Ding Yao estimated that Han Yanyan would be about twenty-five years old.

Although she had an unfortunate experience, it was obviously impossible for women to taste the beauty of love in that situation. Ding Yao himself has never been trapped by a particular woman, but he also has to admit that those pleasures are addictive and difficult to extricate. Especially in the case of poor living conditions, it is particularly addictive.

For example, in the last days, such as a waste mine star abandoned by human society.

If the most basic physiological desires of human beings are accumulated too long to be relieved, they are really prone to metamorphosis. Ding Yao knew very well.

However, Ding Yao was not generous enough to give Xiaoyan enlightenment education and instructed her to find the relief of Qiao Chengyu. He said at best: "I see, I won't kill him first."

Xiaoyan was relieved. She hugged him and murmured, "He's really good-looking, every move, talking, and even raising his eyebrows are very beautiful ..."

Ding Yao closed his eyes and didn't want to listen at all. At this moment, Xiaoyan Yan recovered her fluff again, and was filled with an ear Qiao Chengyu how beautiful.

In the end, Xiaoyan lamented: "How can there be someone like him in the world?"

Ding Yao was speechless.

Han Yanyan asked Qiao Chengyu the next day, "Will you use a gun?"

"Yes." Qiao Chengyu paused and said, "My wife likes fighting and shooting very much, and I'm both involved in both."

Of course, Han Yanyan knew that at that time, he often squeezed time to accompany Miss Han Yanyan to the shooting range. She likes it, and he takes the time to understand it even if he doesn't understand it. He cared too much about her at that time, and really held the young lady Han Yanyan as a princess.

So now, now that she was a little smoke with hair like a henhouse, but he was still beautiful, would he still love her?

Han Yanyan converged and asked, "Which gun are you good at? Ammo gun? Or laser gun?"

Qiao Chengyu said, "Ammunition."

"Ammunition and firearms were useless before I was born. There are no raw materials for producing ammunition. Now everyone's weapons are laser guns. You have to adapt."

Han Yanyan and Ding Yao surrounded a shooting practice range with large pieces of trash outside the spacecraft for normal practice. It's slightly blocked here, the wind is not so strong. Qiao Chengyu was wrapped in several layers with a warm cloth, and Han Yanyan gave him a removable heater.

The environment is so bad that robberies are more common than before. Before going out, he must ensure that Qiao Chengyu has the ability to protect himself, otherwise he cannot be released.

Han Yanyan had the best shooting percentage among the three. She was almost hit. Ding Yao put on the imager and hit it out of nowhere. It was quite surprising for a child, especially a child with inconvenient eyes.

Qiao Chengyu had a process of adapting to the laser gun and began to miss a few shots. Two hours later, he could hit three or four shots out of ten. Ordinary ordinary people, this level.

Han Yanyan thought he could, so he took him out.

In the wind and sand, Qiao Chengyu from the bustling world faced the lives of Han Yanyan and Ding Yao.

There is nothing like trash. It's as small as waste paper and as big as a spaceship. The mice shuttled in groups. As soon as he turned, without looking at his feet, he tripped over the dead man's bones.

What a world is this.

"Are you okay?" Xiao Yan came over and asked with concern. "You don't look well."

Qiao Chengyu said "um", pulled the warm cloth, covered his mouth and nose, and lowered his eyes.

"Don't move, I'm Bibi." Han Yanyan pushed Qiao Chengyu to turn around, picked up a coat planed out of the garbage dump and gestured on him.

"The size is inseparable and should be able to wear it." She said happily.

The clothes were not only foul, there were many stains, but also large **** things. This is what he will wear in the future.

Qiao Chengyu looked away and said, "Thank you."

He is tall and born with a clothes rack. Even if he is wrapped in a large piece of warm cloth for heating, he looks so different from the natives here. How can you change the temperament of your son?

Xiaoyan stunned, and the joy of finding a fitting garment just now seemed to dissipate.

"Oh ... I'll look for something else," she said listlessly.

Although the girl wore henhouse-like hair, her face was as beautiful as a star. A girl like her is going to live in his world. Anyone will love it, and she will become popular every minute. Here, she lived in the trash.

Qiao Chengyu couldn't bear it. He took the dirty clothes in her hand and said, "The more the better, it's really cold."

As soon as Xiao Yan froze, a big bright smile appeared on his face.

Ding Yao felt the gun handle around his waist and watched around, thinking that he was also intimate.

I learned a lot on this day. When Xiao Yan carried a bunch of clean clothes to Qiao Chengyu at night, Qiao Chengyu was also surprised: "So clean?"

Those stains on Qiao Chengyu's eyes that should not be washed out are gone. Although the clothes were old and faded, they were indeed surprisingly clean.

Xiaoyan said busyly: "The ultrasonic cleaner I made is definitely no problem, there will be no stains left. And it is UV sterilized, you can wear it with confidence."

It turns out that this is how the high-tech world works. Qiao Chengyu realized that he should change his mind to adapt to the way the world works.

Qiao Chengyu then became the third member of the family. Since then, the trip is three people, the tableware is three servings, and the consumption of nutrient solution will naturally increase to three people.

At first Qiao Chengyu could only help with some physical work. Later, every time what parts are needed, Xiaoyan will use his brain to call up a map to tell him what the parts are like, and what things they may have. Qiao Chengyu gradually can help more.

Xiaoyan always calls him to help, so she can have more time with him.

Xiaoyan lived in isolation from a very young age. She was neither euphemistic nor tortuous about Qiao Chengyu, and she expressed his love plainly.

That day they were searching outside for supplies. Ding Yao's eyesight was inconvenient to distinguish the fine things in the large pile of debris. When the two were busy searching, he went to catch the mouse.

The mice on this planet are probably the only creatures not affected by climate change. They are even more plump than ever. Xiaoyan had heard about it from his father when he was a kid, and it is said that before humans came to mine energy on this planet, the creature stood up as tall as an adult. On the contrary, the arrival of humans has compressed their living space and affected their recipes, and their volume has become smaller and smaller.

Those mice are sensitive, but they are living creatures and have heat. In Ding Yao's imager, it was shown in red.

Ding Yao was short in stature, but carrying a large bag with an open mouth. Every time a mouse is shot, it is thrown into the backpack with its tail. The source of meat in the family now depends on him, and he relies on this to continuously improve his marksmanship.

When the back was almost packed, he tightened his bag and walked back. When he got to the place, he looked up to find the two men. The imager is not very convenient in daily life, but it is very easy to find people. Even if something blocked his vision, he could still easily find two red human figures.

He tightened his backpack and walked towards the two men, stopping suddenly.

Somewhere in the field of vision, the shorter human figure fluttered onto the tall human figure. Two human figures were stuck together.

Ding Yao took a few steps aside, found a shelter from the wind, threw his backpack on the ground, and sat down with his back against something. At this time, it is suitable to have a cigarette, but unfortunately not here.

Looking up again, the two human figures have separated, as if talking.

"Why?" Xiao Yan looked at Qiao Chengyu who pushed her away.

"I'm sorry." Qiao Chengyu wiped his lips and said, "I can't ..."

Xiaoyan is even more puzzled.

"I'm beautiful, really." She said, "The men who see me want to catch me. Some of them want to sell me, some want to do that to me. Why don't you want to?"

Xiao Yan's straight-through emotional expression makes Qiao Chengyu helpless. Man really cannot be too detached from society.

"Yes, you are beautiful." He said. "But I'm married. I have a wife."

Xiao Yan refused to accept: "But you can't see her anymore. She's on your planet, you can't even leave here! You won't see her in a lifetime, do you understand?"

How could Qiao Chengyu not understand. From the moment he first looked up to see the big and small planets hanging in the gray sky, he knew this life ... about never to meet his lover.

Not to mention that it is inseparable from this planet. Even if he leaves the planet and the universe is vast, he ... doesn't know where his original planet is.

As a mature man, Qiao Chengyu was not angry. He just looked at the pretty girl with his lips tight.

He knew that she was not maliciously heartbreaking. She is in her twenties or so, she has strong survival skills and fighting abilities, but in terms of emotions ... it is completely elementary school level. Vigorous desire fluttered in her pretty eyes, and she simply regarded it as like.

"It's getting dark," he said softly. "Let's go back soon."

He jumped first. Xiaoyan's skill is much better than him, without his help. But he took a few steps forward and turned around to see her without hearing her follow.

Xiaoyan was still standing on it, and his henhouse-like hair was ruffled by the wind. Tears flashed in the girl's eyes in the light of the setting sun.

Qiao Chengyu clearly saw it. But he turned around and walked towards the speeding car.

He didn't see the girl burst into tears in the sunset, but smiled.

Ding Yao with inconvenient eyes is more sensitive than others. The unusually silent atmosphere along the way made him understand that the cabbage of his family went to pig, but it didn't.

In my last life, I was very seductive. In this life, I was so stupid that even a man could not sleep. Ding Yao rubbed his teeth several times along the way.

In the evening he asked Xiao Yan: "Are there any hallucinations from Abek?"

Xiaoyan immediately said vigilantly: "No, all are sold off as hallucinogens. What do you want?"

They believe that Abbot's crop cultivation room is theirs. It's just that some of the plants that need careful maintenance are dead. After one of the plants died, the fruits were still hanging from the branches. Xiao Yan found Abram's brain and checked, and found that the fruit had hallucinogenic effects. She made them all hallucinogens according to Abbot's formula.

There is a market for this kind of thing, any time, anywhere. Those hallucinogens sold for a good price.

However, Xiao Yan warned Ding Yao severely from the beginning that he would never touch such a thing. Ding Yao knows this kind of thing better than her, and of course he won't touch it like that. But he wanted to use it for Qiao Chengyu.

That kind of thing is hallucinogenic and aphrodisiac.

Just leave it alone.

Ding Yao lay down for a while and said, "You can tie him up."

Xiaoyan inexplicably: "Huh?"

"Don't you want to do that kind of thing to him?" Ding Yao said lightly, "you can tie him up."

What men do to women, women can actually do to men. Regardless of how men resist mentally, the body can't afford to stir. The value of Xiaoyan's military force is much higher than Qiao Chengyu. If she really wants it, she can do it.

Xiaoyan was startled: "Where did you learn from? You won't be separated from me in the town!"

"I'm serious," Ding Yao said.

Xiaoyan turned his back to him: "No."

After a while, she said dullly, "That's not happy. He's not happy, and I'm not happy. I was ... sad at that time."

"Then wait patiently," Ding Yao said, "he won't stay for long."

Nothing stands up to time and loneliness.

He rolled over, hugged Xiaoyan, and patted her gently. Just like he did to him when he was a baby.

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