Strange story player

Chapter 642: Diverting trouble to the east

Zhong Xueran, this woman, brought bad news as soon as she arrived.

Bai Yang did not dare to neglect, immediately stepped on the accelerator and sped away.

As soon as he took off his front feet, there was a dense crawling sound behind him.

Everyone in the car looked back and saw a dense crowd of twisted human figures frantically chasing the vehicle.

"What's going on?" Bai Yang glanced at the rearview mirror and asked.

"As you can see, she and I have not changed, but everyone else has."

Zhong Xueran didn't explain much.

She is not a simple person in this world. She is aware of many strange phenomena, and she has even vaguely noticed that something is wrong with this world.

But just when Zhong Xueran in this world made an appointment with Xi Wutong to talk, everything changed.

"You'd better drive faster, their speed is getting faster." Shen Kui said.

"Then go directly to Xiajiang Village. This Miss Xi..." Bai Yang suddenly asked, "Are you a living person too?"

The atmosphere in the car suddenly became a little strange. Strictly speaking, everyone here knew everything about her. Only Xi Wutong, relatively speaking, Qin Manjiang knew her a little better.

Except for Qin Manjiang, everyone else knew almost nothing about her.

And the phrase "You are also a living person, right" seems to have another meaning.

"It's obvious that we can sense her presence," Shen Kui said.

Bai Yang shook his head.

At this time, it was Xi Wutong himself who said: "What Mr. Baiyang means is not to ask if I am a human being from the real world, but to confirm whether I am still alive in the real world."

She smiled: "Please rest assured, I am different from the other twenty people. I did not come to this world through suicide, but like you, I traveled through the gap in time and space. I...are indeed still alive."

"That's good."

Bai Yang responded.

We are all smart people. Bai Yang has already said this. Everyone knows that to solve the collapse of this world and make it fit back into the real world, it will take five people to complete it, and it is from Five living people in the real world.

"What should I do with Yan Xiao?" Qin Manjiang suddenly asked.

"Him?" Shen Ru looked out the window, "Based on what I know about him, if that person didn't want to die, he would have come to join us long ago. And now... I think, whether it is Yan Xiao in this world or us The Yan Xiao I know may not agree with us on this matter."

Shen Hu's eyes fell back to Qin Manjiang from the window: "For Yan Xiao, maybe he is more willing to maintain the existence of this world."

Qin Manjiang remained silent.

Sometimes, you have to accept that the ideas around you are different from your own, because what everyone really needs and desires is completely different.

There is no way for people to truly empathize with each other.

The Yan Xiao he knew was paranoid about life to a certain extent. Now that there is such a world, it is almost self-evident whether Yan Xiao will side with the real world or this world.

Maybe, it's just right?

It just so happens that besides them, there is a real living person in this world.

Without Xi Wutong, everything would really be irreversible.

"Everyone, please sit tight."

Bai Yang said.

As soon as he finished speaking, a twisted face suddenly appeared on the car's front windshield!


It didn't look like a human being, nor did it look like a ghost, but more like a beast's roar. A strange cry came from the throat of the humanoid monster lying on the windshield.

"Fasten your seat belt." Bai Yang only had time to give a simple reminder before he suddenly stepped on the brakes!

The strong inertia caused everyone's bodies to lean forward suddenly, and the humanoid monster lying on the windshield was no exception, and was instantly thrown forward in front of the car.

Baiyang quickly shifted gears, kicked the accelerator, and immediately ran over.

The car body bumped very obviously, and everyone felt something ran over under the wheels. After crossing this section of road, several people immediately looked at the rearview mirror, and their expressions suddenly changed.

Under the dim light of the sky, a humanoid monster that had been crushed by Lazy Yao was crawling on the ground.

Its body has been completely crushed into rotten flesh from the waist down. It is currently being supported by its deformed arms and is still crawling forward. The malice in those scarlet pupils makes people sick just by seeing it from a distance. Qin Manjiang and the other five people felt chills all over.

What's even more terrifying is that in the streets and alleys of the entire city, everywhere visible to the naked eye, humanoid monsters like it are almost everywhere!

Right now, the only moving car in the entire dead city was immediately targeted by them.

They had just stayed in place silently.

Now it's coming over like a tidal wave!

And... they are extremely fast! Baiyang was already driving very fast, but even so, the distance between them and the car was still shortening!

It doesn't work like this. You can't drive at a high speed in the city. Things like cars are limited by roads, and there are many curves and forks in the city. Cars need to follow the road, but those things behind them only need to go in a straight line.

Sooner or later, he will be overtaken, and he must leave the city as soon as possible. Only by getting on the highway can he possibly escape!

At this time, Shen Kui suddenly said: "I have good news and bad news, which one do you want to hear first?"

"You're still showing off at this time!" Zhong Xueran glared at him fiercely.

Shen Ku felt bored and clicked his tongue: "You are so boring."

"Well, the bad news is that this police car is almost out of gas. I calculated that if I keep driving at this speed, it can probably last twenty or thirty minutes. It may be just right to get out of the city, but I want to drive to Xiajiang Village. That was all a dream.”

After Shen Kui said this, everyone realized that the fuel gauge had almost reached the red zone!

Qin Manjiang quickly ran through the map of Fucheng in his head and said, "There are gas stations outside the city, but we don't have time to refuel."


Said Bai Yang who was driving.

"You mean, drive the car to the police station?"

Zhong Xueran asked.

Shen Su raised his eyebrows: "Hey, I have some good news. Don't you want to hear it?"

Qin Manjiang glanced at him: "The good news from your mouth, doesn't it make this matter more interesting?"

Shen Kui smiled: "You understand me."

"But it's really not the case this time," Shen Kui pointed back with his thumb, "The good news is that these things are very fast and can keep up with the speed of this car, so... why don't we take them with us? Looking for those twenty people?”

"You can sense their location anyway, right?"

Everyone's eyes lit up.

Shen Kui does have a unique understanding of deceiving people.

At least those twenty people can attract some "firepower", which is much better than waiting to die in a car that will soon run out of gas.

"So, turn left ahead, driver."

Shen Mu closed his eyes and sensed the location of the other group of people.

Bai Yang turned left as instructed. He was driving now and couldn't distract himself from sensing the location of those people.

"Give them a gift..." Shen Ku smiled sinisterly.

Qin Manjiang took out his mobile phone and looked at the time.

If the time in this world is synchronized with the real world, then now...

Fucheng and Yuecheng in the real world should be in chaos.

It has to be faster.

Today’s update, I’m guilty of overdoing a game, but it’s really fun! I recommend it to everyone, called "Diver Dave"!

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