Strange story player

Chapter 557 Damn it

A strange, cold, impossible village, and a woman with a strange attitude.

Outside the wooden house, the wind was blowing loudly.

Soon, Qin Manjiang also felt cold.

This place is really weird. It's not snowing, but it's so cold that my heart is chilling.

Fortunately, the two village women who went to get the bedding came back about five minutes later and kindly brought an extra set of clothes for the woman.

Qin Manjiang turned his back to make the bed, and the woman also put on serious winter clothes.

As soon as this was done, there was suddenly a loud noise in the village.

"There's a ghost!"

"There's a ghost!"

Qin Manjiang raised his brows at the shrill cry. He had seen a lot of weird stories and had been to a lot of evil places.

This is the first time I heard someone calling ghosts in such a big way.

The two village women also ran away with fear on their faces.

Upon seeing this, Qin Manjiang immediately rushed out of the cabin behind the Guanyin statue and ran towards the place where the sound came from.

Along the way, young men from the village also rushed out, armed with sticks and knives, and rushed toward the place where the screams came from.

Qin Manjiang's heart moved when he saw it. It seemed like this wasn't the first time the people in this village had seen a ghost?

Soon, a group of old and young people in the village surrounded an old house.

It's getting late but not too late now, and it's getting dark but not dark yet, it's about five o'clock and almost six o'clock.

Under the hazy sky, the lights were on in the room, and the shadows of the lights were swaying. Two figures were reflected in the window, one of which was struggling and screaming crazily.


The screams were terrifying, and no one around the old house dared to step forward. Qin Manjiang stared at the shadow reflected on the window, one person and one ghost.

The shouting stopped suddenly, and the two shadows reflected in the window disappeared at the same time.

The creepy chewing sounds could be heard vaguely in the house.

The old village chief came belatedly with a cigarette pole, and his already dark face turned even darker when he saw this.

"Bump the door!"

Following his order, the young men in the village looked at me, and I looked at you, and when they became brave enough, they worked together to hit the wooden door.

With a "bang" sound, the door opened.

The moment the door opened, there was a series of frightened screams, and the crowd who gathered outside the house to peek in backed away with a "swish-" sound.

I saw blood all over the floor in the wooden house. A skinny white ghost with a huge head was squatting on the ground, leaning down and munching on a corpse.

Its big mouth full of fangs kept opening and closing. The male villagers who were not yet dead stretched out their hands and looked desperately at the crowd outside. Blood foam was coming out of their mouths, but they could not say a word.

This naked white ghost had disemboweled him and was eating his organs.

The sound of opening the door didn't seem to alarm it at all. Its two eyes, which occupied nearly a third of its huge head, were scarlet red. When it leaned over to eat, it briefly glanced at the crowd outside the door and picked up another piece. The intestines were chewed into the stomach with a "puff puff".

The young man by the door was so frightened that he dropped his stick and knife and ran back.

Qin Manjiang also had a warning sign in his heart, and he retreated into the crowd.

This is the most blatant ghost he has ever seen. Not only does it appear in front of the crowd, it even treats human beings as nothing.


A young man screamed and rushed into the house.

"Hold him!"

The old village chief hurriedly gave instructions.

But at this moment, his words were not so useful. The surrounding villagers wanted to see something strange, but they were also afraid. How could anyone listen to his words?

The young man rushed in with red eyes and saw his father being disemboweled by a ghost, pinned to the ground and eating his intestines. Who could stay there?

But as soon as he rushed in, the people outside the door saw a head flying out before they saw any movement.

"Plop -" it fell to the ground with a sound, and rolled several times without looking back.

Looking up, he saw the young man's headless body standing upright in the door frame, blood rising from his neck to the sky like a fountain, and the door frame was dyed red in the blink of an eye.

This time, everyone was even more frightened and panicked. They no longer dared to watch the excitement. They turned around and fled to their homes one by one. The old village chief shouted with an extremely ugly face:

"Don't run!"

"Don't run!"

But whose ears can hear the words now?

Qin Manjiang also took advantage of the chaos and fled immediately.

Under the dim sky, only sporadic screams and tiny chewing sounds could be heard echoing...


When she ran back to the Guanyin Temple, the woman was wrapped in a dusty cotton-padded jacket and was sitting on the "bed" leisurely. She really looked like a wife waiting for her husband to come home.

Qin Manjiang immediately locked the door, pulled her to lift the quilt, and hid under the quilt.

Along the way, he saw that all the villagers in Guanyin Village were doing this.

First, they blow out the lamps and pull out the wax, leaving no trace of light, and then they go to bed wrapped in quilts. The doors of every house are closed tightly, and there is no sound at all.

When he passed by just now, he discovered that this village was definitely not the first time it was haunted.

Therefore, he has been consciously observing what the villagers are doing.

Now that there is not enough information, he can only "copy the homework". He will do what other people in the village do.

Three to five minutes passed, and the whole village fell silent.

The sky outside also darkened. In addition to the whistling wind, Qin Manjiang, who was hiding under the quilt, heard another sound.

It wasn't the woman's breathing. Her breathing was so soft that it was almost inaudible.

He just heard the sound of running.

There was indeed someone in the center of the village at this time.

He was a lonely old man. There was no one else at home. He heard the cry and came out to see what was going on. Because he was afraid that his things would be stolen when he was not at home, he packed all the food at home, such as dry biscuits, cold steamed buns, etc., in a cloth. In the bag, carry it out together.

In the chaos just now, his "package" containing food was squeezed out.

The pancakes were okay, I picked them up after falling on the ground twice, but those cold steamed buns were terrible. They rolled out of the bag one by one, rolling farther and farther on the slippery, cold and icy road. .

The old man hurriedly chased after him, and fell down first. After he finally got up, several steamed buns had rolled away.

The scary ghost also ran out of the house. The old man was so frightened that he was covered in sweat. His back was frozen when it got wet. His eyebrows were frosted, and even his sparse white beard had some ice particles hanging on it.

He didn't dare to eat too much anymore, so he ran home panting heavily. The breath he exhaled hit his face as he ran, and the ragged leather hat was covered with white frost.

The heavy footsteps Qin Manjiang heard belonged to the old man.

At this moment, the old man was in front of the Guanyin statue.

Qin Manjiang and this woman were in the Guanyin Temple behind the Guanyin statue.

The old man couldn't seem to run anymore. When he turned around, he saw a white ghost with a head wider than his shoulders chasing towards him.

In panic and despair, he simply knelt down in front of the Guanyin statue, clasped his hands together with trembling hands, and prayed:

"Bodhisattva, Bodhisattva... help me!"

(The third update will be posted around 1:00 p.m.)

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