Strange story player

Chapter 544 Meeting

The next day.

Yi Yu's face looked even more ugly, with a black and blue color in his white skin, almost like a living corpse.

Qin Manjiang sent him to the airport. After watching the plane take off, he took out his mobile phone and dialed Qin Yiyi's number.

"Are you at the airport?"

Qin Manjiang asked as soon as he was connected.

"I know, I know! You have sent three messages and made two phone calls, and I am already waiting at the airport!" Qin's satisfied voice was mixed with a little dissatisfaction. She was not dissatisfied with Qin Manjiang's arrangement for her to pick up people. It's just that in my brother's mind, he seems to be making mistakes, so he always calls to remind him.

"Well, help me take care of him. If he wants to leave, don't follow him." Qin Manjiang ordered.

"Brother, who is this person I want to pick up?" Qin Yiyi asked curiously, "Is he the friend you made in Tongjie?"

"So be it."

"Yes, it means, no, it means no, what does it mean..." Qin Yiyi muttered.

"Okay, I'll leave him to you. If I have something else to do, please contact me again."

"Hey, wait! Brother!" Qin Yiyi quickly stopped Qin Manjiang who was about to hang up the phone.

"What's wrong?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"It's nothing, I just wanted to ask...when did you come back to Yuecheng? That little policeman came to see you."

"Fang Xiu?" Qin Manjiang thought of the young detective, "What did he say?"

"He asked me where you were going, but I didn't tell him. Then I asked him what he wanted, but he didn't say anything. He just asked me to tell you that he had made an important discovery..." Qin's satisfied voice was full of memories.

Important findings...

Qin Manjiang frowned slightly. He was not from Yuecheng Tongjie. Fang Xiu also knew this. If it was just an "important discovery" for Yuecheng Tongjie, Fang Xiu knew very well that Qin Manjiang would not be particularly interested.

So Fang Xiu came to him specially and said "important discovery". He obviously found some kind of information that was equally important to Fucheng and Yuecheng.

"I understand. If everything goes well... I'll be back in a week."

Although the strange talk about [Guanyin Pinghu] started the day after tomorrow, Qin Manjiang still kept the days as long as possible. He had a lot to deal with recently.

"Oh, then this is how I reply to him?"



After hanging up the phone, Qin Manjiang let out a long breath.

He didn't dare to put the Guanyin porcelain piece in the hotel, so he still took it with him.

Fortunately, it didn't show any abnormality today, otherwise I wouldn't be able to explain it clearly in public.

Although he didn't know why it entangled him, Qin Manjiang didn't feel anything strange so far. It seemed that he really had to investigate the origin of the "Ceramic Guanyin" as Yi Yu said.

After looking at the time, it was time... to go to another appointment.


Today in Fucheng, the sky is gloomy and the wind is gentle.

Although there is no sunshine, it is not as cold as yesterday.

When Qin Manjiang arrived at the Cat Face Cafe, Xia Nan was already sitting by the window, with a bottle of sports drink on the table.

"Sorry, I'm late." Qin Manjiang walked over quickly.

Xia Nan's eyes fell on Qin Manjiang from the window, and he shook his head with a smile: "It's okay, Mr. Qin, I was there early."

"What kind of coffee do you want?" The waiter saw Qin Manjiang sitting down and came over to ask.

"Just give me a glass of water."


After sending away the waiter, Xia Nan took out a yellow paper bag from behind and handed it to Qin Manjiang.

"This is a planning report on the Guanyin Village project."

"Thank you!" Qin Manjiang's eyes lit up. This time, the strange story did not start immediately. Instead, he was given five days. This seemed to greatly reduce the difficulty, but in fact, it made Qin Manjiang's sense of crisis increase day by day.

If I don't make any preparations and don't find out anything, I'm afraid I will die ugly in this game.

Qin Manjiang immediately opened the yellow paper bag and took out a stack of A4 paper inside. This was not the original. It should have been reprinted and made by Xia Nan himself.

As he watched, Xia Nan said: "This project started suddenly. It was suddenly proposed twenty years ago, but it was quickly approved and implemented."

Qin Manjiang nodded slightly. The information also stated that this was a water conservancy project proposed by a senior official in Fucheng twenty years ago to build a reservoir at the location of Guanyin Village. So if everything goes well, that place should be called [Guanyin Reservoir] now.

But then the floodgates went out of control, which aroused public opinion. The entire Guanyin Village was drowned overnight, so the project was naturally put on hold.

But this shelving has been shelved until now.

The place that was supposed to be a reservoir is now named [Guanyin Pinghu].

"I found out that the reason why this proposal was passed quickly and got the green light all the way is probably related to the Bai family."

Xia Nan's face was a little tired, but his eyes were bright: "The Bai Group was responsible for the entire project and did not allow outsiders to interfere during the entire process. Even the demolition and resettlement issues with the villagers of Guanyin Village were discussed in person. Although There were some small hiccups, but overall they were implemented quickly.”

Qin Manjiang listened to Xia Nan's voice and read the document word by word. The matter was similar to his guess. This was not the behavior of Bai Gu alone. The entire Bai family had participated in it twenty years ago. To this day, Bai Gu The family is still involved, and the woman named Bai Hongdan last night is an example.

"One more thing..." Xia Nan hesitated.

Qin Manjiang raised his head, just as the waiter brought the water.

"Thank you." He took the water and put it on the table.

Qin Manjiang looked at Xia Nan: "Just say it directly."

"Although the [Guanyin Reservoir] project has been put on hold, the day-to-day management of [Guanyin Pinghu] is still in charge of the Bai Group. The name I found in the column of the person in charge is Bai Yang."

Xia Nan had never seen Bai Yang. When he entered the [Pupilla Realm], it happened to be the time when a fire broke out in Yang.

But through contact with other people these days, he knew more or less something about Baiyang.

"He is the heir to the Bai family. It is normal that he is the person in charge of this generation." Qin Manjiang was silent for a moment and whispered.

Xia Nan shook his head: "That's the problem, look..."

Xia Nan took out one document from Qin Manjiang's hand, then took out another one, and placed the two papers together.

"This is the previous contract, signed by Baigu, Baiyang's father."

"This is the second contract five years ago. After Baigu passed away, the signer became Baiyang."

Xia Nan raised his head and looked at Qin Manjiang: "Although Guanyin Pinghu was quite famous in the beginning, its reputation as being haunted really started to spread five years ago."

"Almost at the same moment when the contract was switched to the second contract, Guanyin Pinghu's suicide rate increased significantly."

"I have reason to believe that this change is related to Yang."

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