Strange story player

Chapter 525 Light and Dark

The ghost's reaction was somewhat beyond Qin Manjiang's expectations.

After all, apart from necessary deception and disguise, ghosts cannot talk to humans.

It also doesn't talk a lot of nonsense before taking action like some boring villains do.

The ghosts in the Kaitan game always take action as soon as they are told.

But this time it spoke.

Then, it turned around and the sound continued...




Qin Manjiang's eyes changed, and he glanced around. The area that was not affected by the changes in light and dark was not large. The fountain pool was the main body. The light from the street lamp enveloped part of the stairs and part of the street garden, and then disappeared.

There are no bunkers here!

what to do……

what to do?

How can you hide when there is no cover?

I can't turn into anything else...

There is only half an hour left, and it will soon be six o'clock in the morning.

The sky was still dark, without stars or moon.

Only the icy wind occasionally shuttles through the Shekou neighborhood.

The ghost's countdown makes the fear in my heart more and more intense, making it difficult to calm down and think about countermeasures.

How to hide in a "game area" with no hiding place at all?



The ghost's countdown was not very fast. It did not count down the seconds. Instead, it counted down once every two seconds and counted down dozens of times, which lasted almost twenty seconds.

Now it has counted to five, but Qin Manjiang still hasn't moved a step.

Sweat broke out on his forehead...

Am I going to die here?

Qin Manjiang's eyes glowed with an undetectable coldness. He didn't notice it himself. Although he shut Jiang Du completely in the coffin, the expression he occasionally flashed looked more and more like Jiang Du...


the other side.

The fourth bell rang, and Chen Zhiyuan, who was running away with Shen's body on his back, hit the pillar of the underground parking lot with a "bang".

Chen Zhiyuan staggered and grimaced in pain, but made no sound.

He knew something dangerous was chasing them now.

Chen Ku took the opportunity and whispered: "Put me down and go our separate ways."

Chen Zhiyuan shook his head, but he didn't know that in this dim situation, Shen Su couldn't see clearly whether he shook his head or not.

"Now, go to the place where the bell is ringing, quickly!" Shen Rui said to Chen Zhiyuan. He did not lower his voice at all, as if he was deliberately trying to attract the ghost.

Chen Zhiyuan saw this and thought he didn't need to lower his voice, so he said loudly: "No! I won't go!"

Although he couldn't explain why, Chen Zhiyuan vaguely felt that there was something wrong with Shen Hu's words.

It's like Shen Ku never intends to come back.

Although he couldn't think about the problem in depth, Chen Zhiyuan had some instinctive premonitions.

There is no way, I can't convince him, so let's not go to the hanging bell for the time being.

No matter who rings the bell, please pray for yourself first.

Chen Zhiyuan was disobedient, so Shen Hai could only think about other issues for the time being.

Although he also guessed that the red letter rules he saw were false, he had never rang a bell and had not observed the changes in light near the bell, so he was not able to deduce the real rules like Qin Manjiang did.

However, Chen Zhiyuan's disobedient behavior was actually the right thing to do.

If he goes over to ring the bell now, it will ruin the "one-on-one" game situation that Qin Manjiang finally formed with the ghost.

Although Chen Shi didn't know why Chen Zhiyuan was sometimes obedient and sometimes disobedient, he couldn't explain anything.

After all, there were still too many questions that he couldn't figure out clearly.

The most bizarre one among them is the "Liu Jingqing" just now.

She came straight over, but stood there without moving.

If there was nothing strange about her, even Chen Zhiyuan wouldn't believe it.

Could it be that...that ghost still has Liu Jingqing's consciousness in his body?

Otherwise, how could it make such a contradictory move.

Generally looking for players, but not taking action when they find them.


Could it be related to changes in light and darkness?

An idea suddenly popped into Shen Mu's mind.

Light… location.

Could it be that when the lights are bright, the ghost can sense the player's position, but cannot carry out any attacks.

They can only attack when the lights dim?


The two light spots before disappeared under the bright light.

No...did those two people hide in a dark place when the light was bright?

Shen Kui suddenly thought of a possibility...

Humans are very complex animals. If all the lights are on, it is easy for humans to hide in the dark to gain a sense of security.

And when everything goes dark, in order to dispel fear, people can't help but get closer to the light, and even create their own light sources to gain a sense of security.

Just like Chen Zhiyuan now, although he couldn't explain many things, when he was running away with him on his back, he was still following the movement of the LED lights that were not very bright.

There was also the ghost that he had fallen into the elevator shaft before. When the light was dim, it did not appear, but as soon as the light brightened, it immediately attacked Chen Zhiyuan.

Although that "Zheng Jun" is just a cover, it is enough to explain the problem.

Chen Zu’s expression suddenly changed!


In other words, the rules of this game are not quite right!

There are two sets of rules!

One set is between the bell-ringer and the ghost chasing the bell-ringer.

Another set is between the individual splintered by the ghost and the other players who didn't ring the bell!

Chen Su's eyes became brighter and brighter, he understood...

Rules between ghosts and bell ringers, and... rules between other players and splinter ghosts.

When the light is on, the ghost should be able to sense the player's position to a certain extent, otherwise the "Liu Jingqing" just now wouldn't be able to find this place so accurately.

However, it cannot attack.

As long as the player is in the same light as it is and is not hiding in a dark place, it cannot attack!

The disappearance of those two light spots was probably because the two people went to a dark place in the overall bright environment of the Shekou neighborhood, and were found, hunted, and attacked by ghosts.


Think about it again?

The situation is currently in total darkness. What will happen if we create some light at this time?

An extremely bold idea came to Shen Kui's heart!

The existence of the hanging clock reminded him of a game called Kick the Can.

In that game, people caught or found by ghosts will not become ghosts, but will be trapped in a place by ghosts, waiting for rescue by other players.

Shen Ku's eyes changed wildly.

He has an adventurous personality, but now that this idea comes up, he can no longer suppress it.

But he didn't want to implicate Chen Zhiyuan, especially when this fool saved his life just now.

"Chen Zhiyuan, give me your mobile phone."

Shen Ku thought for a while and said aloud.

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