Strange story player

Chapter 620 Xi Wutong

Qin Manjiang put down his hand after listening to the old doctor's words.

He raised his head in the wind and rain and said with a smile: "Yes, I am Qin Manjiang, from Xiajiang Village. I am thirty years old this year."

He got it.

As a person involved, he understands better than anyone else.

Qin Manjiang died thirty years later, but in the original timeline, he did not die. His arrival changed everything.

This faceless corpse is proof.

Certain rules and forces are modifying the changed reality.

For example... the twenty-year-old Qin Manjiang became his thirty-year-old "self", but the real thirty-year-old Qin Manjiang had his face wiped away.

If nothing else, the DNA of this corpse cannot reveal the reason.

"Is it you?" Bai Yang frowned slightly and took a careful look at Qin Manjiang.

He had seen this doctor when he came to Xiajiang Village last year, but why didn't he recognize him just now?

Not only did he not recognize him, he didn't even think about the Qin Manjiang in front of him and the Qin Manjiang he knew.

But now that Qin Manjiang admitted it, Bai Yang felt like it.

"Let's do this for now, Xiaolin, you take Mr. Qin to hide from the rain." Bai Yang still remembered Qin Manjiang's look as if he was about to faint from the rain just now.

He waved, and a trainee police officer ran over: "Mr. Qin, please follow me."

Qin Manjiang did not resist. He followed Xiao Lin silently to the nearest house.

While walking, Qin Manjiang carefully felt the changes in his body.

My body has become worse.

His lung capacity is also a little smaller, and his body is also a little thinner. It should be because he doesn't exercise often.

I literally "became" him.

It was only then that Qin Manjiang was completely sure about this matter.

He... unexpectedly changed from a twenty-year-old Qin Manjiang to a thirty-year-old Qin Manjiang.

So far, except for the faceless corpse, I haven't encountered anything strange. Where is the ghost? What about the weird stories?

Is it Guai Tan who turned me into a thirty-year-old "Qin Manjiang"?

What is the purpose?

He was brought under the eaves by the young police officer named Xiao Lin, and quietly watched the busy scene.

Zhong Xueran is taking photos, she is a reporter.

Shen Mu touched his chin and looked around, looking serious, but indeed like a detective.

Yan Xiao and Bai Yang, one the deputy captain of the fire brigade and the other the captain of the criminal police team, were examining this incredible body.

If someone had cut off the face of this corpse and then covered it with a layer of human skin, it would definitely leave traces.

Moreover, the eye sockets, bridge of nose, and mouth cannot be flat at all.

But this corpse's face was completely flat, covered only by a bare piece of human skin, as if it was born without any facial features.

"Xiajiang Village is well-known for being haunted, but this is the first time I've seen something as weird as this." Yan Xiao frowned. He had a lot of experience, but he still had never seen such a corpse.

How could a good person lose his face?

"Reporter Zhong, please give me the camera, and I will filter out the photos that you can publish, but this photo of a corpse is absolutely not allowed," Bai Yang said.

Zhong Xueran nodded and handed the camera to Bai Yang without any resistance.

She knew the seriousness, and the weirdness of this case was obviously beyond the scope of what she could report.

"If you find out anything about this body, can you tell me?" Zhong Xueran asked.

"In addition to the official platform, I can tell you the news I can report as soon as possible in return for your assistance in handling the case." Bai Yang handed the camera to the police officer behind him and said to Zhong Xueran.

"All right……"

Zhong Xueran responded in a low voice. She knew there was no room for maneuver in this matter, and it was good to get such a result.

"Well, please go and rest first."

Bai Yang said no more.

The scene continued to be busy, the rain was still falling and showed no sign of letting up.

Qin Manjiang carefully observed every abnormality, but the biggest abnormality at the moment was his body... no, it was the change in identity.

He was sure that he was still twenty-year-old Qin Manjiang when he first came here, otherwise he would have been discovered long ago when he deceived the villagers.

But everything changed the moment the thirty-year-old Qin Manjiang's soul disappeared.

He turned into "him" and turned into the thirty-year-old Qin Manjiang.

So...what about them?

Yan Xiao, Shen Hu, Zhong Xueran, Bai Yang... who are they at this moment?

Is he the original person in this time and space, or is he the same person who has been replaced...

Qin Manjiang glanced at everyone, but out of the corner of his eye he saw a somewhat familiar figure in the hazy heavy rain.

Wait...that's it!

His heart skipped a beat and he immediately turned around.

A doctor in a white coat walked back into the ambulance and closed the door.

But that figure, could it be...could it be!

Qin Manjiang immediately rushed out of the eaves. The rain hit him and mud splashed under his feet.

The ambulance is starting.

There are only corpses here, and no one needs to be rescued. This corpse was transported back by the police themselves, so there is no need for an ambulance.


Qin Manjiang shouted.

The rain was too heavy, and of course his voice could not penetrate the rain curtain and get into the closed ambulance.

But it got into the ears of several people in Baiyang.

Everyone turned around and looked at Qin Manjiang. Shen Zu was holding a black umbrella and asked, "What is he doing?"

No one knew what Qin Manjiang was going to do, but everyone could see that something was wrong with his behavior at the moment.

Could it be that he is indeed related to this strange incident?

Bai Yang and Yan Xiao looked at each other, and they immediately rushed towards Qin Manjiang to hold him down.


The ambulance started.

Seeing that the car was about to drive away, Qin Manjiang also quickened his pace. He no longer cared whether he would attract special attention.

That person...that doctor must be stopped!

Yan Xiao and Bai Yang were chasing, and so was Qin Manjiang, but the former was chasing people and the latter was chasing cars.

Fortunately, it was raining heavily today, so the ambulance didn't start too fast. Qin Manjiang had already caught up with the ambulance after chasing him with all his strength.

As he ran, he knocked hard on the car window: "Stop! Stop the car!"

Only then did the ambulance driver realize that a person had been following the car in the heavy rain, and he quickly stepped on the brakes.

After the car stopped, Qin Manjiang immediately opened the door and made eye contact with the doctor in the car.

It was indeed her!

Qin Manjiang was about to speak, but was pushed to the ground by Yan Xiao and Bai Yang who caught up with him.

"What are you going to do? Don't move!" Bai Yang warned.

Qin Manjiang didn't struggle, but raised his head with difficulty and looked at the woman in the white coat in the car.

"Xi Wutong, are you Xi Wutong?"

The female doctor originally looked confused, but after hearing Qin Manjiang's voice, she slowly opened her eyes.

Impossible... No one in this time and space knows that her name is Xi Wutong!

Could it be that this Qin Manjiang...

Baiyang also looked at the female doctor in the car. He knew her. Her surname was indeed Xi, but her name was not Xi Wutong, but Xi An?

"Doctor Xi, do you know him?"

The shock on Xi Wutong's face flashed away, but she hid it well. Hearing this, he nodded and said: "Please let him go, he has no ill intentions."

She looked at Qin Manjiang who was pinned in the rain with complicated eyes.

"This Mr. Qin is one of mine..."

"Old friend."

(One update tonight. This week will last until Saturday. Something is happening in real life. It will most likely be one update. If I have time, I will update two. Sorry, it will be resumed on the weekend.)

Thanks to Xia Qiu for not coughing and the Los Santos poet for the reward.

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