The air is very quiet.

Han Yanyan gathered her bangs: "Straight daughter."

Qi Tongtong gave her an unbelieving look.

Han Yanyan: "..."

The two stared with big eyes and small eyes for a while, Qi Tongtong defeated: "Really daughter?"

"Steel straight." Han Yanyan's confirmation was firm.

"Why is it so good to me?" Qi Tongtong was frustrated.

"Is it wrong to be nice to others?" Han Yanyan said silently.

"Before the end of the world, yes." Qi Tongtong glanced at her. "After the end of the world, if you are a trespasser, you are a real good man. He died a few years ago. He who is not dead does not want to be a good man."

Han Yanyan could not refute. After all, the world was created by her.

She exhaled: "It's not because I like you but because I hate you."

"Ah?" Qi Tongtong forced.

"Just hate what you look like now." Han Yanyan raised his chin. "Slightly good, Baba wants to dedicate himself."

Qi Tongtong's face rose instantly.

"Did I say wrong?" Han Yanyan said lightly. "When you are in danger or want to gain benefits and protection, the first thing that comes to mind is to give up your body."

Qi Tongtong took a deep breath and held down the blood that was about to rush to his head.

"I know, you don't have to give up your body," she said. "Look at your outfit and you'll know."

"The Thunder ’s strongest female miracle is Lin Ling, and we all call her Ling Ling. I have never and never seen Lin Ling wearing a skirt. When we were all trousers and flats, I do n’t know when Whenever something happens, it's just for fighting or running. "

"You dare to dress like this, I know that you must be particularly powerful. Zhang Quanquan is already the most powerful ice-based ability. If you are better than him, you will probably catch Ding Yao?"

"So you, of course, you don't have to give up your body."

"Because you don't have to be afraid to place an order. You are not afraid to be watched. You won't go to pee at night when you are with other people, and the berth will be occupied by other girls. As a result, the black light is blind, and the girl is treated as you , Dragged out by a few men covering their mouths, and never again. "

"Sometimes people are more terrible than zombies. But you are not afraid of them."

"So when you see a great person, you can only think about competition. You only think about whether Zhang Quan is more powerful or you are more powerful. You will not think like me. This person is very powerful. Can he protect me? ? "

"And me, or we, in exchange for the protection of a great person like you, can only pay for our body. Because we have nothing else."

She's always angry. Before the end of the last days, the princess was held by the boys in the palm of his hand. After the end of the end, he suffered too much. This temperament converged, but once he got on top, he always couldn't control it.

After speaking in one breath, he regretted himself. She had quarreled with a young female prodigy before. She got excited, didn't hold back her tears, and said, "You can't understand our struggle at all!"

The other side smiled and said, "The struggling posture is beautiful."

At that time, she had clearly told herself that she would never say that to them. Why didn't you hold back?

How would this white dress ridicule her?

But Han Yanyan didn't laugh at her.

Han Yanyan knows her better than anyone else. Because of all the suffering this girl suffered, she gave her.

There are too many articles written by the President, and it is always customary to set female roles to be in a weak position. Good luck is the lord's favorite, and humiliating others is the lord, even the stronger is the lord's help to become stronger.

Han Yanyan, who has not written for decades, returns to the world he originally set. Looking at these settings again, there is a lot of boredom in his heart.

"What if you have it?" She looked at Qi Tongtong faintly.

When she entered the world in the last round, her memory was erased by Leo Parker. Without knowing the truth, Qi Tongtong encountered her inexplicably. Now she knows that because each author's pen will have so many characters that she particularly likes.

To these lovely people she made herself, she wants to be a mother.

Qi Tongtong stared: "What do I have?"

"If you have the ability to protect yourself or even stronger, what would you do?" Han Yanyan asked.

"What can I do?" Qi Tongtong said, "Of course I make myself live like a person."

Who doesn't want to live like an individual? Who wants to be despised or imprisoned if they are not ghosts?

Han Yanyan said, "If someone gives you this ability, it will make you stronger ..."

Qi Tongtong cut off her, and said, "I'm willing to trade anything, as long as I have it."

Han Yanyan suddenly missed the arrival of Tonk Bernat.

In order to get Tang Ke's help, she gave herself like Qi Tongtong.

But that was the last time. When she confronted Leo Parker, she never really wanted to succumb to him from beginning to end.

It's really the last time.

She was willing to accept Ding Yao and Yao Chen, but it was already her. Tonk Bernat changed her for forty years. Now, she can no longer bear the so-called injustice and humiliation.

Han Yanyan stepped forward, holding Qi Tongtong's head: "Remember what you said, and remember these thoughts you have today and now."

Two beautiful faces were so close together that they could breathe. Qi Tongtong said, "You, you, you, you, you also said that you are not a lace edge!"

Han Yanyan smiled: "I'm straight."

She said silently in her heart: "Li Zhou."

Li Zhou immediately responded: "Is it finally time for me to play?"

"Come on, the omnipotent system." Han Yanyan said the sentence in response, "change her parameters."

Li Zhou said, "Leave it to me."

Li Zhou found a piece of data in the complicated data stream and modified that piece of data.

Qi Tongtong only felt a "bang" in her head, as if there was a burst of heat in her head. She had no time to say anything, so she was stunned and fell into Han Yanyan's arms.

Han Yanyan leaned over and hugged her horizontally, and hugged her all the way to the third floor, kicking the door of Room 317.

317 is living in Zhao Yuxuan. She opened the door and saw a strange beautiful girl holding Qi Tongtong horizontally. She was startled and asked nervously, "What happened to her?"

Some men have special habits, or simply because they walk between life and death, the pressure of survival is too great, and they sometimes release these pressures on the girls. Because of the rules established by Boss Ding, they are not allowed to hurt and kill the girls, so they can live a safer life.

But although "killing" is eliminated, things like "killing" always happen from time to time. Boss Ding is just an understatement of blame. In the final analysis, he will not punish those male abilities for them.

"She's okay, but she needs some care." Han Yanyan said, hugging Qi Tongtong into the room.

She is slender, and easily holds a girl taller than her.

"What the **** is going on?" Zhao Yuxuan asked in surprise, "you, are you ...?"

"I'm Han Yanyan, a newcomer." Han Yanyan put Qi Tongtong in bed and said to Zhao Yuxuan, "She's fine, and she'll probably sleep for a day or two."

Zhao Yuxuan touched Qi Tongtong and exclaimed: "It's hot! She's got a high fever!"

"It's not going to die," Han Yanyan said. "You can feed her a few times. Just wait for her to wake up and let her eat something."

She talked with impulse, like someone who used to order. Zhao Yuxuan agreed subconsciously, hesitated, and asked, "Do you need to take medicine?"

"No," Han Yanyan said affirmatively. "Just feed the water."

How can a high fever not take medicine. But this woman in a white skirt was too imposing, and Zhao Yuxuan was afraid to refute her.

She looked at the girl in a white dress, she seemed very young and younger than them, but she bent over and patted Qi Tongtong's face, but that smile brought the grandmother's love, and she was very at odds.

"Trouble you." Han Yanyan entrusted Qi Tongtong to Zhao Yuxuan and turned to leave.

Until the early morning of the third day, Han Yanyan deliberately went downstairs to take a look. Qi Tongtong was still feverish and had not recovered his consciousness.

"I, I have been feeding her water. She was also given antipyretic medicine, but her fever has never returned." Zhao Yuxuan worried.

It ’s so difficult to get medicine, because Qi Tongtong and Lin Ling have a good relationship. She asked Sun Lijun, Sun Lijun gave her a pill, but it did n’t work. Zhao Yuxuan was almost crying.

The girl who seemed a little indifferent and scary said, "It's okay, don't worry, she will wake up when I come back."

The girl set out with Ding's team. Zhao Yuxuan kept looking through the window and saw that she was sitting in an off-road vehicle, which was the car of Boss Ding.

She also heard other girls saying that she had eaten for the past two days. Boss Ding personally recruited a particularly powerful female psionicist, and she seemed to be her.

Seeing Han Yanyan wearing a tactical vest, camouflage trousers, and black army boots boarded the car, Zhao Yuxuan sighed enviously, returned to the bed to feed Qi Tongtong and drank, and then sat there watching her daze.

She was afraid that Qi Tongtong would die. Although she often finds it boring to be alive, she is still afraid of death.

Qi Tongtong is a bit arrogant, a bit quick-tempered, but also full of energy. Many times, Zhao Yuxuan looked at her, thinking that such a lively girl was also in a situation with her, so she would not feel so difficult.

She couldn't help but hold Qi Tongtong's hand, she cried and said, "Don't die ..."

Suddenly Qi Tongtong snorted and said hoarsely, "Who, who cursed me!"

She woke up.

Still the task of going to the factory to move the machine.

The team drove for a few hours. When entering the urban area, they took a circle to attract the zombies, and then chose a straight path, which led the zombies to the straight path as the game attracted strangers.

There were people on the truck who joined the Thunder's search team for the first time. The palms of their hands holding the fire axe were so sweaty.

"Really, is it okay?" He trembled, asking everyone the truth.

"Just wait and see." The team members on the train didn't care.

The other said a little proudly, "We are the Thunder, our boss is Ding Yao."

While talking, the car stopped.

Seeing the black corpse approaching behind, the search crew on the last truck were so nervous that they could not help shrinking towards the front of the car.

Just then, a water polo appeared between the truck and the zombies.

When it was first formed, it was only a large basketball. With constant rotation, it swelled in just a few seconds and changed from a water polo to a rotating water ring. The water ring rotates and stretches, looks like a white tornado, and **** water like a dragon appeared in the hurricane weather on the sea.

In the current, there are countless ice blades wrapped around, and the sharp light flashes in the sun.

The water dragon grew thick very fast, and the speed of rotation was so fast that everyone in the team heard the howling sound formed by the airflow.

When the front zombies approached so that the five senses could be seen clearly, the water dragon whistled and killed the past!

Like a huge whip, across the road. Wherever he went, the corpse's limbs shattered, and the broken limbs were flying around.

When this ice-wrapped water dragon flickered in the air and disappeared, nearly a hundred meters of roads were piled with zombie fragments, and the stench smelled, but there was no complete zombie.

The search team members relaxed after being shocked and began to admire.

"It's awesome!"

"It's a thunder!"

"Ding Yao is the strongest in Nanling?"

"Well, how did I hear that Mr. Ding is a lightning department?"

The puzzled searchers turned their heads and wanted to verify with the team members who were on the train, but found that the two team members were looking at the layers of corpses outside the car, and they were just as shocked.

"Yes, is that newcomer?" A man asked babbling.

"Yes, right?" The other answered, uncertainly, "I heard it was a woman?"

The two players glanced at each other.



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