

The six- or seven-year-old girl fled to Nanling with her mother, whose mother died of freezing the day before. Had it not been for Han Yanyan, she would have died. The girl had frostbite on her face, and Han Yanyan hugged her to find Sun Lijun. Sun Lijun hesitated after he cured her frostbite on her face.

Han Yanyan stuffed the child into his arms.

Lin Ling cried when she saw the child.

"Where did you find it?" After the end of the world, her mind became much firmer, and she cried, wiped her tears, and asked Sun Lijun.

Sun Lijun said swiftly: "Little Han held it to me. This child, this child ... It really looks like ..."

But their sister-in-law died long ago, and died at the beginning of the last days. This must be that they are willing to do good with Little Han Jide, so God opened his eyes and sent them another puppet.

They didn't know that it wasn't God who opened his eyes, but the creator of the world.

Lin Ling also started her team to help Han Yanyan. Others in the clan are scattered, and some people spontaneously help.

It ’s been so long in the last days, and each other thought that people ’s hearts had already been cold. At this time, it was discovered that after so much experience, most people still carefully kept the last trace of heat in their hearts. Because of this enthusiasm, they can continue to be individuals instead of walking dead.

This made Ding Yao unexpected.

He stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling window on the fifth floor, and frowned as he watched the busy scene of entering and exiting the yard.

But Ding Yao hadn't said anything about it yet.

When Qi Lei found Han Yanyan, Han Yanyan squatted in front of a shack and whispered to a frail man who looked seriously malnourished.

"I do," he said, "I will remember ..."

His eyes were full of longing, as if he was going to give Han Yanyan a hoe. Han Yanyan stopped him and whispered in his ear. The man lowered his head and said again and again, "Yes, I understand, I understand ..."

Qi Lei saw Han Yanyan reach out and touch the man's head, and the man suddenly fainted.

At this time Qi Lei could not understand what he saw. He didn't know that with the spread of Han Yanyan's "disaster relief", some people would faint and become hot every day. Later, when Han Yanyan walked the same street again, he would gain more awesome eyes and silent follow.

Xie Hao and Qi Tongtong naturally knew each other. Because he knew, every extra person fainted after being touched by Han Yanyan's head, Xie Hao was even more frightened.

Qi Lei was furious to come to Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan brought down the man and helped his wife drag him into the shack, leaving her some food and two bedding. When he got out of the shack, he saw Qi Lei standing at the alley and staring at her.

"Why are you here?" She asked.

"Let me see what the Virgin looks like." Qi Lei sneered.

Han Yanyan stopped and raised an eyebrow.

Qi Lei remembered how she was squatting in the dirty shack and talking to the two innocent people. Her clean face was reflected by the snow, and she looked like a white jade statue.

"Who do you think you are?" He gritted his teeth. "Are you really a goddess?"

His anger couldn't stop moving upwards, and he kicked over a pile of debris by the wall and shouted at her, "Han Yanyan! What a **** thing! What kind of good person do you pretend to be here!"

Qi Lei and Han Yanyan have always played well, with their identities between friends and suitors, always treating her with gentleness and thoughtfulness. This was the first time he had swear at her.

Han Yanyan was not angry. She tightened her neckline in the cold wind and asked, "Why are you angry?"

Qi Lei couldn't answer her. But his anger was real. He heard that Han Yanyan became the Virgin and distributed materials everywhere. This annoyance accumulated in his chest and he couldn't erupt. Until I saw her with the light of the Holy Light just now, this anger could no longer be suppressed.

She thought who she was!

Qi Lei gritted his teeth and looked at her.

Han Yanyan approached him, his mouth was white, his nose was red.

"I haven't asked you for so long since I met you," she said coldly. "You used to be a soldier. What rank?"

Qi Lei gritted his teeth and deformed his cheeks, and asked, "Why are you asking this? The past!"

Han Yanyan tilted his head slightly: "I just want to know."

Qi Lei turned away: "Two bars and one star."

"Wow, Major!" Han Yanyan sighed, and the conversation turned, asking him, "How many years have passed in the last days, how old are you before the last days, how can you be two stars and one star at such a young age? It's not the second generation of the army who walks through the back door Go up? "

Qi Lei turned back and stared at her.

Han Yanyan smiled. The nose is red, the face is red, and the eyes are jumping with light. At this moment, it looks like a real girl. Anyway, Qi Lei had never figured out her true age.

"I remember it," she said with a smile, "I've seen you in the news before."

"'The youngest flood-resistant hero'!"

"What's the theme of that album? Oh, yes, it's called 'Youth Burning in the Frontline of Disaster Relief'."

"At that time you were set as a model, and your propaganda pictorial was overwhelming. You also came to our school to give a report. Everyone came to see handsome guys. There were too many people. I didn't grab a seat and had to stand behind.

"But you have a few photos captured by reporters during the rescue. They are so handsome. I downloaded them as wallpapers and it took a long time to change them."

Qi Lei felt that what Han Yanyan said was like something from a lifetime. He had almost forgotten all those things. He placed the second-class medal in a dormitory drawer. When the zombie virus broke out, their legion was ordered to rescue them, and they never returned. For several years, I wonder if it is still there?

If those scavengers searching for supplies opened his drawer and turned over, they would probably throw it on the ground and step on it, right?

So what? The things that had let him burn for a long time, have been thrown on the ground by himself and broken.

No badge on his hat, no chapter on his shoulders, he is no longer a soldier!

But he never imagined that one day, in this broken world, he could still see a fire burning, burning on a young slender girl.

He was deeply ashamed and powerless. Shame is too much, it becomes angry, this kind of ... commonly known as shame into anger.

Only then did he discover that Han Yanyan knew who he was from the beginning, knew what he used to be, and saw what he looks like now.

Qi Lei's shame reached its apex. He said nothing and turned away.

"Qi Lei!" Han Yanyan stopped him.

Qi Lei stopped, after a few seconds, turned to look at her.

"It hasn't started to snow, and it's not the coldest time yet. There is no heating and no fuel. Everyone will die, really will die." Han Yanyan stared at him, please, "You think of a way."

Qi Lei exclaimed: "I want a fart!"

The country is gone, the government is gone, huge amounts of material support are gone, and the ability to quickly mobilize is gone.

It's all small groups, united for the benefit. Even if they can be united externally and internally, both within the clan and within the army, they are still fighting. Between squads, between squads and squads, between individuals and individuals! The competition has never stopped, but it has been suppressed by more powerful and powerful people to ensure that the group will not break out.

In the past, it was said that "the state is difficult to rejuvenate the state", but now the state is gone! Everyone lives for themselves!

People's hearts have long been scattered into sand, can they still gather together?

how is this possible!

Qi Lei gritted his teeth and strode toward the alley.

Han Yanyan shouted behind him: "You think of a way-! I leave it to you-!"

Qi Lei's footsteps were lagging, and he didn't turn back, leaving in stride.

He was tall and long, stepped out a long way, heavy military boots were walking, walking too fast, and the hem of the military coat brought a mist of snow.

Along the way, he was thinking, how is it possible, how is it possible!

He walked back to the military base, stood on the playground, and looked up at the building not far away. The school's dormitory building has six floors, and it is already considered a high-rise building in the ancient city of Nanling. Behind every door and window were people.

There are no powers in the Legion, but they are many and all are strong men.

He has so many people! The largest group in Jeollanam-do! On the number of people, even Ding Yao's Thunder can't compare!

Because of too cold and snow, the legion suspended training. In the dormitories of men, the long time is bored.

Just then, the voice of Qi Lei, the nephew of Qi, the No. 2 figure of the Legion, sounded from the playground downstairs.

"Everyone listen to me! I want to take someone out of town!"

"Listen clearly! There is no reward or reward for this mission! There is no coercion and it is completely voluntary!"

"Listen! There are more than 100,000 people in our Nanling City. Now, we are experiencing this cold wave ..."


The men opened the door, pushed the window open, and looked out, listening to Qi Lei's loud hoaring shout on the playground. Hear what he wants to do and why.

"You **** man, stand up for me!" His eyes were red.

The playground was empty and his voice echoed.

"Yes! Is anyone with me!" He shouted. "No one will go by myself!"

"Qi Lei! What crazy are you doing!" Qi head rushed over and shouted sharply.

"Uncle! I'm not crazy!" Qi Lei's eyes flushed. "Do you know what Han Yanyan is doing? Do you know what she is doing?"

"She's crazy! What is the truth now!" Qi Qi also shouted.

"She's just doing what we were supposed to do before!" Qi Lei shouted back, "What a world! She's a woman in such a thing! What about us? What are we doing?"

"Do you think she's alone? No! She has a companion! Thunder! More than Thunder! I've seen several teams!"

"These people were like her before, ordinary people!"

"Uncle, what about your medals? Where have you lost those medals? Where are your first-class medals?"

"Uncle! You look at Han Yanyan, you see her as a girl, don't you panic? Don't you panic!"

Don't panic?

Don't panic?

Do you panic?



Echoes floated on the playground. The muscles on Cap Qi's face twitched slightly, and he gritted his teeth, "You ..."

Suddenly someone shouted in the dormitory: "Qi Lei! I'll go with you!"

"And I!"

"I'll go as well!"

The door opened and the window opened. One after another came out, jumping from the window to the corridor with some anxiety. Footsteps were getting louder and more tidy.

When these men come together, they will unconsciously adjust their pace and embark on the same rhythm.

When the black crowd gathered in front of Qi's uncle and nephew, although they could not remember every face and every name, both the uncle and nephew could distinguish them by just looking at them. Are true soldiers before the end of the world.

Although the legions recruited later received military training, they were not the same after all. From Jingqi Shener, it is completely different from real soldiers.

These soldiers seemed to have just experienced hibernation and were finally awakened. Their eyes look brighter than ever.

"Head, let's go!" Someone shouted.

The shouting man is familiar and is also a veteran.

The head of Qi Qi could not control his eyes.

"Go." He tried to control his emotions, and said Zhi Lei, "The truck can call you. You can take as many people as you can."

Qi Lei laughed, but his tears fell down. He wiped his face, touched his heel, stood up sharply, and raised his hand to salute the head of Qi.

How long haven't you honored the military salute?

The head of Qi Group raised his hand in return, and his backbone for a long time seemed to be straight again.

Qi Lei led the army to raid the city of Nanling outside Nanling City and collected as much woodwork as possible. The tables, chairs, and cabinets were all chopped off when Dzira went back to the ancient city. This is expected by Han Yanyan.

What Han Yanyan didn't expect was that Qi Lei even brought back dozens of tons of coal ore.

"My uncle used to be stationed in the Nanling Military Region. Where there are mines here, the military map is marked." He said.

But all he brought back were raw ore, the direct burning efficiency was too low and wasted.

Han Yanyan and Qi Lei met, and the No. 2 figure in the Thunder team and the No. 2 figure in the military department directly killed the management committee. Qi Lei held a gun pipe against the head of the chairman of the management committee and pulled the veteran oilseed into the water.

The management committee controls the existing people's livelihood in Nanling. Although it can't keep up with the past, it is still effective to mobilize. The factory started working overnight, making a large number of simple coal stoves and chimneys.

But in the ancient city, there were no plants or equipment that could handle the ore. A raging coal-making campaign began in Nanling City.

Digging, gravel, everywhere. The template was made and sent, and every household began to knead briquettes and make honeycomb.

Sun Lijun sighed: "I was like that when I was a kid. In winter, every family has to reserve Chinese cabbage. It feels like it was back!"

No Chinese cabbage. Qi Tongtong and those wood abilities who heard the news to help are busy planting wheat in the snowdrifts, everyone relays, and you ripen me.

When Ding Yao finally came to the area where the refugees lived, he saw such a booming scene.

He walked across the long alley, through the miscellaneous courtyard, and saw the briquettes, the burners, the wheat-growing ones, and the ones helping to cure frostbite ...

The psionics who are here to help are not just the Thunder team.

The phantoms of the various teams and the soldiers in the army coats were not separated from each other, and even joked with each other. They could not see that they had met each other on the street before, and they were tense and angry.

They used to feel that each other was no longer a species. But now, regardless of whether there is an ability on the body or a gun in his hand, aside from all this, everyone is still personal.

Just people.

Ding Yao can understand what is happening here, and he can understand the driving force of these people.

It is clear that one thing is the same, and identification is another. Ding Yao can feel that deep in his heart, he doesn't agree with everything that is happening.

He came to the end of the alley, as if he had seen a long scroll full of fireworks. His painter finally gave a soft evaluation: "ridiculous."

When his lips move slightly. An old tree close to him and the snow on the nearby eaves trembled gently, falling down. It's a pity that calm will soon be restored.

The attendant sighed in disappointment, and continued to watch quietly, waiting.

Han Yanyan doesn't care about disappointment or expectations. She noticed the slight change just now. The fluctuation of Duke Clin's mental power source was approaching the critical value, and he woke up and had nothing to do with it. Here and there, moments later, maybe only a few minutes in the real world.

Li Zhou also told her that the attendant officer is now more and more adapted to high speed operation.

She sat at the end of the alley and looked at Ding Yao with a smile.

She had a pile of briquettes next to her, drying them on cardboard. She moved a pony to sit in the sun. On the concrete floor near her feet, she drew out a pile of messy lines and dots with a stick of a branch and soot.

"What to paint?" Ding Yao stood beside her, lighting a cigarette.

"Boring, blind drawing." Han Yanyan casually wiped those lines with the soles of his shoes.

It's nothing, but the layout on Leo Parker.

The lines represent corridors.

The dots represent cabins.

The triangle is the equipment room.

Turn left is two labs next to each other. After crossing, turn right, it is the arsenal.

The ship's internal teleportation system must be destroyed first, otherwise he can teleport himself or teleport her anywhere.

The direction of the exhaust system should be kept in mind. She is slim and should be able to drill inside.

There is a virtual helmet to help memorize in the world of Mine Stars, and she would not dare to forget it here.

While eating in the cafeteria, while chatting, draw chopsticks with vegetable soup and draw on the plate.

With your eyes closed while you sleep, your fingers are drawn on the sheets.

Sit here to bask in the sun, pick up a branch and draw in the snow.

Leo Parker was standing next to her, completely unaware of what the messy lines on the ground were.

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