Strange story player

Chapter 662 A conversation spanning twenty years

Qingtong Bar.

What Zuo Xian told about Qin Yiyi's life experience left Lin Ci stunned for a long time.

She never thought that her child was still alive. Over the years, she even forgot that she had a child.

All kinds of complex emotions that are difficult to explain came to my mind.



But more than anything, I'm glad.

Fortunately, that lunatic Yi Lianhai actually did such a thing.

Although he has not seen his daughter for so many years, at least... she is still alive.

Lin Ci looked at the huge broken face in the night sky through the window with a smile on his lips.

The air seemed to have stopped flowing, Fucheng was shrouded in black mist, and the corpses crawling out of the cracks were driving away all living creatures visible to the naked eye.

The time limit for handing over Bai Tong was seven days in total. Just after the first day, it had already become like this.

Some people have even thought of artificially creating white pupils and harming other people without authorization, but such "handing over white pupils" certainly cannot meet the conditions for clearance.

Lin Ci thought of Qin Manjiang. At that time, she recognized Qin Manjiang as Jiang Du's "incarnation" at a glance.

What did Jiang Du think?

What exactly was Yi Lianhai thinking?

Smart people always like to treat others as idiots and never explain their plans.

Lin Ci turned his head and looked at Zuo Xian: "So, you didn't choose to help Yi Lianhai this time?"

Zuo Xian shook her head, her eyes not very bright: "You know, when humans lose their fear of pain and death, all fun will also disappear."

"Over the years, I have been repeating the pain of that year all the time, and I have become numb."

She and Lin Ci looked at each other, still without any emotion: "I no longer think about anything about the future. After making up for the regrets in my heart, I just want to find a place to die quietly."

"Your daughter is one of the regrets."

"I can help you." At this time, a man's voice suddenly appeared in the bar.

Zuo Xian's hair stood on end, she was the one who felt it most directly.

Although her upgrade failed, she retained some of her inhuman qualities.

These qualities allowed her to completely feel how terrifying the person appearing in the bar at this moment was.

The two of them turned to look at the shimmering white pupils and the white divine lines that spread to the entire face.



The person behind him is Jiang Du, and this person is... Qin Manjiang.

"You two, get ready to hit the road."

Jiang Du walked to Qin Manjiang and stood next to him, smiling.

These two people, who were almost identical except for their temperaments, stood side by side, making both Zuo Xian and Lin Ci realize something.

"Jiang Du, what did you do to him?" Lin Ci's wife frowned and looked at Jiang Du.

Ever since he learned that his daughter and Qin Manjiang grew up together, although they were not blood siblings, they were de facto brothers and sisters. Almost all of Lin Ci's thoughts and concerns for his daughter were pinned on Qin Manjiang at this moment.

She knew Qin Manjiang's temperament. There was absolutely no way that child could be as cold and heartless as he was now.

"What do you think I did to him?" Jiang Du looked at her in surprise, shook his head and laughed, "If his purpose hadn't coincided with mine, maybe I would have died at his hands by now."

"Am I right?" Jiang Du turned to look at Qin Manjiang.

Qin Manjiang didn't speak. White light bloomed in his eyes. The space above Zuo Xian and Lin Ci split instantly. Pale arms stretched out. When he was about to grab the two of them and drag them in, Jiang Du stopped him and said: " Wait a minute, I have something to ask her."

Qin Manjiang took a deep breath, and the veins in his neck popped out, but those pale arms did retract.

Jiang Du was relieved when he saw that he was obedient. He looked at Zuo Xian and asked, "I have always wanted to know if the things we saw back then were the same."

In Jiang Du's view, Zuo Xian is undoubtedly a smart man, no... he doesn't even have to be a smart man. Anyone with normal intelligence will make the same choice as him when they see the scene back then.

But Zuo Xian didn't, and instead chose to try to ascend to godhood on his own?

Jiang Du couldn't understand.

"What did you see?" Zuo Xian asked.

She didn't seem to be at all surprised by Qin Manjiang's move to kill her just now, and her expression remained extremely calm.

"The God with Red Eyes is resurrected, the Eye Realm is invaded, Fucheng Moon City collapses, all humans created by the God with White Eyes are extinct, the ghosts created by the God with Red Eyes occupy the world, the forty-nine of us come from another world, our negative Emotions have always been the food of the Red-Eyed God, and the spiritual pupils in our body make our souls immortal, reincarnated forever, and kept in captivity.”

"Our final outcome is to fall forever into the endless hell created by the Red-Eyed God, passively providing Him with power."

"What about you?" After Jiang Du finished speaking briefly, he looked at Zuo Xian.

"As you can see, the Pupil Realm was invaded and the world was destroyed. Only forty-nine people survived, condensed into the original forty-nine True Spirit Pupils, and became his food forever." Zuo Xian recognized Jiang Du's statement.

"So, what are the variables you see?" Jiang Du asked again, "The forty-nine of us come from another world. It can be said that this world was specially created to absorb our negative emotions and provide energy for Him. Yes, the variable I see is...him."

Jiang Du looked at Qin Manjiang beside him with complicated eyes.

"The direction of every future is destruction, including the future with his appearance. There is only one... he appears, and at the same time... all of us disappear. Only this line of future is uncertain, and there is no inevitable destruction. .”

"So, Qin Manjiang must appear, and after the God of Red Eyes appears, we must also disappear." At this moment, Jiang Du no longer concealed what he had seen.

Both he and Zuo Xian saw the future, and it was not a future.

But a dense and countless future!

But those futures have one thing in common... they are all headed for destruction.

And the cause of the destruction is the awakening of the red-eyed god.

Only one of the futures is uncertain. It does not point to destruction or rebirth, but... unknown.

In Jiang Du's opinion, the unknown is a more correct answer than the new student.

The future that can be seen, even if it is a new life, is still very scary.

That means that time is still dead, the timeline is still circular, and the new future is just an inevitable part of it.

But unknown...that is what the real world should be like.

Only the invisible future deserves to be called the future!

"It's different..." After listening to Jiang Du's words, Zuo Xian shook his head slightly.

"The future I see is different from yours."

"I saw the emergence of the God with White Eyes and the demise of the God with Red Eyes."

Zuo Xian said clearly: "The God with White Eyes has a human face. He... is definitely an upgraded human being."

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