Strange story player

Chapter 537 Untitled

"I'm sorry, you got the wrong person."

Yi Yu's voice penetrated through the wind and reached Zhong Xueran's ears.

She only felt a little cold, maybe it was the wind, maybe it was something else.

Yi Yu opened the car door expressionlessly, sat in the driver's seat, the engine roared, and left without any regrets.

It wasn't until his car had driven far away and was about to disappear from sight that Zhong Xueran came back to his senses.

In fact, Yi Yu was also looking at her.

The wind blew the petals rustling down. In the cold wind, Zhong Xueran looked up at her plain face. The distance was too far and she couldn't see her face clearly. She could only see a lonely shadow.

Yi Yu suddenly felt a little bored.

He had never felt this emotion before, but now he felt it.

Unbuttoning the collar of his shirt seemed to choke his breathing, which made him uncomfortable.

Yi Yu stepped on the accelerator and drove wildly on the deserted highway out of the city.

Soon, he saw a white car appearing in the rearview mirror.

The woman who refused to give up caught up again.

For no reason, there was a hint of joy in my heart, and the speed of the car also slowed down.

The person chasing him was naturally Zhong Xueran.

She was never one to give up easily. Even if he pretended to be stupid and denied that he was Xu Yi, she would only believe in her own judgment.

The petals of a wintersweet flower got stuck in Zhong Xueran's hair and there was no time to pick them off.

Yi Yu was a little dazed. He picked up the phone, thought for a long time, slowly stepped on the brakes, and dialed a number.

Not long after, Zhong Xueran, who was chasing after him, was shocked, and Xu Yi stopped the car again.

But then, her cell phone rang.

Zhong Xueran didn't want to answer the call, but when he saw the caller, it was Qin Manjiang.

She pressed answer: "Hello? What's the matter? I'm busy now."

"Are you chasing Xu Yi?" Qin Manjiang's voice appeared on the phone.

Zhong Xueran was startled. She also stepped on the brakes, looked at the stopped car in front of her, picked up her phone attentively, and asked, "Who is he?"

Qin Manjiang was silent for a moment and seemed to be very confused.

"This matter is a bit complicated. Now I have to go to a place. You can come to me tomorrow morning. If you are very anxious, you can go to the clinic to see Yan Xiao, and he can tell you..."

"If you wait for me, I'll see you tomorrow."

"You can go to the cafe in the central district..."

"The one I went to before..."


Zhong Xueran could no longer hear the sound behind him.

She took the phone away from her ear and hung it weakly. She leaned on the steering wheel, her shoulders shaking slightly.

Three minutes later.

A white car and a black car started slowly among the petals on the ground.

The black car continued to move forward, kicking up dust everywhere.

The white car turned around and crushed flowers all over the ground.

After they walked together for a short time, they still went in opposite directions...


In the taxi, Qin Manjiang put down his mobile phone helplessly.

What he was most worried about was the occurrence of this situation, and he had been avoiding Yi Yu's appearance as Xu Yi from meeting Zhong Xueran.

However, with such a big city and so many time points in a day, they happened to meet at the same time and place.

The more you are afraid of something happening, the more likely it will happen. This unreasonable law does exist in reality, but it makes people doubt the authenticity of the world.

I hope Yan Xiao can handle it well. Seeing what Zhong Xueran means, she will go back to Yan Xiao now to find out.

Qin Manjiang withdrew his thoughts and focused on the matter in front of him.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, we finally arrived at Mianshan Mental Hospital.

This time he did not take the bus, but took a taxi, which cost a lot of money.

The sun that was still there until noon has now penetrated into the clouds, and the entire Mian Mountain looks gloomy. The wind is also strong today, and when the wind blows, the whole mountain makes a sound.

The taxi stopped outside the mental hospital. Since there was no appointment this time, Qin Manjiang went to the security room to register first.

When the staff asked who came to visit, Qin Manjiang said the name Xie Xingrong.

However, the other party immediately waved his hand: "This won't work. He has something wrong with him. He has been taken care of by the police and is being cared for in a special ward. He cannot be visited without an appointment."

Qin Manjiang didn't expect this. After all, when he came to see Qin Yiyi, who was involved in a murder case, he went very smoothly. It was so smooth that he forgot that visiting mental patients, especially mental patients who were involved in a murder case, was a very troublesome thing. .

After hesitating for a moment, Qin Manjiang took out his mobile phone. Now... he could only rely on him.

He was suddenly a little nervous. Although he was ready to talk to him frankly, Qin Manjiang was not completely ready yet.


After two rings, the phone was picked up.

"Hello, is this Mr. Qin?"

This voice, this tone... is Xia Nan.

Qin Manjiang breathed a sigh of relief, but felt a little inexplicable.

"It's me, Xia Nan," Qin Manjiang calmed down his emotions. He has become more and more sentimental recently, "I'm in Mianshan Mental Hospital. There is a mental patient here. I can't see him because of his criminal record. You Can you help?"

"What's the patient's name?" Xia Nan asked.

"Xie Xingrong."

"Okay, wait a moment..."

On Xia Nan's side, the voice suddenly became noisy.

Qin Manjiang waited for about three minutes. Suddenly, a female nurse from the mental hospital came over and called: "Are you Mr. Qin?"

On the phone, Xia Nan's voice appeared at the same time: "Okay, the mental hospital will arrange for someone to pick you up, just go in with him."

Although he knew Xia Nan couldn't see her, Qin Manjiang still nodded: "Thank you, I have seen her."

"It's okay, it's just...Mr. Qin." Xia Nan hesitated.

"What's wrong?" Qin Manjiang's heart skipped a beat.

Xia Nan was silent for a few seconds and said, "I have something I want to talk to you about...about Li Xijiu."

Qin Manjiang's expression was slightly stagnant, and he took a deep breath: "Okay, let's meet tomorrow to talk."

"Well, see you tomorrow..."

After hanging up, Qin Manjiang reluctantly smiled at the nurse: "I am."

"come in."

With someone specially assigned to lead the way, everything went smoothly.

Previously, Qin Yiyi was locked up in a single room on the top floor because of a murder case. Xie Xingrong's situation was similar to Qin Yiyi's, but the "treatment" was different.

Qin Manjiang walked and looked around.

The middle-aged nurse took herself in a direction that was all the way down.

In other words, Xie Xingrong was imprisoned underground without seeing the light of day.

As soon as he arrived in the basement, Qin Manjiang felt a cold, damp breath blowing towards his face.

The air seemed to have become thicker.

The corridor is deep and dark, with rusty iron doors and thickened steel bars on both sides.

Although the middle-aged nurse was accustomed to the environment, Qin Manjiang could tell from her actions that she was very vigilant. She walked in the middle of the narrow aisle and never got too close to any iron door.

"Okay, he's right here. Don't open the door, don't get too close. If you have anything to say, just ask here."

The nurse stopped and stood in front of a black iron door. After speaking to Qin Manjiang, she opened the iron sheet of the window on the door with a "swish" sound.

There was a sound of "Bang -", and a pair of bloodshot eyes pressed tightly against the narrow window on the door.

A man with a ferocious face was desperately trying to squeeze out of the palm-sized window.

Qin Manjiang nodded to the nurse to thank him, looked up at the man, and asked:

"Are you Xie Xingrong?"

(I can breathe now, I’m revived, I’ll resume normal updates tomorrow, I’m too embarrassed to ask for votes...)

Thanks to Feitian Chubby Cat for the reward, thank you! Thanks to book friend 2023, wangyao023 for the reward, good night

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