Strange story player

Chapter 578 Message

This person will leave as soon as he says...

However, Qin Manjiang also breathed a sigh of relief.

The way Bai Gu looked just now was really terrifying, he definitely couldn't be considered a human being anymore.

Thinking about it, how could the Bai family, which has controlled [Tongjie] for so long, not have any special means?

But, why is Pagu's face exactly the same as this child's face...

Qin Manjiang lowered his head and looked at Xiaoyang.

Xiaoyang was stunned at this moment.

He watched his "grandpa" being killed, his head being slapped around, and he watched "grandpa"'s body explode into a ball of dirty blood.

Finally, he watched helplessly as a bloody man crawled out of the dirty blood.

In this short period of time, the impact on Xiaoyang's five- or six-year-old brain was beyond imagination.

The strong rotten smell in the cave also penetrated his nostrils desperately.

Qin Manjiang put him down and didn't speak for a long time.

At this time, the incarnation of Guanyin also walked to Qin Manjiang.

She became unable to speak again and looked dull, but she seemed to have a natural affinity for Qin Manjiang.

", is my grandfather...a bad thing?"

Xiaoyang took Qin Manjiang's hand and looked up at him with tears in his eyes.

Qin Manjiang sighed in his heart.

He didn't know the specific situation of the Bai family at all, but Qin Manjiang didn't say anything strange to this child who was only five or six years old.

"Xiaoyang...your name is Xiaoyang, right?"

Qin Manjiang held his hand.

"Well..." Xiaoyang nodded tremblingly, as if she was tired from crying and her tears had stopped flowing.

"Xiaoyang, remember, our world is not what you see with your eyes. It is... very strange."

Qin Manjiang tried his best to find some gentle words. Somehow, he had an idea. Maybe he could communicate with the fragments of Guanyin and share the world I saw with him?

Although he didn't know if it would work, Qin Manjiang still tried it.

He kept holding Xiaoyang's hand and said in his heart: "Are you there? Can you let him see it too?"

Qin Manjiang didn't get any response. Just when he was about to say something to Xiaoyang, Xiaoyang suddenly opened his eyes wide: "Brother! I saw it!"

"Eyes, so many eyes!"

He raised his right hand and pointed around the cave.

Of course... in Qin Manjiang's eyes, this cave is simply the [Pupillary Realm].

Can you really communicate?

Qin Manjiang felt strange in his heart. He turned around and saw that this woman who was the incarnation of Guanyin had put her hand on Xiaoyang's shoulder at some point.

She seemed to feel Qin Manjiang looking at her, and she blinked her eyes. There was no expression on her stiff face, but Qin Manjiang could see the emotion of "I can do it."

He couldn't help but smile and squeezed Xiaoyang's hand: "Yes, this is part of the real world."

Qin Manjiang squatted down, took Xiaoyang's hand and pointed with him to an eye pupil in the distance in the [Pupillary Realm], and said: "Imagine that there is a very big animal, too big to fit in the eye. Our world is in its belly..."

"Big monster... belly..."

Xiaoyang had been completely diverted by the surprising scene in front of him, and temporarily forgot about "grandpa" turning bad.

His immature mind recorded many things today, the most important of which was this strange brother...

There is a voice that keeps reminding me to remember this brother.

Qin Manjiang looked at Xiaoyang with complicated eyes. Now he didn't know that he had really traveled through time and space and returned to the eve of the submergence of Guanyin Village twenty years ago. Or were events that had already happened in the past re-outlined by the power of ghost stories and repeated themselves in the imaginary world.

He didn't even know whether the Xiaoyang in front of him was the same Yang twenty years later.

But he couldn't ignore the child, let alone pretend that nothing happened.

"Xiaoyang..." Qin Manjiang shouted in a low voice.

Xiaoyang raised his head and looked back from his pupils to Qin Manjiang's face.

"You are now a hero who knows the truth about the world. As a hero, you can't just listen to your grandfather and father. Although this big monster is the master of our world, it is not good to us. When you grow up, you have to lead everyone to escape Let’s get rid of the big monsters in this world, okay?”

Qin Manjiang's emotions were extremely complicated, but the smile on his face was real.

Xiaoyang nodded as if he understood. He seemed to feel a certain burden on his small shoulders: "Yes! I will do my best, brother!"

"But...what should I do if I can't do it..."

Xiaoyang frowned. Although he was very young, he was obviously thinking seriously about what Qin Manjiang said. He felt that he could not save the world and eliminate monsters with his own abilities.

Qin Manjiang smiled and rubbed his head: "It's not just you. You will meet many people in the future. By uniting everyone, you can do what you can't do alone. If you really can't do it, you can do it in the future." Ask your brother for help, he will help you!"

"Okay, brother!" Xiaoyang's eyes lit up and she was finally happy.

Qin Manjiang smiled and looked at the incarnation of Guanyin, and her hand left Xiaoyang's shoulder.

The world in Xiaoyang's eyes returned to normal instantly.

Qin Manjiang looked at the child and doubt appeared in his mind for the first time.

Is this world... really a fixed cycle...

"You take him out, I want to go in and take a look."

Qin Manjiang said to the incarnation of Guanyin.

He didn't know if the other party could understand what he meant, but she was the only one he could rely on right now.

Unexpectedly, she shook her head without hesitation, and then, as if she remembered something, she broke off one of her fingers with a "bang" sound.

This action not only startled Qin Manjiang, but also startled Xiaoyang who happened to turn his head to look at her.

She didn't know what was wrong, so she handed her broken off little finger to Xiaoyang.

Xiao Yang was so frightened that he was shaking all over.

Qin Manjiang understood what she meant. With her finger, the child could go out on his own and it would be fine.

He took a closer look at her fingers. It was strange that they still felt like flesh and blood when they were on her body, but when they were broken off, they turned into the texture of jade and porcelain.

And it doesn't have any bloody weird feeling, it's more like a work of art.

"Xiaoyang, take it, go out first, and wait for your brother outside the village. My brother will go in and help you find grandpa."

When Xiaoyang heard what Qin Manjiang said, he took her finger tremblingly.

The fingers exuded a glimmer of light and were slightly warm, which relieved Xiaoyang's nervousness and fear.

Although he was young, he was very sensible and didn't make any noise about going in together.

" must come..."


Xiaoyang turned around and walked away.

Qin Manjiang looked at the incarnation of Guanyin. This "she" who could not speak did not mean any harm, but why would she help me like this?

Could it be that just because she is Guanyin, she will respond to people's wishes?

Qin Manjiang stared at her.

"Do you know me?"

He asked very abruptly. Qin Manjiang asked even though he knew she couldn't speak.

But after asking, Qin Manjiang gave up again. He had no intention of getting the answer.

However, the answer appeared at this moment.

The woman who was the incarnation of Guanyin actually nodded, raised her right hand, and made a gesture with her remaining four fingers...


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