Strange story player

Chapter 574 Shocking Change

There is mist in the mountains.

Today is the day to worship Guanyin. Every household should be preparing offerings, but at this moment, Guanyin Village is completely silent.

Even the color of the entire village has turned into a strange color with a hint of blue.

Boss Zhao stood at the entrance of the village. The way he came had been cut off. He knew that something big must have happened in the village.

Speaking of which, has the ghost that just passed by gotten a little bigger?

Mr. Zhao was horrified. When he saw it last night, it was only the size of a monkey. But today, when he saw it, he already had the physique of an adult.

If it keeps eating like this, will it keep growing?

Boss Zhao gritted his teeth, rushed into the mist, and ran towards the Guanyin statue.

He groped behind the Guanyin statue, found the mechanism, and pressed it. However, this time there was no response from the mechanism!

At this moment, there was a rustling sound in the mist behind him. Boss Zhao quickly stopped and hid behind the statue.

I can only pray that what comes is not a ghost.

"Uncle Zhao..."

Suddenly, a slightly childish voice sounded, and walking out of the mist turned out to be a child who looked less than ten years old.

Boss Zhao froze for a moment, and then he breathed a sigh of relief after hearing clearly, and turned around slowly.

"What happened to the village? Where are the others?"

"I just came down from the mountain and something big happened!"

"The missing people in our village have all been sunk into the reservoir. Please take me to find them quickly..."

Boss Zhao recognized this child. He was one of the few children left in the village.

"Qingzi? Qingzi?"

Boss Zhao saw that the child kept his head lowered and his whole body was shaking, so he called him by his nickname.

The child named Qingzi did not agree, and his body was still trembling. However, he lowered his head so that Boss Zhao could not see his face——

This child with his head lowered seemed to have a bug burrowing under the skin on his face. His facial features and expressions had all collapsed and lost control. One eyelid was drooped, while the other eye was so bulging that it was almost open. The corners of my eyes are cracked.

The eyeballs that were almost bulging out seemed to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulation. They were trembling crazily and covered with bloodshot eyes.


Boss Zhao continued to shout.

The child's body trembling became extremely irregular, and he raised his head crookedly, looking at Mr. Zhao desperately: " me...Uncle Zhao..."

Qingzi stretched out his hand, and something like a worm was moving rapidly under the skin on his face, causing the skin to bulge, which was particularly scary.

Those big and small eyes also made Mr. Zhao feel numb all over. This child was like a strange soul in his body, struggling hard.

save him?

What can I do to save...

Boss Zhao quietly took a step back, but bumped into the Guanyin statue. He lost his balance and fell to the ground.

The child suddenly opened his mouth! Because he opened it too wide, the corners of his mouth were torn apart in an instant, exposing his bloody gums.

Under the horrified gaze of Boss Zhao, Qingzi rushed over.

In despair, Boss Zhao groped around subconsciously with his hands. Fortunately, he touched a stone, and immediately picked it up and threw it at Qingzi who was rushing towards him!


The sharp stone hit Qingzi's face hard, causing blood to fly instantly.

Boss Zhao's face was also spattered with blood, and he crawled back in horror.

Qingzi was already lying on her back, her face was smashed to pieces, her round and protruding eyeball was also exploded, and only one tendon was left, hanging limply outside the eye socket.

Then, the child's limbs twitched strangely, as if an invisible line binding his limbs suddenly lifted up.


The sound of bones breaking inch by inch was heard, and the child who fell to the ground with his face smashed to pieces slowly got up again.

Only this time, there was no longer any human posture on his body. It lay on the ground strangely with its joints reversed, tilting its head and staring at Boss Zhao.

Boss Zhao was extremely frightened. What happened during the time he left the village and went to the reservoir?

"Boss Zhao..."

A cry came from the fog behind him, just like the child's cry before.

Boss Zhao's scalp went numb, and he slowly turned his head, and what he saw was--

Everyone in the village twisted their necks strangely and looked at him with bloodshot eyes.

A fear welling up from the depths of his soul completely took over his reason.

Boss Zhao's pupils were trembling crazily, he was surrounded...

Surrounded by a whole village of ghosts!

But... why?

Why did everyone become like this? Did that ghost do it?

Although he was desperate, he was more confused and puzzled.

Densely packed ghosts came out of the fog. Their figures were extremely strange, and their limbs were extremely uncoordinated.

"No reason……"

"Why are you ghosts?"

"In the end what happened?!"

Boss Zhao's expression was already distorted. He had just seen the bodies of the missing people in the reservoir, and he thought about coming over to find someone to retrieve the bodies together. He didn't expect to encounter such a thing as soon as he returned to the village.

Why on earth! ?

Everyone, what happened...

Although there have been rumors of haunting in the village for a long time.

But it got really weird after the Guanyin statue was brought back.

Boss Zhao huddled on the ground, and dense ghosts were approaching him.

All he could do was wait desperately for death.

There was still reluctance and confusion in his mind, but he didn't know what to do.

Just as he was about to die surrounded by ghosts, in an instant, a strong wind blew past!


The violent airflow instantly swept away a large amount of water mist.

A piece of blue sky was cleared above Boss Zhao's head, and his ears were filled with the huge roar of the propeller.

Boss Zhao raised his head in shock and saw a helicopter!

Next to the door of the helicopter, a young man dropped a set of rope ladders, which happened to hang in front of him!

With no time to think or care about anything else, Boss Zhao grabbed the rope ladder and the helicopter instantly rose, pulling him out from the crowd of ghosts.

"Buzz buzz-"

The continuous sound of the propeller turning made Boss Zhao realize that he was still alive!

He was completely confused.

Until the helicopter took him away from the village and hovered in the open space outside the village, the young man suddenly shouted to him: "Hey! Get down!"

Boss Zhao subconsciously listened to his words and slowly climbed down the rope ladder.

Unexpectedly, the young man on the helicopter climbed down the rope ladder, jumped, and landed in front of him.

Boss Zhao was in shock, his mind went blank. Upon seeing this, he stared blankly at the young man, who was only about twenty years old, and asked, "Who are you?"

The young man patted his clothes, raised his head and waved to the helicopter in the sky, and then turned to look at him:


"My name is Yi Lianhai."

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