Strange story player

Chapter 653 Choice

She was like a silent burning flame, swaying and ready to go out at any moment.

Qin Manjiang could really feel her malice. At least at this moment, she was not lying. She really wanted to keep him in this world.

But soon, the coldness on his neck disappeared.

Qin Yiyi looked at him with complicated eyes: "Is your heart really not shaken at all?"

"Wasted?" Qin Manjiang drove the car without looking back, "My wavering has long passed."

"Can you see my heart?" Qin Manjiang asked.

Qin was satisfied but didn't answer.

"I ask you, why don't you want to stay in this world? There is eternal time here, there are people you want to see, and there is no more suffering between life and death..." She seemed to be asking Qin Manjiang, but also seemed to be asking herself, She was confused, so she was looking for an answer from Qin Manjiang.

"I have no dreams." Qin Manjiang replied calmly.

"I decided early on that I had no dreams," he said again.

"Whether it's life or death, whether it's continuing to sink in the world of ghost stories, whether it's struggling in the real world, whether it's the arrival of the red-eyed god, or whether it's destroyed, there isn't much difference to me."

"All my choices come from everyone."

Qin Manjiang smiled.

"I can feel their desire for a normal life, so... I want to try my best to fulfill their wishes."

Qin Manjiang rarely told people his true thoughts. He indeed had no dreams.

There is nothing he particularly cares about, and he has no interest that he cannot let go of. If he had to say it... he values ​​illusory things like the feelings between people more than reality.

Speaking of which, the reason why he was dragged into the [Ghost Story Game] was destined in terms of the outcome, but the process of dragging him into the game happened to take advantage of this.

If Li Xi hadn't been in danger, Qin Manjiang wouldn't believe it or not. He would have a completely indifferent attitude.


Qin Manjiang's eyes grew colder, she snapped her fingers, and Qin Manjiang's eyes flashed. When he saw the road ahead clearly again, he was already in Xiajiang Village!

Qin Manjiang smiled helplessly.

He had realized it even as she told the story.

Since there was only one river in this world at the beginning, and everything else was born based on my sister's imagination, then the world outside that river is actually her world.

She can do anything effortlessly.

She, Qin Yiyi, is his sister.

Since participating in the ghost story game, it can be regarded as the only "unsolvable" ghost story.

Because this world is not the world of pupils, nor is it the real world, she is not restricted by the rules between the God of Red Eyes and the God of White Eyes.

This means that she can kill everyone who enters this world at any time if she wants to.

After all, in the final analysis, entering Xiajiang Village and coming to this world is not a ghost story game unfolding in the pupil world at all, but everyone's "self-saving behavior".

However, in Qin Chengyi's view, there is only a thin line between whether this is self-rescue or suicide.

"Xiao Qin?"

Bai Yang's voice sounded from the front, and besides him, Zhong Xueran, Shen Kui, and Xi Wutong were also there.

The four people's surprised eyes fell on the car that suddenly disappeared, and Qin Manjiang and Qin Yiyi who appeared out of thin air.

Qin Yiyi ignored them completely. She said to Qin Manjiang expressionlessly: "You said... all your choices come from them."

"Well, I leave the right to choose between the existence and disappearance of this world to you...and you."

Her eyes finally looked at the four people in Baiyang.

"It's up to you to decide, let it disappear or continue to exist..."

She slowly walked towards the river, and Qin Manjiang followed her under the puzzled looks of several people in Baiyang.

Shen Ku followed closely and asked secretly: "Hello? What's going on?"

Qin Manjiang shook his head slightly: "Leave it to me."

It is really troublesome to explain to them the ins and outs of this world now. The most important thing is that Qin Satisfaction's mood is unpredictable. Now that she is in a good mood, she gives him a choice. What if she suddenly changes her mind?

Although Qin Manjiang is sure that this sister is indeed real, and the memories of growing up with her are also real, she still has another life in this world, which lasts twenty years.

What is her personality like growing up in this world? He didn't understand it at all.

For the real Qin Yiyi, those memories in the real world are more like a dream.

Qin Yiyi came to the riverside and looked at the floating water with a dazed look.

As a baby, she had been submerged by the water of this river countless times.

Qin Manjiang turned around and shook his head slightly at the others, making them stop.

He came to Qin Yiyi's side.

"This river is the only place I cannot control. It was not born because of me. I have struggled in it countless times. From an ignorant child with no self-awareness... I drowned again and again and woke up again and again. , until I had sporadic consciousness, knew how to survive, and knew how to crawl to the shore."

"Did you know?" Qin Yiyi turned around and walked along the river bank, saying as he walked, "This river had no banks at the beginning. I was drowned repeatedly in the river from a baby until I was three or four years old. For the first time, I am connected to my dream in the real world.”

"I saw the shore of Xiajiang Village, and that's when I realized...there must be something like a shore before we can go ashore."

She stopped and looked calmly at the river bank with a mirror at her feet: "This location is the bank I imagined for the first time, but I failed."

Although Bai Yang and others did not follow, they were not far away from each other. They also heard these words. Bai Yang immediately realized that the five points on the river bank that the Bai family had detected through the props were probably... The girl in front of me once wanted to climb ashore.

"This is the second place."

Qin Yiyi walked forward and continued.

There is also a mirror placed there.

There was undisguised disgust on her face when she saw the mirror, but she didn't do anything extreme.

Then, the third and fourth.

There are indeed five such places.

Bai Yang didn't lie, or... the Bai family did have some abilities. This world had nothing to do with the [Pupillary Realm], but they still used the props to find useful clues.

"This is the last place, and it is also the place where I climbed ashore for the first time." Qin Yiyi stopped, and there was also a mirror in this place.

She turned her head and looked at Qin Manjiang: "You don't need to arrange a ceremony. I said... the only thing I can't control in this world is this river. If you want this world to disappear completely, you only need to do one very simple thing thing."

Qin Yiyi opened his arms, faced the rushing river, and murmured:

"Just push me...down again."

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