The hospital is not big, it is a small hospital in the suburbs of the city.

It is a small hospital, but there are many patients coming for treatment, one by one, rushing into the hospital. There are many people waiting at the bus stop in front of the hospital, more or less, all carrying small bags, as if they have just been discharged from the hospital.

Jiang Fan squinted his eyes and looked at the group of new passengers getting on the bus.

The new passengers looked very energetic and smiling.

After finding a seat and sitting down, they chatted with the passengers around them very talkatively, not like patients who had just been discharged from the hospital.

In fact, they looked a little strong.

A new passenger also came to the seat in front of Jiang Fan.

After putting the bag of clothes at his feet, he turned around and chatted with Jiang Fan enthusiastically.

""Brother, which station are you going to?"

Jiang Fan did not answer.

The passenger did not care about Jiang Fan's indifference and continued to talk in a familiar manner, moving closer and closer to him.

" I want to get off at Dayue Station. There are still dozens of stops to go. It's boring to sit on the train for several hours."

" I'm in the hospital too.…….cough cough…….I live in a single room and I am extremely bored every day. I finally got out and finally have someone to talk to.…….."

The passenger was very energetic when he spoke, smiling, and seemed very polite.

His eyes were wide open, and a few red bloodshot eyes were firmly attached to his eyes.

Because they were close.

The air from his speech was almost sprayed on Jiang Fan's face, and his head was still getting closer, as if he wanted to talk to Jiang Fan.

Jiang Fan leaned back slightly, turned his head expressionlessly, and leaned closer to the window.

He noticed.

The red bloodshot in the passenger's eyes just now.

Thin, running through the pupils and scattered in the eyes, it seemed to be caused by fatigue.

Very tired, but talkative and emotional, and approached him inadvertently.

Being attentive without any reason is either treacherous or deceitful. Enthusiastic

, a bit like a black hand that pinches the kidneys!

Jiang Fan thought, his pupils shrank, and he moved away from the passenger again.

His hands naturally dropped, protecting both sides of his waist.

From getting on the bus until now, Jiang Fan has tried to avoid talking.

Rule three, if you feel someone patting your shoulder from behind, please turn around and talk to them with a smile.

He is sitting at the back of the car now, and it is almost impossible for someone to pat his shoulder from behind.

So, what about conversation?

Especially, passengers in the world of ghost stories take the initiative to talk to him.

Rule 5, no matter what sound you hear or what happens, don't get off the bus.

Rule 6, don't open the curtains, don't lean out of the window.

According to Rule 6, Rule 5 is correct.

Then the common point between the two is don't move, don't listen.

Don't listen to what's indecent, don't say what's indecent, don't look at what's indecent, don't move what's indecent.

Don't listen, don't move, we have it, then what about talking and seeing?

Jiang Fan recalled the rules on the bus.

The second rule is that if you see an umbrella, don't panic.

The function of the umbrella is to avoid light and rain.

Suddenly appearing on the bus is not a normal thing in itself.

When Jiang Fan just got on the bus, the bus was all in a dim state, and the curtains were drawn.

Rule 6 reminds you not to open the car curtains.

Most of the chosen ones, including Jiang Fan himself, think that not opening the curtains is to prevent themselves from leaning out of the window.

But, why add a rule of not leaning out of the window, why do we have to open the curtains?

Block the scenery outside from the chosen ones?

Jiang Fan glanced at the scenery outside the window and shook his head.


Since opening the curtains does not affect looking out the window or leaning out of the window, the only answer left is to avoid light!

In other words, do not let the light in!

Whether the Chosen Ones want to avoid light or the people on the bus need to avoid light, they cannot let the light in!

At this moment, the passengers have opened the windows, and he has been exposed to the light outside. Obviously, this light is not the light in front of him.

" You can't open the curtains to let the light in, holding an umbrella means avoiding the light, and the light now doesn't exist, so the combination of the three…….."

" It should be that if there is a person holding an umbrella on the car, it means that the light has appeared together! And what I have to do is to avoid the light and close my eyes!"

" Formation, do not look!"

" Similarly, if I open the car curtain, the so-called light will enter, which may be polluted and cause serious consequences."

Jiang Fan said affirmatively, looking at the sunlight shining through the window opposite and shining on his body.

When you see the person holding an umbrella appear in the car, you need to close your eyes quickly, see, don't see.

So, what about the last one, Yan?

" Rule one, politely decline, rule three, talk to them"

" Do not talk, or chat with passengers on the bus"

" So, rule one is that it is best not to react. At the same time, if rule one is wrong, you need to give up your seat. Giving up your seat means that you have successfully talked with the passenger, which does not meet the characteristic of"not speaking"."

" And rule three, just keep silent!"

Jiang Fan sat quietly, ignoring the passenger in front of him.

He only needed to wait for rules 1 and 2 to appear, and after a little verification, he would get the answer.

The passenger in the front row talked to himself for a long time, and when he saw that Jiang Fan did not respond, he turned around to talk to the people around him, still smiling, and looked very polite and enthusiastic.

However, no one noticed that the moment the passenger turned his head, the red bloodshot under his eyes twisted.

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