Strange story player

Chapter 592 Malice

He is stalling for time.

This thought flashed through everyone's mind.

Ha... This person still doesn't want to give up.

Isn't she just a woman?

They were puzzled, not to mention that this disabled woman did not look breathtakingly beautiful. Apart from her white skin, what did he like about her?

If Qin Manjiang didn't need to "find a way", this group of people would have absolutely no patience to listen to Qin Manjiang and would have swarmed him and dealt with him long ago.

Qin Manjiang naturally understood that these people were not good people, and to convince them they couldn't talk about emotions, human nature, and the like.

"Just hand her over to these ghosts and we will all die."

Qin Manjiang faced everyone and said these words.

There was silence in the crowd for a moment, and then someone sneered, and the laughter gradually became louder: "Hahaha, young man, this sentence you made up is indeed scary, but is it based on evidence?"

Yi Lianhai folded his arms and frowned after hearing what Qin Manjiang said, as if he understood something.

Qin Manjiang suppressed the surging malice in his heart and explained: "Think about it carefully, why are there fourteen people?"

This sentence made the laughter pause, and then Qin Manjiang continued: "They only need fourteen people, not thirteen, nor fifteen. This shows that the number fourteen has meaning, and it is related to their number. correspond."

"As the incarnation of Guanyin, her flesh and blood can indeed replace humans, but... to what extent?"

Qin Manjiang raised a key question.

"Bogu, can you answer me definitely, is one her exactly equal to fourteen people?" Qin Manjiang turned to the side and looked at Bogu and asked.

Bai Gu was silent for a moment and shook his head: "No, it cannot be quantified."

These people still believed Bai Gu's words, and their eyes became strange when they heard the words.

Qin Manjiang looked at them and continued: "That's the problem. The ghost only needs fourteen people, no more and no less fourteen. She can indeed sacrifice on behalf of humans, but the number cannot be quantified."

"That's why I said, if we push her out and hand her over to the ghost, all of us will die because... we didn't meet the ghost's request."

After finishing talking, the cave was quiet.

Although he wished to push the woman out immediately to die instead of everyone, the question raised by Qin Manjiang made even the simplest-minded people realize that it did exist.

That's right, how many people does this woman support?

Too much or too little will not be able to satisfy the ghost's requirements, and everyone will die because of it.

Yi Lianhai glanced at the crowd and gave a subtle wink to the back. Several people behind him responded immediately.

These people are his real people arranged by Yi Lianhai, and they are also the people who really only listen to his words.

To be honest, although everyone is a member of the Paleontological Research Association, most of the thirty or so people are customers, and only a very small number of them are his real employees.

He must make a contingency plan, that is, force a result when there is no result after discussion.

The method is also very simple, and violence is one of the most effective methods in this environment.

Although asking his employees to bring down the fourteen bosses may cause riots, it is better than failing to fulfill the ghost's request and everyone losing their lives together.

However, this is also a last resort. Before that moment, there is no need to go to this step.

Now let's see if they can come up with a new plan.

"Everyone, the question he raised is real. Not only can we not let this woman replace everyone, we cannot even count her as one of the fourteen people. All considerations must exclude her. After all, this is It's an unstable factor." Yi Lianhai clapped his hands and drew everyone's attention to him, "Remind me again, we only have about five minutes."

"What? Five minutes?! Is there a time limit?"

"Nonsense, see for yourself how far away those ghosts are from us."

Some people originally thought that there would always be a way, but the appearance of the time limit immediately became the Sword of Damocles hanging over everyone's heads.

five minutes……

Is it really necessary to draw lots to select fourteen people?

Qin Manjiang finally breathed a sigh of relief. In his desperation just now, his mind was spinning rapidly, and he finally thought of a question that could convince these people.

Looking at them again, they were now stuck in the dilemma of how to select fourteen people.

Qin Manjiang's eyes were cold. He turned his head and glanced at the ghost that was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, a glimmer of understanding flashed in his eyes. It turns out... this is the way to survive.

A strange smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Yi Lianhai was well prepared and didn't pay attention to these people's arguments. He focused more on observing everyone's reactions, including Qin Manjiang.

Just now, when he saw Qin Manjiang showing a slight smile, Yi Lianhai had some goosebumps on his body.

He didn't know why, but he suddenly felt that... this young man who looked exactly like Jiang Du was more dangerous than Jiang Du at that moment.

Bai Gu also seemed to feel some kind of strange aura. He turned his head and stared at Qin Manjiang.

If we say, there is a strange "divinity" lingering in Baigu's body.

At this moment, Qin Manjiang showed out-and-out malice...

"Hey, you've actually found a solution to this problem, right?"

Yi Lianhai asked.

Qin Manjiang came back to his senses and smiled: "How is it possible? I don't have a clue. If I did, how could I just watch everyone die?"

Yi Lianhai only felt a chill.

This Qin Manjiang has definitely seen the clues of this game.

He clearly had a way to prevent everyone from dying and pass the level in front of him perfectly, but he chose to remain silent and act stupid.

But Yi Lianhai also understood the reason very well. These people had just stumped him and used words to manipulate him. For a young man of this age, he probably couldn't stand this anger.

Thinking of this, Yi Lianhai stopped asking questions and could only say that these people deserved it.

But in fact, these are not the main reasons.

When everyone looked at him with mocking eyes and forced him to hand over the woman behind him, the malice and negative emotions in his heart had already begun to grow violently.

This has nothing to do with who is behind him, but this feeling makes Qin Manjiang extremely unhappy.

Just as Yi Lianhai guessed, he had already found a way out when he saw the ghost approaching five meters in front of him.

The ghost does not move, and the fifteen-minute time limit is also determined by the initial distance.

But they will gradually get closer to players over time.

This shows that the space in this cave, at least in this area, is folded.

In other words, you only need to carefully observe the time difference between the instantaneous changes in distance of the ghosts, and then be bold enough to approach the ghosts and stand face to face with them.

When the space changes on its own, they will naturally move behind the ghost.

The puzzles are actually not difficult.

But...Qin Manjiang now just wants to see the tragic situation before their death.

(Sorry, I promised to update three times today, but I can only update it tomorrow. Because today is my birthday, I actually forgot!!! I completely forgot! I went out to play with my family during the day today, and I really don’t have time to type. I will make up for everyone tomorrow. The third update, good night!)

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