When Ding Yao woke up, the boat was quiet. It's too quiet, and the faint cries from outside are loud.

Ding Yaoteng sat up!

"Mom!" He shouted, "Mom! Mom!"

He couldn't see his eyes, as if returning to the moment when he was blind. There was a panic in my heart.

He got out of bed, stumbled out, and banged into the hatch first. It's different from home. The hatch is closed. He covered his stunned head, fumbled by the door, found the button, and the door opened.

He searched the spaceship. Xiaoyan and Qiao Chengyu could not be found.

No one, no blood, no luggage. More importantly, all energy mines are gone.

A clear fact was in front of Ding Yao, but Ding Yao refused to believe it.

The last ten years of interdependence and intimacy. Beyond mother and child, beyond men and women, have each other, and love each other. How to make him believe that Xiaoyan abandoned him for a man?

Xiaoyan just abandons the whole world and will not abandon him!

He shouted exhaustedly: "Little-smoke!"

There was only echo in the deck.

Ding Yao fumbled to find the button and opened the deck cabin. The cold wind screamed and rolled in.

It was a noisy sound involved with the cold wind. Cry, scream, and even laugh. The people outside are crazy.

The deck of the landship opened, revealing a child, or a child with apparently problematic eyes. At this time, no one came to rob the fire.

Robbery has lost its meaning. Because the last ship in Materet was taking off.

The abandoned people screamed and cried after the ship. That is people's last hope for survival. That hope abandoned them.

Ding Yao stepped down from the deck and was hit several times, almost falling. He snapped at someone who hit him, and asked sharply, "What's going on? What happened?"

He had the same strength as an adult, and he was caught by a woman. The woman was crying as she struggled: "The ship is gone! The ships that can fly are gone! We are left!"

Ding Yao shivered and yelled, "Impossible!"

The woman shoved him down and screamed loudly: "Fool! Your parents have left you! You have been abandoned! Blind!"

Ding Yao was caught off guard by her, and was knocked down by other running people, and fell to the ground. Then the surging person stepped on his leg and broke his leg bone.

Ding Yao screamed in pain and rolled away to avoid more tramples.

He listened to footsteps and heard that everyone was running in the same direction.


"Don't let that ship go!"

"The last one!"

Ding Yao understood what was happening. He dragged his broken leg and crawled in that direction.

Although the wind was whistling and the noise was noisy, he still clearly heard the huge buzz of the spacecraft engine!

Don't go!



The buzz suddenly amplified, and then went away.

The crowd was silent for a moment, then a desperate sound broke out!

People are crazy! Some people were crying on the ground, some were tearing their hair down, some were laughing, some were shooting with guns, and some were screaming in shots.

Everyone is crazy.

Ding Yao has been crawling, crawling all the time.

He was stomped and stomped again. He was trampled on the internal organs and vomited blood. He kept climbing.

I don't know how many feet he was stepped on, he finally lost his strength and could no longer crawl.

He rolled over, looking up, his gray pupil staring at the starry sky where nothing could be seen.

"Ah ..." a hoarse voice made in his throat.




Like a beast, stubborn, desperate.

His hand became a fist, and his muscles crept up.

The spacecraft parked nearby began to tremble gently ...

Qiao Chengyu woke up and suddenly found that the environment around him had changed.

No cabins and no beds. The environment, like a cargo hold or a pigsty, is that people shrink to the ground and lie horizontally. The circulatory system that does not run smoothly can not filter the air in time, various odors stimulate the sense of smell, and even smell the constipation.

He touched his neck and remembered that Xiaoyan walked into his cabin and stunned him. What the **** happened?

Xiaoyan sat on the ground, leaning on a few boxes with his eyes closed.

She heard the movement and opened her eyes: "Are you awake?"

"What's going on?" Qiao Chengyu asked.

Xiaoyan said succinctly: "There are fewer ships and prices have gone up, and our energy mine is only enough for two people to get on board."

Qiao Chengyu paused. He discovered that Xiaoyao was not there.

He looked at the little smoke, his vest was cold. What made him cold was not that Xiaoyan abandoned Xiaoyao, but that Xiaoyan abandoned Xiaoyao, but it was so indifferent.

Xiaoyan looked at him and suddenly reached out to touch his face. Qiao Chengyu instinctively ducked backwards.

Xiaoyan's hand froze.

"I took you aboard, but I was disgusted by it?" She laughed at herself.

Qiao Chengyu was speechless. As a vested interest, he could not say anything against Xiaoyan. But Xiao Yan did scare him.

Xiaoyan cares for Xiaoyao and is intimate. She is not Xiaoyao's biological mother, but many of her biological mothers may not be able to do things for Xiaoyao.

Even if it was for the man she loved, she had to make an offensive decision, at least ... at least she should have the emotion she deserves.

But she didn't.

The abandonment of Xiaoyao is an understatement and no need to worry about it. As if her love for Xiaoyao was false in the past.

Anyone who still has a heart will feel fear.

"You actually ..." Xiao Yan stared at him and asked, "I have never loved me, have I?"

In front of her, Qiao Chengyu felt unable to lie. As if there is no human smoke, it cannot be deceived. He silently defaulted.

Xiaoyan had no trouble with this, opened his mind and looked at the time, and said to himself: "He should wake up. No change, it seems to have failed."

"I tried my best, gentlemen. This world is here too." She stood up, held her neck loose, and said, "I can only continue in the next world."

She seemed to be talking to an invisible person.

After that, she stepped over the people on the ground, walked to the door, and slammed the door. Qiao Chengyu didn't know what she was talking about, but habitually acted with her and followed her.

The hatch opened, a man with a gun in his hand and a gun in his waist said impatiently, "What?"

"Want to go to the toilet," Xiao Yan said.

"Isn't there a barrel over there!" The man said.

"I want to go somewhere private." Xiao Yan took off his mask and showed his beautiful face. "After all, it's about privacy."

The man's eyes lit up, and hehe laughed, "Follow me, you can come with me and take you to a good place, whatever."

When Xiao Yan turned around, he took out the gun in his waist, and shot him obliquely upward from under his ribs.

There was an exclamation in the dim cargo bay.

Qiao Chengyu changed his face, but did not hesitate to bend down and pick up the gun in the man's hand. Looking up, Xiaoyan had stepped out of the door, and he followed closely.

When Xiao Yan slaps the switch, the people in the cargo hold are too late to respond, and he is locked in the door again.

There were panic clapping and cursing sounds inside.

Xiaoyan ignored it, and she turned to go outside.

Qiao Chengyu doesn't know what she is going to do, but he and her are a community of interests and can only follow her actions.

He thought she would need him, but he was wrong.

Qiao Chengyu witnessed the real force value of Xiaoyan. She killed the ship from the cargo hold to the bridge, and washed blood all the way. She did not give Qiao Chengyu a shot.

Xiaoyan pushed the operator's body from the chair to the floor and sat up on his own.

Qiao Chengyu took a deep breath of blood and asked, "Let's go pick up Xiaoyao?"

"According to the logic of this world, it should be like this." Xiaoyan quickly flew and operated the buttons. "But abandoning him is my ultimate purpose in this world."

Qiao Chengyu had no idea what she was talking about.

"What do you mean? What do you mean? Why don't we pick up Xiaoyao? You already control the spaceship!" He asked.

His voice stopped abruptly because Xiaoyan's muzzle aimed at him.

"You have always loved your wife, haven't you?" Han Yanyan asked.

Qiao Chengyu looked at the dark muzzle and nodded.

"Can I not match her?" Han Yanyan asked.

Qiao Chengyu was silent for a long time and said, "You are more beautiful than her."

Han Yanyan snorted and asked, "Then?"

"You look a little like her, but you don't look very much. Your heart is too hard." Qiao Chengyu looked at her. "I used to think that if she gave her ten years to train her mind, she might become you. But I was wrong, give her Ten, twenty, thirty years, she won't become you. "

"She's hot, and you ... you're cold."

Qiao Chengyu finally revealed his true thoughts to Xiaoyan.

Qiao Chengyu couldn't understand what kind of emotion flashed in Xiao Yan's beautiful eyes. Peeling off the innocence, wildness, and gentleness, the real smoke is so complicated that even people like him cannot see through.

Xiaoyao ... That mind is deeper and more terrifying than an adult, and she is not like a child's child, has she been deceived by her?

What kind of world did he come into and what kind of woman did he meet.

Han Yanyan looked at this man quietly.

"Chengyu ..." She said softly, "Tell you something."

Qiao Chengyu stretched his shoulders and held his breath.

Han Yanyan said, "Loved it."

Qiao Chengyu was stunned, and was then penetrated by a laser beam.

The handsome man fell into a pool of blood and died without pain.

This section of Han Yanyan ’s favorite data has realized his final value here.

This masturbation is enough.

Han Yanyan put the gun on the console and activated the weapon system.

"Warning! Insufficient energy! Energy consumption of the weapon system will cause the ship to fail to operate normally! Warning! Insufficient energy! Energy consumption of the weapon system will cause the ship to fail to operate normally!"

Han Yanyan ignored the warning, but Yu Guang in the corner of her eye did see that the gun placed on the operating table began to tremble, which was a sign before the end of the world.

Han Yanyan did not know from what angle Leo and the attendant were monitoring her at this time. She did not raise her eyelids, pretending not to notice this sign, thinking that the plan of the world had completely failed, saying to herself: "Work harder in the next world."

After that, she patted her on the red button.

The attendant stood next to her. He reached out his hand subconsciously and shouted, "Stop!"

But he didn't actually enter the world. Everything he saw was a realistic, three-dimensional holographic projection that was resolved in the cerebral cortex after the light flow-infused information entered the brain.

He reached out and couldn't stop Han Yanyan. He only poked at the hatch of the operation cabin and hurt his finger.

Han Yanyan photographed it with a single palm, and a huge beam of death shot towards the surface of the planet.

The child with gray pupils, lying on the cold ground at this moment, was howling in despair.

This hoarse, howling, ended in the beam of light from the sky.

Han Yanyan forcibly ended the world.

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