Under the condition of asymmetric information, Han Yanyan arranged a head-to-head meeting between the two parties.

Although Ding Yao was able to kill unexpectedly without the other's defense, but in such a head-on collision and confrontation, he was only five years old and a burden.

"Let him go! Or I will kill him!" Han Yanyan snapped. Although her gun was pointing at one of these people, her voice was very strong.

Because Ding Yao was being carried by someone else, the collar was held in his hand, and his head was still pointed at the gun.

His face turned blue, and he didn't struggle because there was nothing he could do. Compared with these strong men, he is alive like a doll.

"Single woman? With a child?" The leader asked loudly, "Mechanist Nita?"

Han Yanyan said, "It's me. What do you want to do?"

The leader said: "Mr. Matrett wants you to work for him."

Don't say Han Yanyan by this name, even Ding Yao knows it. Matrett, villain, big guy, pervert man who likes little girls. Han Yanyan's father was killed because Dean's father wanted to sell Han Yanyan to this man.

"Yes!" Han Yanyan shouted, "You put my child down first!"

The leader looked at Ding Yao, and instead of letting him release him, he walked over and grabbed Ding Yao into his arms and put it under his arm.

"You follow us, your child will be fine!" He shouted.

A female mechanic wearing a mask with her gun against the temple of the person she was subduing, screamed: "I'll go with you! He can't! Let him go!"

The leader snorted and threw Ding Yao to the ground with his feet in leather boots stepping directly on his back.

Although Ding Yao did not hesitate to say nothing, "Little Smoke" lost his calmness and shouted sharply: "Stop! Stop!"

The leader smirked, and raised his hand to the bottom, a shot. Han Yanyan screamed!

"Xiaoyao! Xiaoyao--" She seemed to be going crazy.

"I'm fine ..." Ding Yao finally had to speak.

A small pit appeared on the land next to it, and it was still smoking, less than five centimeters from Ding Yao's head.

"Put down the gun, or the next shot will be his head." The leader said fiercely.

Mechanic Nita had no choice but tossed the gun and was kicked away by the man who kept pointing her head. Quickly came up two men folded her arms behind her, pressed her to control her by the shoulders, and drew her dagger tied to her thigh.

"Let him go! Don't hurt him!" She said, wearing a mask, her eyes flushed.

The leader had not spoken yet, but the man who had pointed her head before turned back and shouted hesitantly: "... little smoke?"

Mechanic Nita's voice came to a halt, staring at the man as if he had just recognized him: "Dean?"

Dean said with surprise and joy: "It's you!"

Then, as soon as he reached out, he took off the female mechanic's mask.

There was a sudden silence all around.

Ding Yao was stepped on his face against the sand and gravel, gritted his teeth fiercely, and regretted his softness. He should have destroyed her face by hand. When she grows up like this, she will only bring disaster to herself. Now he is not only unable to protect her, but also becomes her burden.

Sure enough, the men reacted after their eyes were straight for a moment, and someone immediately suggested: "Mario! This woman! Let's refresh yourself!"

"Yeah, yeah, it's rare to encounter such a superb thing. When she gets to Mr. Matterette, it won't be our turn!"

"Mario, you are the boss, you go first! We line up, hehe!"

Hurrying out to stop but Dean.

"No! No!" He turned blue, regretting that he shouldn't take off Xiaoyan's mask in front of everyone, alas, "She is my fiancee!"

The men laughed.

"Come on! Where's your fiancee!"

"Your biological father has abandoned you. Do you still have a fiancee? Hahahaha!"

The leader named Mario was clearly tempted by the crowd and was so upset by Dean. He dropped his face and ridiculed, "When this woman is delivered to Mr. Mattret, you dare say she is you. Fiancee try? "

Dean was discouraged at once. But he reluctantly said, "Mr. Matrett asked us to find her because she was a powerful mechanic. You are going to hurt her. What if she refuses to work for Mr. Matrett?"

Mario did come from such a task, and could not help hesitating.

"What are you afraid of, don't you still have this little cub?" A man came over and kicked Ding Yao who was stepped on the ground by Mario. "Mr. Mattrett only said that he wanted a mechanic, but didn't say that he wanted to. This little cub. Let's hand in the woman and lock the little cub down. If she dare not cooperate, she chops the little cub's finger! "

Ding Yao closed his eyes, his teeth were bleeding.

Mario was persuaded. He stooped and picked up Ding Yao and handed it to the man, saying, "Send the boy back to the boat with Nita. Let's go find the **** nutritionist first, and we'll cool off when we go back!"

Several men cheered, but Dean muttered a few words in frustration, and there was no sound.

Ding Yao was gripped by his neck and suddenly said, "Is that nutritionist brown hair and blue eyes?"

Mario stared, and asked, "Have you ever met him?"

Ding Yao said, "I know where he is, and I can show you the way."

"Yes," Mario said with a smirk. "But if you dare to lie to us, your mother will be unlucky ... In other words, is she your mother? Really not like a woman who has had a child!"

"She is my mother." Ding Yao said in a deep voice. "I won't lie to you. I just ask you not to hit mother and me."

The men laughed again. The child was too young to know what they were going to do with the woman, thinking they were going to hit her.

Even Mario laughed. After laughing, he nodded the two men who pressed Nita and said, "You two take her back to the boat first. You two go with me to find a nutritionist."

Mario pulled Ding Yao into the speeding car and was about to get on the car. He suddenly turned around and walked to Han Yanyan. He stretched out his index finger and clicked two people left and right, threatening, "You two If you dare to touch her before I return ... "

"Rest assured, Mario!" A man frowned and smiled. "You must be the first one."

Mario got into the speeding car with satisfaction. Three men and one child went in the direction of Ding Yao.

Before the car started, Ding Yao looked at Han Yanyan. Han Yanyan also glanced at him.

I'm not here, you have to find a way to escape!

The car whistled away with him, wondering if Xiaoyan understood what he meant. Her skill is actually very good, she still has a lot of small weapons and equipment hidden in her body. Without him, it is not impossible to escape.

Don't wait for him to come back stupidly and refuse to run away.

Watching the car leave, the two men cut Han Yanyan's arms back and pressed her to their landship.

"Well, we have to wait for them to come back ... Mom is so uncomfortable!" One muttered.

The other man listened, and was trying to say something with a smile, and suddenly felt that the slender arm in his hand moved.

Han Yanyan leaned forward slightly, leaning down suddenly, turning 360 degrees with his arms as the axis, a long leg slammed into the back of a man's neck. The man screamed, and suddenly let go of his hand, and flung to the ground.

Another man was so frightened that he let go of Han Yanyan's elbow and wanted to draw a gun. The two arms staggered, and his wrist was held by Han Yanyan and pulled back violently. He lost his balance and rushed to Han Yanyan. Han Yanyan's other elbow hit his throat with lightning, only he heard "click" A cracking sound. The man's eyeballs protruded, and his body softened instantly.

Han Yanyan pulled his gun from his waist when he closed his elbow. The man who had previously fallen to the ground was hit by the gun with his eyebrow left behind, leaving a blood hole. After standing still for a second, he fell to the ground.

After the rabbit rises and falls, the battle is over.

Han Yanyan handed the gun to his left hand, shook his head with his right hand while holding his back neck, loosened his neck, and turned his head to look at the direction where the car had just left.

What did Ding Yao just look at her just now? She didn't understand.

"That's it, park the car there." Ding Yao stretched his finger somewhere.

"Are you there?" The men held their guns.

"No, there is still some distance," Ding Yao said, "but your car is too noisy, he will definitely hear it. He runs away, and you will never find him here."

Their speeding car is much larger and louder than the one Han Hanyan currently uses. To let Ding Yao compare, it is equivalent to the difference between a family car and a large off-road vehicle. Not only is it noisy, but also bulky, it is more suitable for driving in open places. In junkyards with complex terrain, sometimes wide and sometimes narrow, it is not very suitable.

It was actually learned by a Mao child, and it was impossible to refute it. Several adults were quite speechless.

They stopped the car as he said and followed Ding Yao to continue walking.

After a while, Mario was so intolerable that he stomped his hips: "Can you hurry up!"

Ding Yao fell to the ground with a sting, and he got up and patted the soil on his hands: "This is already my fastest speed."

Others had short legs and did not lie. Mario froze, angrily wrapped his collar around his neck, and threw him to Dean: "You, carry him!"

Boss Dean reluctantly carried Ding Yao on his back. Ding Yao lay on his shoulders and showed them the way.

After walking for a while, Ding Yao suddenly said, "This is it."

Several people immediately raised their guns with vigilance.

Ding Yao pointed to the front and said, "The entrance is on the other side, but I don't know if he has another entrance."

In this case, the man named Mario did make the strategic arrangement he expected.

"Dean looks at this boy, don't let him run away. Find a commanding height and ambush." ​​Mario said, "Collie followed me and scrambled from both sides."

After the division of labor, the three men moved. Mario and Corley split their heads in two directions. Dean said to Ding Yao: "Catch me, and I will fall down and kill you. I don't care." After that, he carried Ding Yao on his back and started climbing on the garbage mountain.

As he climbed, he asked: "I said, you are really a little smoke? It doesn't look like it. Who is your father?"

Ding Yao said, "I don't know. I don't have a father."

"Well, it must have been strong by which man." Dean said with regret.

Ding Yao asked: "What is strong on?"

Dean's attention was distracted by this funny question. He grinned and said, "I'll let you know what it means to be strong when you go back."

He has a long body and long limbs, and he is very sensitive to climb up. He has already climbed a long way while talking. When the voice dropped, he was climbing up a small platform, ready to stand, and his throat suddenly became cold.

"Don't move," the child on the back said vaguely.

Dean's soul fluttered, and the movement that he was about to climb up also froze. The whole person lay on a small platform like a gecko, and did not dare to move.

"Where is your father?" Ding Yao asked.

"You, what did you ask him?" Dean said blably.

With a little hard work from Ding Yao, Dean felt that his throat was cold and painful, and blood bleed out.

"Don't stop, don't stop!" He said with a trembling voice. "He, he left me and my mother two years ago, and bought his own ticket and left."

"He is willing to leave his son?" Ding Yao asked.

"I, I was seriously ill at the time. You know, there are so many medicines and it ’s too expensive to die. He happened to do a vote and made a lot of money, plus the savings at home, just enough for a ticket. ... he, he sneaked away by himself. "Dean answered with a trembling voice.

"As a result, you live." Ding Yao felt ironic.

"Yes, it's my mother. My mother smashed the pot to sell iron, and also sold herself an eyeball and saved me." Dean said.

"..." Ding Yao said, "I see."

He moved his wrist slightly, and a sharp blade ran across Dean's throat, cutting through his trachea.

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