Strange story player

Chapter 528 Accident

Time is getting tighter and tighter, and Qin Manjiang has more and more negative emotions in his heart.

He couldn't help but become a little impatient.

Just like a math test, you can obviously answer some questions, but if your thinking is wrong from the beginning, it will be difficult to turn around and reason again.

There are only thirty seconds left before the time limit.

Qin Manjiang's heartbeat was getting faster and faster, and he recalled the second stage.

At that time, Liu Jingqing's body was split into two. Neither of them were ghosts, so she almost fell into a ghost trap.

But it was later discovered by Qin Manjiang that the real ghost was standing where Liu Jingqing was found in the first stage. It just deceived the player's eyes and made him invisible.



This ghost cannot "change" in the true sense, it can only pretend.

What it is good at is manipulating people's vision.

Could it be... is it still standing where it was just now?

The countdown was almost over, and Qin Manjiang rushed over.

Just now...the ghost was right here!

Qin Manjiang stretched out his hand and touched it.

However, there was nothing!

No, the ghost is not here!

A panic suddenly emerged at this moment. Qin Manjiang was not a god, and it was difficult for him to remain absolutely calm when the countdown to death hung above his head.

Where did this ghost hide?

The place where it hides must have the logic to be found, otherwise the hide-and-seek game would be meaningless.

Just like it can't become a drop of water.

However, if it becomes invisible, it cannot move again!

Qin Manjiang's brain was working rapidly, and he decisively ruled out the conjecture that the ghost had become invisible or turned into something else.

But right now, where is there any white ghost figure near the fountain pool that has an unobstructed view in all directions?




Sweat broke out on Qin Manjiang's forehead, and he faintly felt that a cold death sickle was already placed on his neck.

But he had really thought about it. He had searched everywhere and couldn't find any trace of the ghost.

It stands to reason that it is covered in pure white. If it had not transformed or become invisible, it should be easily discovered...


Qin Manjiang suddenly raised his head and looked above all the street lights!

When I was checking the street lights for anything strange, I looked up.

The streetlights are shining, which is very dazzling, but as long as you don't look directly below, it's not a big problem.

He searched back and forth here several times and looked up, but there was no trace of the ghost.

But then he suddenly realized... Why did he default to the fact that ghosts are dressed in white?

If its white body turns into black, wouldn't it be easy for me to ignore it?

Because the brain has subconsciously listed the color of white as a key object of attention, not to mention the black in this night.

In addition, standing on the street lamp, the light shines downward, which also provides it with excellent cover...


Its jumping ability is extremely terrifying. It can easily climb up these street lights!




Qin Manjiang glanced back and forth at the top of each street lamp.

The light is still dazzling, but as long as you are not standing directly underneath, you can still vaguely see what is above the street lamp.

This time, he no longer had preconceptions. Even though he didn't see Youbai's figure, he still stared at the darkness above the street lamp.



Time just stopped at the last second. Qin Manjiang suddenly stretched out his hand and pointed at the middle street lamp inserted in the pool!

"Found it, you're above the streetlight!"

This time, Qin Manjiang can be sure!

Even if light is completely directed downward, some of it will be scattered to the side. At this time, even late at night, the space above the street lamp will be "fuzzy darkness."

The street lights at the four corners are indeed the kind of "fuzzy darkness" that has received some diffused light.

Only the middlemost street lamp, above it, was completely dark! Pitch black!

Even the light that spilled over seemed to be completely absorbed!

And the moment Qin Manjiang pointed out the specific location of the ghost!

All the red in Qin Manjiang's vision, whether it was the red map, the countdown numbers, or the scarlet text, collapsed at this moment!

Instead, there was a voice that could not be identified as male or female:

"Strange Story [Hideout] has been cleared."


"Shen Ku, Shen Ku, what should we do?"

Chen Zhiyuan carried Shen Hu on his back and walked furtively in the underground parking lot.

Shen Su held his mobile phone in his hand, and the flashlight had been turned on, shining in all directions.

"Just do this. If nothing happens, the ghost will be attracted to it soon. Just catch it when the time comes."

Shen Ku said lightly.

"So simple?" Chen Zhiyuan's eyes widened.

Shen Ku smiled: "It's like magic. The technique is of course very simple."

Chen Zhiyuan nodded as if he understood.

Shen Ku didn't hide anything. In the final analysis, these were just his speculations. If the light could attract ghosts, it meant that he was going in the right direction.

And those who have not come to this conclusion, even if they accidentally create light, will be frightened and run away when they see a ghost coming.

But just as the two of them were waiting for the ghost to fall into the trap, suddenly, they both heard a voice:

"Strange Story [Hideout] has been cleared."

Shen Ku showed a slight smile: "It seems that Qin Manjiang won."

As soon as he finished speaking, he found that Chen Zhiyuan suddenly made a U-turn and ran out of the underground parking lot again!

"Hey, what are you doing? Did you see a ghost?" Shen Su was a little confused about his behavior and thought that the light from his mobile phone had attracted the ghost.

But I have clearly made it clear to Chen Zhiyuan that there is no need to be afraid.

"I didn't see it!" Chen Zhiyuan replied.

"Then why are you running?" Shen Ku asked.

Chen Zhiyuan carried him on his back and quickened his pace: "Mr. Xiao Qin has passed the customs. Now you can ring the bell there!"

"You want to ring the bell?" Shen Su raised his eyebrows. Didn't he agree to catch ghosts and see if he could save the people caught by ghosts?

At this time, Chen Zhiyuan had already rushed through the street garden and reached the fountain pool.

Without any hesitation, he rushed into the pool and lowered the corpse.

Shen Ku stood on the spot with one right leg supporting him, holding on to the hanging clock. He had no idea what he wanted to do.

Chen Zhiyuan's thoughts are really not on the same page as his.

"It's not me who knocks, it's you!" Chen Zhiyuan picked up the drumstick and put it into Shen Su's hand. Then he took his cell phone and turned around and ran into the darkness.

He ran and waved: "I already know what to do!"

"Don't worry, I'll be out soon!"

He didn't look back.

"Hey!" Chen Su's expression changed slightly. How could he not know what Chen Zhiyuan was thinking at this moment?

Looking down at the drumstick in his hand, Shen Su's emotions were extremely complicated.

However, at this moment, when he lowered his head, out of the corner of his eye, he saw something in the pocket on his chest...

What's this?

Shen Su picked up the thing on his right chest and held it up to look at it in the light of the street lamp.

His eyes suddenly opened wide.

This is--

Chen Zhiyuan's permanent prop...the [Continuing Writing Pen]!

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