Strange story player

Chapter 608 Taoist

Xinxin, one of the first ten players in Fucheng.

In the ghost stories of [Ping An Hospital], she was trapped in her own photos. In the end... it was the Lian Yan in front of her who took her away from the world of ghost stories and returned to reality.

In fact, she has been back for some time, but she has never returned to Fucheng.

Moreover, after escaping from [Ping An Hospital] in this way, Xinxin never received another call from Fucheng Tongjie.

Later, it was Lian Yan who told her that her codename had probably disappeared from Fucheng [Tongjie].

In other words, although she did not successfully clear the entire Eye World, she truly escaped from the Kaidan Game.

This kind of "buggy" behavior made Xinxin extremely suspicious of the origin of [Pupillary Realm].

Lian Yan told her part of the truth, that is, the current [Tongjie] is controlled by humans, and it is normal for loopholes to appear. No matter how sophisticated the system is, as long as humans are involved, loopholes will appear.

"Go back, where are you going?" Xinxin turned over and continued to hug the stuffed bear, "Hey, I'm hungry!"

"Go back to Fucheng." Lian Yan walked to her side and looked at her condescendingly.

"No," Xinxin muttered in a low voice, "What are you going to do..."

"Your family..." Lian Yan's words stopped suddenly, and he thought of the photo of Xinxin he saw at that time.

It was her permanent prop. The photo showed a dark living room with two decomposed corpses of a man and a woman hanging from the ceiling.

Xinxin's home has long been gone.

Lian Yan said nothing more and just smiled: "But if you don't want to go back, you can stay alone in Yuecheng."

Xinxin suddenly turned over and sat up. The teddy bear fell to the ground. She stared at Lian Yan: "Why?"

"Because I'm going to Fucheng, and so are they."

"What?" Xinxin didn't understand what he meant.

"I said, the real game is about to begin. The remaining ten in Yuecheng are just enough."

Lian Yan took a deep breath and whispered: "The person who can influence destiny finally appears. Xinxin, prepare to participate in the game again."

"This time, it's a real ghost story game."


Northeast of Fucheng, Funiu Mountain.

There is a Taoist temple on Funiu Mountain, and at the foot of the mountain is Fucheng's largest prison.

In a sense, it can be regarded as the unity of heaven and man.

At this moment, in the Funiu Mountain Taoist Temple, the old Taoist leaned on the futon and yawned. He looked like he was dozing off, but in fact his clear eyes were full of energy, reflecting the lush Funiu Mountain trees and the blue sky in the distance.

The old man's whole body was already old, but his eyes didn't look like an old man at all.

"It looks like the time has come..."

The old Taoist opened the gourd on his waist.

"Come out, little girl, it's time to go home!"

After a moment of shaking, a figure flew out from the gourd's mouth and slowly grew in size.

This scene, it is not surprising to say that it is a fairy tale brought into reality. If an outsider sees it, they will definitely think that this old man is some kind of immortal.

But if there are players from the Pupil Realm here, they must know that he is not an immortal, nor does he have any magic power, and this is not a fairy tale.

Because almost every player in the pupil world knows the gourd in this veteran's hand.

In addition to being darker and more primitive, this gourd is clearly one of the disposable props in the pupil world - Ningbi gourd!

The person who came out of the gourd slowly opened her eyes. The moment she saw the old Taoist, she immediately turned her head and looked around: "Where is classmate Qin? Where is Mr. Mei?"

The person who came out of the gourd was Qin Manjiang's squad leader, Qiao Ziru, who was supposed to be trapped in the ghost story of Qiaojiacun!

The old Taoist smiled and said nothing. Only then did Qiao Ziru realize that the gourd in the old Taoist's hand was the Ningbi Gourd.

That is an extremely useful one-time item that can protect players, except for the fierce ghosts with spatial abilities, and can almost isolate most damage.

This old Taoist priest, he lied to everyone!

Qiao Ziru still remembered that he said that he did not have a spiritual pupil, and he was not a player of the pupil world, and the way he called the pupil world was very strange. He called the pupil world "Dongtian", just like a person who had traveled from ancient times.

But now he clearly holds the Ningbi Gourd in his hand!

"Did you lie to us?" Qiao Ziru quickly understood the situation. He should have been captured by him with the Ningbi Hu, but... isn't the Ningbi Hu a disposable item? Why can this old Taoist priest hang the gourd back on his waist after using it?

The old Taoist laughed and touched his beard: "Little girl, do you know Shan Qingling?"

Although Qiao Ziru has not been in the [Pupilla Realm] for a long time, she has already seen the list of props. She has also heard Qin Manjiang mention the story of Shan Qingling and Sanqingling.

That is the imprint left by Miss Zhong Xueran Zhong's ancestors in the [Pupillary Realm]. It can almost be regarded as a simplified version of Sanqing Ling.

Wait...could it be said? !

Qiao Ziru looked at the gourd on Lao Tao's waist and asked, "The Ningbi gourd is the same as Dan Qingling?"

The old Taoist didn't hide anything, and nodded with a smile: "This thing is called the Caibi gourd. The Ningbi gourd in the pupil world cave is derived from my gourd."

Qiao Ziru's eyes slowly opened wide. She had no idea about the origin of [Tongjie]. She was completely involved in the ghost story game because of Qin Manjiang's involvement. How could she not be surprised when she first heard about this secret?

"who are you?"

She couldn't help but ask this question.

The old Taoist smiled with a smile on his face, shook his head and said: "I... am just a ray of lonely soul from ancient times to the present. Once this borrowed body dies, I can only go to the next time."

Borrowed body, next time?

These riddle-like words left Qiao Ziru completely confused.

"However, I seem to have waited this time," said the old man, with a strange light in his eyes. "Finally, someone from outside this world has obtained the power to change."

"Little girl, you have to return to Fucheng immediately. The real ghost story game is about to begin. This is your only chance and the only chance in this world." The old Taoist's eyes were bright and his voice was not old, but firm and powerful. " The world needs variables, and you are one of the variables, as is the young man named Xia Nan."

Qiao Ziru looked at him in confusion: "I don't understand what you mean."

The veteran waved his hand: "You don't need to understand, you just need to know that you, that Xia Nan, and the other kid are not the people who should have appeared in this world."

Having said this, the old Taoist paused for a moment, then shook his head and said:

"Speaking of it, that little friend is the one. And you... are the changes that came into being because of his appearance."

The old Taoist's eyes glowed with a strange light and he murmured:

"I have never seen you in the past or in the future."

Qiao Ziru still didn't understand what it meant, and the old man stopped explaining.

It's that... young man named Qin Manjiang.

Neither the little girl Qiao Ziru nor the young man named Xia Nan should have spiritual eyes in the original course of history. They are weeds that will die naturally, not flowers and leaves that can grow back.

But this time, because of that young man.

Weeds turn into new flowers and leaves.

A new spiritual pupil owner was born.

The old Taoist waved his hand, said his last goodbyes to Qiao Ziru, and said:

"Miss Qiao, help me give a message to the little girl of the Zhong family."

"Let's just say... things are unpredictable, so don't be too persistent."

"Go ahead..."

(The second update is coming)

Thanks to No. 95 Bing Kuo, wangyao023, friend 1, for the reward.

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