Strange story player

Chapter 625 His own death

Shen Kui stumbled and groped around, his condition at this moment was extremely bad!

Can't hear, can't see, can't speak.

For a human being with a mind and a soul, being deprived of the ability to feel and express is simply more terrifying than death.

And it was at this moment that Shen Su, who had lost all his facial features, once again felt that there was "someone" beside him.

He waved his hand suddenly and was hit!

There is really someone next to me!

But...his wrist was held firmly.

If Shen Ku could see, he would see that what appeared in front of him now was another person exactly like him... Shen Ku.

This Chen Shi touched his chin, looked at the "brother" in front of him with great interest, and said: "It's really strange, it seems that only one of us can exist."

"Forget it, you can't hear me even if I say it."

Shen Ku simply opened "his" palm and wrote on the palm of his hand with his fingers: person.

A very simple word, so simple that you can’t feel it is wrong.

But just after Shen Kui wrote this word, the faceless "Shen Kui" who looked exactly like himself suddenly squirmed a few times in his throat, as if he was swallowing something. The next second... Faceless Shen Kui collapsed. On the ground.

Shen Kui was startled, no way, he thought he wouldn't die.

He knelt down and checked the other person's carotid artery. Sure enough, he was dead.

Wait... This man just made a swallowing movement, but he didn't even have a mouth. What could he swallow?

Unless there are still complete parts of the organs under this bare face, and it is possible that something suddenly appeared in his mouth just now.

Was it really the one ghost who did it?

What was poured down...

Shen Kui looked around and found nothing suitable, so he went to the kitchen to get a knife.

According to his idea, of course he would immediately cut open this "self"'s belly to see what was going on with the "gurgling" in his throat just now.

But just when Shen Kui entered the kitchen, he suddenly heard the siren!

Chen Su's expression changed slightly, and he immediately went to the window, leaned his back against the window edge, and glanced sideways downstairs.


It's a police car, and it's coming here.

His mind was quick and he immediately realized that it was directed at him.

Judging from the current situation, with a faceless corpse lying in the bathroom, he, the "owner" of the house, must be suspected of not being clean.



I couldn't cut him open to see what he had swallowed, so he could die so quickly.

Shen Ku put the knife back in the kitchen and immediately left the room.

However, looking at the battle below, there should be police guarding downstairs as well, which means that they will not be able to get out of this building for a while.

It's really strange. Just after the person here died, the police arrived there. How could it be so fast?

There was only one explanation that Shen Ku could think of, and that was that someone called the police in advance.

He even told the police in a prophetic way that a murder would occur at Shen Rui's residence tonight.


Shen Su came to the elevator entrance, looked at the ascending elevator, turned around and ran towards the fire escape.


The elevator door opens.

What came up in the elevator was indeed a bunch of police officers.

Bai Yang was not there, but Xia Nan was still there. He yawned. Several police officers divided their duties. Five of them went to Shen Zu's room, and two of them guarded the stairs, one on the left and the other on the right.

After Xia Nan knocked on the door, no one answered. Several police officers exchanged glances, took tools, and violently broke in the door.


The door was knocked open.

The pistol and flashlight were both pointed into the house.

Xia Nan groped the wall vigilantly, found the light switch, and pressed it.

light is on.

Five police officers filed in.

After carefully searching the living room and bedroom, everyone's attention was focused on the kitchen and bathroom.


Xia Nan gently pushed open the bathroom door.

The door was only opened halfway because it was blocked by something inside.

After confirming that no one was in the room, Xia Nan put away his pistol and got half-way in to check the situation in the bathroom.

A faceless male corpse wearing a black trench coat was lying on the ground, just like...the woman told them.

Xia Nan looked ugly: "What she said is true."

"We arrived very quickly. The person related to the case should still be in this building and has not gone out. Let the people below keep an eye on it. It is after four o'clock in the morning. Don't let anyone go out! We are searching for him layer by layer. Come out!" The person who spoke was not Xia Nan, but a more senior detective, and everyone agreed with his judgment.

Although it is unbelievable, since what the woman named [Zhen] said is true, then her subsequent statement that the people involved in the case are also in the building should also be true.

There are two groups on the left and right of the stairs. After hearing this arrangement, the police officer guarding the stairs said: "Then start from this floor. We will search down, and you can search up!"

The police officer's voice was irritated, perhaps because there was a response from the corridor.

The old detective nodded: "Okay! Act immediately!"

A large-scale manhunt for the remains began.

Xia Nan is responsible for looking after the body. Currently, there are not enough manpower. Before finding Shen Corpse, Xia Nan can only stay with the body at Shen Corpse's house.

However, one group searched upwards and the other searched downwards. Both groups searched very carefully, but found nothing.

It was as if the person who was supposed to be not far from the scene suddenly got wings and flew away.

In desperation, everyone had no choice but to return to Shen Zu's home again and prepare to get rid of the body first.

At this time, Xia Nan suddenly asked: "Why did it take so long to collect the burial tools?"

"When Xiao Li was checking down, he went out to get it." A police officer replied.

"Xiao Li was here just now?" Xia Nan was startled.

"Yes, he and Xiao Wang didn't enter the house. They were guarding the stairs. He just said that one group would go up and the other group would search down..."

As soon as the police officer said this, his expression changed.

He immediately picked up the walkie-talkie: "Everyone downstairs! Stop that Xiao Li!"

"Who?" The voice of the police officer at the entrance to the first floor came over the intercom.

"It's not Xiao Li who went out to get the burial tools! Catch him!"

After saying that, the group of people rushed into the staircase where Xiao Li was guarding just now.

I ran down one floor and found Xiao Li unconscious at the corner of the stairs.

His clothes had been taken off.

Xia Nan hurriedly checked Xiao Li's breathing, then opened Xiao Li's eyelids and took a look. Finally, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to everyone: "It's nothing serious."

"Damn it..." Xia Nan couldn't help but said, "Let him run away."

The old detective was silent for a moment and said: "Fortunately... the other party is a human being."

For a moment, everyone was silent.


Outside the building, Shen Zu took off his police uniform and walked forward.


The "self" thirty years later can be predicted to die, and it is only after the "self" loses her face thirty years later that she can walk out of the gap in time and space.

It seems that the prophet should be very clear that the faceless corpse is the original existence of this world, and the people who appear after that... are people who came from another time and space ten years ago.

He unbuttoned the two shirt buttons at the collar and looked back at "Shen Shi"'s room in the darkness.

Predicting death?

Ha...he didn't believe it.

Since you dare to kill me?

Not even "I" from another time and space.

He wants revenge.

That thing hiding behind, whether it’s a human or a ghost, should be mentally prepared, right?

Shen Ku withdrew his gaze, turned around and walked towards the darkness.

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