Strange story player

Chapter 581 Corpse Transformation

"No...Jiang Du is betting everything on the future this time."

said the unheard voice.

"He said that he has tried twice, but the timeline is still dead, and the whole world is still dead... He can't make time flow again. As Jiang Du, he can't do this."

"So the so-called soul data..." Li Xijiu's voice asked.

"How can a soul have data? The baby's soul is the real soul of Jiang Du, but... it's a blank version with everything removed."

"As for the parts that were eliminated, there are good and bad parts. I kept the good parts, which may be useful. As for the bad parts, Jiang Du seems to have buried them deep in the child's heart. I don't know what he thinks."

"In short, Jiang Du is really... dead. The child left behind is a blank slate. What can he grow into? Can he change the past that Jiang Du cannot change, thus affecting the future... Jiang Du has put everything into perspective. Leave it to the newborn."

"Of course I have to intervene."

"Is this the reason why you followed Jiangdu and split yourself in two?" Li Xijiu's voice was muffled and almost difficult to hear.

"Yes, you don't need to care about your relationship with me. The moment we separated, the real Yi Lianhai no longer existed. You were the cheerful, confident, casual, and positive part of Yi Lianhai, and I... He will bring his dark part to bite the Bai family completely in the next twenty years."

"So, I have to be that boy's daddy?" Li Xijiu asked in a voice.

"No, you also need to grow up from a baby. Your memory will be opened when he is dragged into Fucheng [Pupillary Realm]."

"Then I have to thank you..."


Yi Lianhai...Li Xijiu...

Qin Manjiang's pupils trembled slightly.

These two people are actually the same person.

He suddenly felt that it was ridiculous that he had been living under attention and planning for the past twenty years.

A living "Truman".

The Jiang Du that he had been wary of turned out to be just Jiang Du's negative side. The real Jiang Du was completely dead long ago, and he was talking to himself... leaving the so-called future to him.

There were still sounds in my ears, but they were gradually becoming inaudible.

He didn't know if it was the too loud wind, the shock in his mind, or the roar in his heart that made it hard for him to hear clearly.


Suddenly, a crisp sound disturbed Qin Manjiang's mind.

He looked back and saw that the hand on his shoulder had been shattered from the shoulder.

For the first time, a look of pain appeared on the face of Guanyin's incarnation. She swayed and fell down weakly.

Qin Manjiang hugged her immediately.

This person...she has lost her entire right arm.

The chaotic space next to [His] corpse turned out to be much more terrifying than the corrosive attacks of the evil spirits.

Last night, the man-eating ghost was satisfied with just one little finger.

But in order to get Qin Manjiang out of the chaotic space, she paid the price of an entire arm.

Looking at her broken arm, which was like jade chips flying around, Qin Manjiang took a deep breath and suppressed the violent emotional fluctuations.

The moment he heard the conversation just now, Qin Manjiang felt the desire to give up completely.

He didn't want to do anything.

Whether it's a world where time has died, Jiang Du's expectations for him, or the mystery of Li Xijiu and Yi Lianhai's identities.

At that moment, he didn't even want to think about it.

But this woman's broken arm awakened Qin Manjiang's self for a moment.

At least...she is still working hard to help me and save me.

Seeing that the shoulder of Guanyin's incarnation was completely intact and there was no trace of blood, Qin Manjiang asked in a low voice: "How can I replenish your arm?"

She also looked at her empty right arm, tilted her head and looked at Qin Manjiang and shook her head, seeming to be puzzled.

Qin Manjiang helped her stand up. She was really like porcelain, very precious but also fragile.

However, no matter who she was, he already owed too many favors during this trip to Guanyin Village.

Just when Qin Manjiang was about to say something, a frightened cry suddenly came from the cave:

"What's this?!"

"let me go!"




A strong roar made Qin Manjiang feel dizzy in an instant, and a stench hundreds of times stronger than before appeared in the cave.

Qin Manjiang endured the discomfort and looked deep into the cave, his pupils suddenly shrank!

The three people Baigu and the old village chief who were chasing him just now have unexpectedly reached the location of [him]——

That huge eye pupil!

Qin Manjiang was shocked to find that all the pupils in the [Pupillary Realm] in his eyes suddenly became active, blinking wildly in all directions, and... getting closer and closer, as if the entire space was being compressed!


Every cell in his body was trembling, telling him to leave quickly.

Qin Manjiang grabbed her left hand, and there were only four fingers left on her left hand. Qin Manjiang held her tightly and ran towards the exit of the cave.

And at this time.

In Guanyin Village, all the densely packed living corpses in the entire village suddenly stopped moving.

They raised their heads and stared blankly at the sky, with tiny "worm"-like things running rapidly under their skin.

Then... they all exploded!

Yi Lianhaizheng and Boss Zhao were rushing to his home, when Boss Zhao suddenly stopped.

Yi Lianhai's expression changed suddenly. When he turned around, he saw something lurking under Boss Zhao's face.

"When you were bitten just now, something got in?"

Boss Zhao was trembling all over. His complexion turned from red to white, and from white to green.

Then the color changed from green to black and purple, and the eyes bulged out, and the whole head seemed to explode!

No... The entire Guanyin Village is dead, but Boss Zhao is not a living corpse. He is a variable. We can't let him die now!

Yi Lianhai's expression changed wildly. He made a decisive decision and said, "Hold it!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Yi Lianhai snatched the dagger from Boss Zhao's hand and focused his eyes on the "worm" that was moving quickly across his face.


With quick eyes and quick hands, he picked up the knife and dropped it. A gash was opened on Boss Zhao's face immediately!

Something came out of the wound.

Yi Lianhai, who thought it was a bug, took a closer look and felt his scalp tingle.

What emerged from Boss Zhao's wound was a long and narrow eyeball!

The eyeball should have been spherical, but this eyeball was elongated into the shape of a rugby ball, which was particularly weird.

As soon as it landed, before Yi Lianhai could react, it got into the ground and quickly disappeared.

The same thing is happening not only here, but also in the entire Guanyin Village.

The living corpse exploded, and the long and narrow eyeballs drilled into the soil. The densely packed eyeballs were converging in one direction——

The crazy trembling and shaking cave... where [He] is.

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