"Beep" two times, the operating system of the speeding car was unlocked, Han Yanyan tightened Ding Yao's back strap, held the operating handle and pulled, and the speeding car emptied.

Han Yanyan didn't leave immediately. While driving a speeding vehicle over the mountain top, she deftly opened the panel under the dashboard with her right hand, exposing the wires inside. She stabilized the speeding car, flicked her finger a few times, found the line she was looking for, and smashed it. A few sparks flashed at the end of the broken wire, and the speeding alarm was issued: "The positioning system is offline."

In this way, Dean and his father can no longer track the speed of the car through the bound brain.

Han Yanyan then chose a direction and drove away.

"Find a place to hide first," she said to Ding Yao, "when they find that they can't find me, and then find that the speeding car is gone, they will think that I have run away. If they look carefully, they will probably find my flight. Shuttle. The shuttle changed for the ride, it's worth it. "

But she soon got upset again and sighed: "I have to find a way to find food, just the rice is not enough for us to eat a few meals. The town of Sington can no longer go, and can only go elsewhere to trade in the future."

Ding Yao leaned in her arms, her eyes narrowed. After experiencing the last days and starving again here, now for him, even safety is placed on the next place, and eating is the most important thing.

The planet is sparsely populated, and there are countless mines hidden under large mountains. From a distance, you can see some different "mountains", which reflect flashes from time to time. When you get closer, you find that the "mountains" were originally piled up.

It's as small as a piece of waste paper, as big as a spaceship, and everything.

The woman who gave birth to Ding Yao was also part of this "garbage". It was heartily thrown away by an unknown spacecraft, and she gave birth after she died.

"Xiaoyao, don't be afraid." Han Yanyan freed his hand and patted the small head in his arms while driving, "Mom won't make you hungry."

Ding Yao is too lazy to talk about her always calling herself a mother.

Speaking of which they were lucky, Han Yanyan drove the car to the Trash Mountain, which was two hours away by car. She got up and went into the back warehouse to open the storage box. It was found that the box was full of nutrition bags.

It seemed that the father and son had just finished the purchase and killed him directly. Han Yanyan Weiyi: "Is this food for us?"

Anyway, I won't be hungry for the time being.

Han Yanyan tore a bag of nutrient solution and fed it to Ding Yao's mouth: "Xiaoyao drink and see, this rice is more nutritious."

Ding Yao heard the words, biting, and cooing. After drinking less than a third, he was forcibly taken away by Han Yanyan. "It's an adult amount," she said. "You can't drink so much. I drank a nosebleed when I was drinking too much."

She drank the remaining half of the bag and neither was hungry.

"While it's still daylight, you need to find a place to hold your body." She first held Ding Yao out of the car and gave him a urine pee. After urinating, he shook him up and down, shook Ding Ding, and quickly got back into the car Inside, "It's cold outside, is Xiaoyao going to sleep in the car first? Mom, see where can we stay overnight."

She patted Ding Yao, fastened his clothes, touched the face without any flesh, stuffed a nutrient solution into her bag, turned around, got out of the cabin, and closed the door. The car has an air conditioning system to keep it warm. As soon as she came out, she was shivered by the cold wind.

After sneezing, Han Yanyan held his arm and got into the "mountain".

Ding Yao was lying on the window of the car, watching Han Yanyan's slender back disappearing in the trash mountain in three steps, suddenly felt indescribable in his heart.

Intellectually, he knew that Han Yanyan would not abandon him. She would not abandon the car even if she abandoned him. The planet is vast and sparsely populated, and the distance from a populated settlement to another populated place cannot be walked by. Han Yanyan didn't even reach the point where he had to abandon him.

But ... Ding Yao looked at Han Yanyan's back and disappeared, suddenly uncomfortable.

From the moment Han Yanyan picked him up, he and she never separated. She feeds him while eating, and she cleans up by shit. They were sleeping in a bed, and her even breathing was his best lullaby. She took him everywhere she went, even when she was taking a bath, she put him next to her.

For the first time, Ding Yao saw that Han Yanyan's back disappeared so far away. His heart was beginning to be eroded by a feeling of restlessness.

He actually knew that this uneasiness stemmed from his weakness.

He lay on the window for a moment, and in order to overcome the unpleasant mood in his heart, he decided to sleep. Ten-month-old babies have just eaten and it's too easy to sleep. He fell asleep within three minutes of lying down.

As soon as I woke up, it was darker than before. He got up and glanced at the dashboard from the gap in the front seat. The timer showed that he had slept for more than an hour.

And Han Yanyan has not yet returned.

Somehow, Ding Yao's heart was a little heavy. He slipped down on his seat, leaned on the wall of the car, walked over to open the storage box, and watched a box full of nutrient solution inside, feeling relieved.

Han Yanyan couldn't leave these nutrient solutions, she would not abandon him.

He climbed up to his seat again and sat back, looking at the darkening sky outside the window.

She certainly wouldn't abandon him, but ... what if she couldn't come back?

There are many situations in which Han Yanyan may not return.

She may be lost, this is the best situation. She may be taken away, and with her looks, it may happen whenever someone meets a bit of a bad mind. The worst is that she might die.

Outside, not only people, but also beasts.

When they went to pick rice, not only did she not wear a jacket, she also only had a laser gun that she wore daily, and she didn't even bring a dagger to the capital ...

As the sky slowly darkened, Ding Yao experienced the most tortured period of his life.

Worse than psychological torment, he wanted to pee.

But when Han Yanyan left, he only left the air-conditioning system and closed other circuit systems. The door cannot be opened automatically, it has to be manual. Ding Yao couldn't open up at all. Ding Yao could only hold back.

When Ding Yao felt that he couldn't hold back anymore, he slipped down the seat and wanted to tear off his pants. The door suddenly opened, and the cold air was poured into the car. .

The door closed again, blocking the cold wind.

Han Yanyan snored, rubbed her hands, and said in a huff, "Mom is back, have you been ... do you urinate pants?" Her voice suddenly raised.

Ding Yao can't wait for her to die outside.

He is now a big baby and has passed the period of urinary incontinence as a baby. Many months ago, he could warn Han Yanyan by humming that he wanted to urinate and urinate, and he no longer urinates and urinates his pants. I did not expect today ...

"It's so bad! It's so cold outside! You take it off!" Han Yanyan groaned as he mumbled, and twisted, screwed a piece of urine on the floor of the carriage.

She stuffed Ding Yao into her back pocket: "You stay in it first, don't be cold." After that, tossing up a pile of things that she had just put into the car, torn clothes and rags, were picked up from the garbage mountain. of.

"It's all warm, but it's too cold. Xiaoyao, don't worry, mommy will warm it up for you." Han Yanyan said, picking out the right clothes, turning on the air conditioner, and sending it to the air conditioner. Hot air blows on the mouth.

When Ding Yao was wrapped up tightly with warm rags and rags, Han Yanyan picked him up and tried to put it in his back pocket. Ding Yao suddenly reached out and grabbed her shoulder, and pinched her head between her neck.

"Smoke ..." he murmured.

Han Yanyan heard it very clearly, but her mouth was slightly raised, but she pretended not to understand, and patted him on the back: "What's wrong with Xiaoyao? Mom knows, isn't she afraid? It's all mom's bad, come back It's too late. Xiaoyao is not afraid, my mother has found a place to live. We will go to our new home now. "

She stuffed Ding Yao into her back pocket, backed in front of her, and then launched a speeding vehicle into the air. During this process, Ding Yao was exceptionally quiet and obedient.

Han Yanyan drove his car, his eyes flashed with mockery.

Either you are Ding Yao or you are the Duke of Kling. You—never tasted being weak. Isn't it a big deal for you to have a woman lie under you, or to be tortured for slavery for your life?

So today, in this world, are you afraid?

When I never appear and never return, are you so weak, afraid?

With his memory, Han Yanyan quickly drove the car to his destination.

The planet has been littered by unscrupulous spacecraft for years. In many places, the garbage is piled up as tall as a skyscraper. Han Yanyan lowered his height, passed through the gaps between those huge objects, and finally drilled into the bottom of a garbage mountain and landed.

It turned out that under this "mountain" was a spaceship. This ship is not large, but it is just a civilian ship. One third of the hull is gone. Obviously, it has been baptized by artillery. It failed to stand up and was scrapped. But the remaining two-thirds are quite complete.

Han Yanyan parked the car in the gap below the garbage mountain, filled half of the nutrient in the bag, took the light in the car, and carried Ding Yao into the boat.

It was already dark, and there were a lot of shelters outside, and the ship was very dark.

"Xiaoyao is not afraid, there is nothing here, it is very safe." Han Yanyan walked in and comforted Ding Yao. "I found two ships, this one is relatively new and the other is too broken. We live here first. , Wait a few days and then go back to see if the two people have gone and get our things back. "

"Hope they don't find the energy ore I hid." She paused and muttered.

Ding Yao has seen her organize those energy ores. Here, these ores are hard currency, and those energy mines are all she has accumulated in the mine like a mouse.

As Han Yanyan spoke, he walked to the wall and said to Ding Yao, "Xiaoyao, Mommy will make a trick for you. Look at it."

She finished talking and made a few tinkers on the operation panel on the wall. Suddenly there was light above my head. The lights lit up one zone after another.

"Well, mother is terrific. It's just that she's been tinkering with this circuit, so she has delayed so much time," she said.

She took Ding Yao to find a cabin, which is a bedroom with a double bed in it, which looks very homelike.

"This must be a private civilian spacecraft." Han Yanyan released Ding Yao and put it on the bed. "I guess the owner must have encountered a star theft. Those **** destroyed the ship and dragged it here to loot As soon as it was empty, it was thrown directly here. What a tragedy ... hey, be careful! "

Han Yanyan suddenly caught Ding Yao and didn't let him move.

There was a pile of torn clothes on the bed. Han Yanyan came out wearing thin clothes, the first thing to look for was of course not the hiding place, but the clothing.

She supported Ding Yao with one hand, and with the other hand pulled a dagger from under the pile of clothing.

"Although it's dull, be careful not to scratch you." She said, throwing the dagger to the ground first. This was the weapon she picked up.

She let go of Ding Yao, turned over the worn out clothes, and picked out something that could not be worn at all. She found a few metal plates, surrounded a fire pond on the floor of the cabin, threw those rags in, and lit them with a portable lighter. There was some warmth in the room.

"The main unit of the life cycle system is gone, the air conditioning system cannot be used, and it can only be heated like this." She said.

The ship is well-preserved, at least the bed in the house has not collapsed, because it is of metal frame. But something in the room collapsed. Han Yanyan glanced twice more as if it were a sofa. It was made of wood, and now the wood was broken, just to make firewood for her.

The fire in the fire pond quickly rose and the cold in the room was expelled.

Han Yanyan hugged Ding Yao to warm himself by the fire pond, and braced his wet pants with a metal plate to bake.

"Hungry?" She asked.

Ding Yao, who was quiet for a long time, said, "Hungry."

Han Yanyan took out a nutrient solution and tore it apart, fed Ding Yao a third, and drank the remaining two thirds by himself. Ding Yao is still young, and one third is enough for him to drink. But a bag of nutrient solution is an adult's meal. It is obviously not enough for Han Yanyan to drink two thirds.

She tried to save as much as possible, Ding Yao's eyes were dim.

When she slept at night, Han Yanyan laid the bigger rags on the bed. She also picked up a blanket, which could be used as a quilt for them.

These rags and rags were thrown directly outdoors, the wind and rain. Especially the wind, the wind on this planet is a bit strong. No matter what kind of peculiar smell these things used to have, they were already blown away by the wind. Now they have only one kind of flavor—the smell of earthen rice.

Ding Yao retracted his body and lay sideways on a bed full of earthy smell. Han Yanyan was lying behind him. They have always been eating, sleeping and walking together.

Han Yanyan added enough firewood, the fire in the fire pond was very strong, and the orange light shone on his face. He quietly listened to Han Yanyan's soft chanting there.

"Hide for a few days before going back to see."

"You have to find some clothes and blankets, and water."

"Be patient today, you must find water tomorrow."

"It would be better to find a heater and see if we can find some weapons."

"This ship doesn't know how long the energy can last. The main energy block is gone, and the energy tank is completely empty. These people haven't let anything go."

"I don't know if the kitchen is here or not, it's better to have a pot."

It's all trivial, troublesome, and needs to be done one by one. But everything is closely related to their survival.

Ding Yao listened for a long time, and when his eyelids began to feel heavy, he wriggled backwards and drew into Han Yanyan's arms.

Han Yanyan stopped talking to himself. After a while, her arms circled gently and caught Ding Yao's small body.

"No, Xiaoyao isn't afraid. Mom is here."

Her voice was gentle like a real mother.

Are you afraid?

Is he afraid?

Ding Yao stared at the orange flame and finally admitted. He was really scared when he was waiting for her in the car alone.

I'm afraid she won't come back when she goes.

She was even more afraid that she would die unexpectedly and die outside.

It turns out that "scared" is this feeling. Ding Yao thought back carefully, feeling that in his last life, he didn't seem to be afraid of anything.

Why are you afraid in this life?

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