Ding Yao knocked on the door of the next room. Han Yanyan opened the door and invited him in.

Ding Yao entered Han Yanyan's room for the first time, and looked around. Although the furniture is still those furnitures, it is clear that Han Yanyan has re-arranged it. Compared with the standard "luxury suite" feeling of Ding Yao's residence, there is obviously a lot of femininity here.

There is a feeling of home at the end of the world.

Ding Yao was a little surprised, but not surprised.

Han Yanyan joined the Thunder for three months, and for its invisible city government, this feminization is a bit surprising. But think of her white dress, Ding Yao's mouth twitched, and she was not surprised.

"Are you better?" He asked.

If it wasn't for Han Yanyan this time, although he might be able to escape, the team members were afraid that the entire army would be wiped out. He and she escaped from dozens of high-level mutant zombies and were both seriously injured. Fortunately, Sun Lijun, who was with the team, had to be full-tailed. He tried his best to treat them and pulled them back from the ghost gate. But two people lost too much blood and consumed too much power, and they felt weak until they returned to Nanling.

"It's much better." Han Yanyan asked him to come in and asked, "Milk powder? Tea?"

Although milk powder is expired milk, tea is old tea for several years, and it is also enjoyed by a few people in the last days.

Ding Yao said, "No, I'll come and see you."

Han Yanyan took an empty glass and gave him half a glass of white water. Ding Yao took it, took a casual sip, set aside, and asked, "Did the power improve?"

Overuse of abilities, when they reach the rear limit, they often break through.

Han Yanyan did not answer, but instead asked, "How about you?"

Ding Yao stretched out his hand, and the glass that he had just dropped casually appeared in his hand. Twisting the space and picking things up, he kept hiding his last hole card and turned it over to Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan smiled. With her smile, the air in the room suddenly became cold, and Ding Yao's cheek skin felt a frozen sting. However, Han Yanyan immediately recovered. The coldness was soon swallowed by the summer heat that had not yet passed away.

The cold air turned into water vapor and covered his face. Ding Yao wiped his face and asked, "How much effort?"

Han Yanyan stretched out a finger and poked lightly on the muscle of his arm, as if teasing from a lover.

Ding Yao glanced at the slender white finger and asked, "How much does it take to freeze the entire room?"

Han Yanyan punched Ding Yao's face with a punch. Ding Yao responded quickly, turned his hand to block the punch, and held it tightly. Han Yanyan's fist was a full circle smaller than Ding Yao's, and he wrapped it in his hands. The two men wrestled silently for a few seconds, letting go.

"That's it?" Ding Yao asked.

"Yes." Han Yanyan said happily.

The two had a close relationship with each other.

This is the trust that has finally been established after life and death.

The last days have been years. Ding Yao had many companions and many men. Among them were strong hands, which he regarded as his right arm. They followed him and assisted him. He led them and often saved their lives.

For the first time, there was a man who could fight with him to the end in that situation.

Ding Yao clearly remembers what happened two days ago.

Blood flowed from his forehead and blurred one eye. The remains of zombies and the bodies of companions were everywhere. The surviving companions either lay on the ground and died, or dragged their seriously injured body to the corner to hide.

But behind him, behind him is fiery.

I could feel her petite and slender, a little shorter than him. But her back was close to him, and she never stepped back.

Ding Yao felt for the first time that a woman can be so powerful and so hard. He leaned back to back with her, knowing in his heart that he didn't have to worry about behind him.

Sure enough, there is no need to worry. At the last moment of thrill, her ice shield saved the lives of both of them.

At that time, Ding Yao knew that she could no longer be treated as an ordinary companion, and he really started to think about her well and deeply. Get to know her as a person, not simply about her origins, background, and abilities.

"Strong," he praised.

Evaluating her true power by the temperature she used to lower the air in just a few seconds and the "amount" of the power she used, really deserves Ding Yao's praise.

Han Yanyan wasn't humble, she paled her lips and smiled openly.

This is really contrary to her, she has a girl's face, but with her sister's aura, like a mystery.

Ding Yao stared at her eyebrows and suddenly changed her title and asked, "Yanyan, do you have twenty? Where is it?"

Han Yanyan made a soft nasal sound, his chin was slightly raised, and asked, "Would you like to ask who I have met before? What happened?"

Ding Yao looked into her eyes.

Han Yanyan was too lazy to write any more stories. In this world, she did not intend to have a relationship with him, and these contents used to pretend her personal image were unnecessary. She said directly, "I can only answer, yes. And, I don't want to mention it in the past."

It's really lazy.

Ding Yao stared at her.

Han Yanyan can see his face from his bright eyes. He gazed at her for so long that she even started to reflect, why give herself such a young face?

Probably, on the one hand, because of her passing away, in memory of youth, on the other hand, because the men in her hometown treat women and love their youth forever, right? But it is a cater.

This face showed both youth and precipitation at the same time. This mysterious combination in Ding Yao's view attracted him deeply. He couldn't help but raise his hand and touched her face ... but didn't.

Han Yanyan raised his palm on the side of his face, blocking Ding Yao's hand.

The eyes of the two pairs met silently, with one side expressing desire and the other side passing rejection.

Before the end of the world, Ding Yao was a white-collar elite with a car and a house. He was young and handsome, and a lot of women wanted to fasten him. After the end of the world, he became the leader of a group of strong men. He is a strong man who can determine the lives and deaths of others, and can give others the greatest protection. There are even more women who want to bring him down than before.

Ding Yao did hardly encounter rejection, and occasionally, he just wanted to welcome and refuse.

But Han Yanyan was obviously not, her eyes were bright and cold. When she looked at him, she was only looking at a person, not a man.

Ding Yao then withdrew his hand, inserted it into his pants pocket, and nodded slightly, saying, "Have a good rest, and you won't go out for a while."

When he wanted to turn and leave, Han Yanyan called "Ding Yao" and shouted at him. She asked, "Is the team going to make adjustments?"

Ding Yao paused and asked, "What do you think?"

Han Yanyan was not polite to him, saying: "The first team has to be recruited and needs to be recruited. The captains of the four teams have just disappeared and they have to arrange for them. The captains of each team have been developing the revolutionary friendship with the same people born and dead for a long time. It ’s not a good thing. It ’s better to take advantage of this opportunity to disrupt everything and regroup them. ”

"And ..." she said unhurriedly, "I also want to bring someone myself. I think I'm ... qualified for this."

Even though she had just been rejected, Ding Yao still wanted to put her beside her. But as a leader, he not only knew that the advice she gave was correct and effective, but also knew that when a capable person like her had an upward desire, forcibly suppressing it would only be counterproductive.

He nodded and said, "Wait for the three teams to come back and reschedule."

He glanced at her, paused, and said, "You can give priority to the person you like."

"Okay." Han Yanyan smiled very sweetly, and ordered a guest, "... good night."

Ding Yao gave her a sideways look and turned back to his room.

Ding Yao lay down and looked at the dim ceiling. What appeared in his mind was Han Yanyan's expression when he blocked his hand. Her eyes were calm and unwavering, without joy, pride, or impatience or disgust, as if everything was just ordinary, like drinking a glass of water and eating a meal.

In fact, Han Yanyan and Qi Tongtong have been rumored to be lesbians in the clan. If true, it seems to explain everything.

Ding Yao stared at the ceiling, feeling that this was not the truth.

She is a mystery.

Because it is a mystery, it is fascinating.

He closed his eyes and felt his back feel hot.

Han Yanyan didn't have to worry about the re-arrangement of each team member, she only gave Ding Yao the list of people she wanted. She asked Qi Tongtong, a wood-based powerhouse, Xie Hao, a space-powered, Sun Lijun, a healing power, and others.

But among these people, only Sun Lijun is a top power, not a combat system. Ding Yao, who she wanted, gave it to her.

When he talked with these people one by one, he noticed that when he was told that he would become a member of Han Yanyan, no one, including Sun Lijun, had any dissatisfaction, and almost everyone accepted it.

In just a few months, Han Yanyan established his prestige in Thunder and gained his popularity.

Ding Yao was busy splitting and reorganizing, breaking up the personal forces gradually formed by several captains. Han Yanyan was much more leisurely. She took Xie Hao to go shopping.

The summer weather is fading, the autumn is high, and the sky is blue like a jewel in this world of industrial suspension. Han Yanyan thought how easy it would be for women to go shopping if every man had space.

In the market, barter is barter. When Han Yanyan went out, he asked Xie Hao to bring those that were difficult to save in her "savings" for several months. Hard currency is of course food.

Xie Hao looked so unattractive. He had been a single dog before the end of the world. I did not expect that after the end of the world, he would have the opportunity to accompany women to go shopping. He soon discovered Han Yanyan's intention--

Han Yanyan saw things like quilts, coats, down jackets, etc., and would come forward to trade. She traded food that was not suitable for long-term storage for winter supplies.

With her position above everyone in the team at this time today, there is no shortage of these things. And she changed too much. It's early autumn. The prices for these winter items can't be increased. A bag of handmade noodles made in the cafeteria can be exchanged for six or seven beds.

She, she collects these ... what do you want to do?

Xie Hao Shen Shen followed Han Yanyan blindly. Han Yanyan walked to a stall, and the stall owner put several down jackets in front of him, which looked very thick and durable. Han Yanyan squatted down and squeezed a sleeve, but the other sleeve of the down jacket was pinched by others at the same time. When two people worked hard at the same time, they pulled up the down jacket.

The other person froze slightly.

Han Yanyan looked up, squinting slightly in the sun.

The youth squatting across her diagonally was dark. In the early autumn when most people wear long sleeves, he still wears tight camouflage short-sleeved t-shirts, and the muscles of the arms and chest shape the t-shirts.

With an assault rifle on his shoulders and a pistol on his waist, a thigh wrapped in camouflage trousers was strapped with a dagger.

He also looked at Han Yanyan.

Han Yanyan went out and wore a long-sleeved sweater. Inside was her signature white skirt, which was highly recognizable. Xie Hao walked along with her. Many people on the street know who she is--with the white skirt, the name Han Yanyan also became the number one figure in Nanling settlement.

The young man smiled, showing a white tooth in the sun: "Is Miss Han the Thunder?"

Han Yanyan likes men with high nose bridges, firm lines, strong muscles but natural shapes, eight abdominal muscles, and thin waists and long legs. Although the young man was squatting on one knee, he could see that there was nothing that did not meet her preferences.

Han Yanyan also laughed and gathered her hair and said, "Please call me Captain Han."

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