Strange story player

Chapter 627 False beauty

In the end, Xi Wutong agreed to Zhong Xueran's request to meet, and the two agreed to meet at a coffee shop in the central neighborhood at noon.

It was still early, so Zhong Xueran took her laptop and went to the coffee shop first. She wanted to code out the press release scheduled to be sent out at noon.

It was just after eight o'clock in the morning.

On the other side, Yan Xiao returned home exhausted after a busy night.

My brother Yan Lie hasn't come back yet, and his parents are not here either.

Holding his eyes that were about to close, he went to the bathroom and washed his face with cold water. Then he went to the refrigerator and took out a carton of milk, and barely drank it. Yan Xiao finally lay on the bed.

He is very satisfied with his current life.

Busy, fulfilled, with parents and relatives around me. Even though I haven't started a family in my thirties, my parents will complain about it, but it's not a big deal.

Yan Xiao has his own way of dealing with these problems. For example, he always responds with a sincere attitude, but never does it in behavior.

His parents soon saw through his tricks, but there was nothing they could do about him. Fortunately, the relationship between his brother Yan Lie and his girlfriend was very stable, and they had reached the point of talking about marriage. Good things were on the horizon, and his parents had some hope. Another thought, but not so urgent.

Speaking of which, Yan Xiao has thought more than once that the life he has now is already very good, and it is already what many people dream of. With a happy family, a job he likes, and a healthy body, what else does he have to complain about? Woolen cloth?

However, in fact, in recent times, he has become more and more uneasy in his heart, and there are always some unexplained heart palpitations that appear from time to time.

As the number of times increased, he went to the hospital for a checkup and even made a special trip to check for an electrocardiogram.

The results of the examination were normal. Due to his occupation, his body was much stronger than that of ordinary people, so there was no problem at all.

After listening to Yan Xiao's description of his symptoms, the cardiologist recommended that he go to a psychiatrist, saying that his palpitations were probably cardiac neurosis caused by emotions.

Yan Xiao did not go to any psychiatric department. She originally thought it was caused by being too tired recently, but after taking a good rest for two days, the symptoms not only did not alleviate, but worsened.

In the past few days, Yan Xiao felt more and more empty.

It's like I'm living in a dream.

Last night, the faceless corpse fished out of the river made this feeling even deeper.

Yan Xiao was lying on the bed, his chest rising and falling.

Before going to Xiajiang Village yesterday, a team member saw a person who looked very similar to himself near the toilet. He knew... that it was true.

Because he himself had seen it.

Occasionally, in a blink of an eye, I see a man who looks exactly like me in the crowd, but whose skin color and temperament are completely different.

That man always appeared inadvertently, and every time he took a closer look, he disappeared again.

If ordinary people encountered such a weird thing, they would have been frightened to death, but Yan Xiao was not afraid.

What he was really afraid of was that it was all fake.

He is afraid that his parents are fake, Yan Yan is fake, and everything he owns is fake...

This argument has not only been circulating online recently, it has even taken root in his mind.

Reason told him that it was impossible for a corpse without DNA to exist.

Bones, blood, muscles, hair... As long as the human body is not burned to char, DNA testing can be performed.

But... Yan Xiao once witnessed the collapse of a forensic doctor.

It's obviously flesh and blood, but nothing can be detected. There is no DNA... it's blank, nothing can be detected.

Flesh is still flesh and blood, and bones are still bones, but all the particles that make it up at the microscopic level have been wiped out of all information.

Therefore, it is not so much that the DNA has disappeared, but that it has been deliberately blocked, and it is only blocked for humans.

With such an incredible thing happening, it's no wonder those forensic doctors doubt the authenticity of the world.

Yan Xiao lay on the bed with his eyes closed, no matter whether the world was true or false, no matter what other people said or thought.

For him, maintaining happiness in the present is the most important thing.

Anyone who wants to destroy will become his own enemy.


Yan Xiao's face showed a bit of ferocity and pain.

He rolled over and got up and didn't go back to sleep.

Opening the closet, he took out a set of black clothes and a curly wig from the bottom. After putting them on, and putting on sunglasses, he instantly changed from a serious firefighter to a carefree person. teenager.

No one can break my current life.

No one can.

Yan Xiao left home.

He did not take a car, but walked the entire journey, and walked for more than an hour in a state of extreme fatigue.

When he arrived at his destination, he was no longer sleepy, and his sleepiness had disappeared a lot.

His beating heart and surging blood made him feel hot all over.

This is a villa area, and it is also where [the real] people are imprisoned.

According to the news released by the media, [Real] was taken to the police station, and she was arrested yesterday.

But in fact, [Zhen] was arrested much earlier, or in other words, [Zhen] was not arrested at all, she has been living here.

But yesterday, Yan Xiao didn't know why, the news of her arrest suddenly appeared in front of the camera, and she even pretended to send it to the police station.

After that play, [True] came back here again.

Logically speaking, Yan Xiao couldn't enter this place, but when he came to this community for a fire inspection before, he secretly left a blind spot.

From that corner, you can enter this luxurious villa area.

And the purpose is also very simple.

He's going to kill her.

For Yan Xiao, [truth] is the source of all chaos.

He doesn't care if the world is true or false, he just wants to maintain his current life.

But the existence of [Reality] has given him a strong sense of crisis.

That woman will upset a certain balance, which is absolutely not allowed...

This feeling became even more obvious after seeing the faceless corpse last night.

There was also Qin Manjiang. She and Bai Yang held him down yesterday. At that time, Yan Xiao discovered that Qin Manjiang's body felt the same as that of the faceless corpse.

At that time, there was nothing strange about me, but I had already determined in my heart that Qin Manjiang was most likely the faceless corpse.

Let [Zhen] disappear first. If the world still cannot return to peace, then... let Qin Manjiang disappear too.

A trace of madness flashed in Yan Xiao's eyes.

He cares too much about his current life, to the point where he can kill anyone for the sake of his current life!

Anyone...anyone who would break their life, could die, no matter who it was.

But at this moment, Yan Xiao suddenly widened his eyes.

In the villa area blocked by the wall, he saw a calm-looking man standing in the garden, looking at him.

that's me? !

Yan Xiao was horrified and looked at it again. Sure enough, that "self" disappeared again.

Don't stop me...

Otherwise, even if it is "myself", I will kill you.

Yan Xiao glanced around and got in through the blind spot left by the wall.

He is going to kill people.

(Tonight’s update, the author will tell you a disgusting thing in his words.)

While I was coding, I kept hearing a cat meowing, which was very harsh. I was so annoyed that I couldn't bear it anymore, so I opened the door and went out to take a look.

Sure enough, there was a cat barking wildly in the corridor. It was an orange cat. It was very thin. Although it was quite clean, it looked like a stray cat.

I wanted to drive it away because it was too noisy, but when I got closer, I found that the cat's eyes were closed. At this time, my neighbors also came out. Everyone was asking what was going on and where it came from. s cat?

It was also at this time that we discovered that the reason why the orange cat’s eyes were closed was because their eyes were glued shut! It's really weird. It's that kind of super glue called 502. Have you seen it? It has a pungent smell and is extremely sticky.

Then we went to adjust the surveillance to find out what was going on and which pervert did it.

On the surveillance camera, I saw a middle-aged man wearing an old man's vest. It was him who did it!

It was really disgusting. I couldn’t even call the police. I glued the eyes on the cat and threw it on our floor. After this happened, I completely lost my mood to write and couldn’t calm down at all. The property manager was off work and the cat was A household took him away. It’s unclear whether that beast is from outside or from our community (the pixels of the surveillance are too poor)

In short, disgusting!

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