Strange story player

Chapter 523 Doubt

A weak smile appeared on Shen Ku's face. The ghost of this game was a bit interesting.

I started playing with my sight during the day, and it was really superfluous.

At this moment, Chen Zhiyuan suddenly shouted cheerfully: "Writer!"

Chen Su's expression changed suddenly. He reluctantly raised his head and looked at the entrance of the underground parking lot. He saw a thin woman standing there quietly.

Judging from her appearance, she is Liu Jingqing.


"Let's go!"

Chen Ku said in a low voice.

"But... the writer..." Chen Zhiyuan hesitated for a moment.


Shen Kui tightened his grip on his shoulders.

Chen Zhiyuan finally no longer hesitated, he chose to believe Shen Hu.

However, even if he ran away, he couldn't move any faster.

The figure that looked exactly like Liu Jingqing still stood there and did not move.

But that weird posture... is indeed a ghost!

The method of confirmation is very simple.

The moment he saw Liu Jingqing, he was basically sure that she was a ghost.

Because almost everyone, even at the entrance of an underground garage where there are no cars coming out, will never walk in from the center.

Pulling over to enter a garage has basically become a subconscious habit for humans.

Even if this was a special ghost story space, based on Shen Kui's understanding of Liu Jingqing, even if she came to the underground parking lot, she would definitely be cautious and sneaky, let alone in such brightly lit conditions. Walked in from the middle of the garage door.

This ghost... is simply looking down on people.

Besides Chen Zhiyuan, who else would be fooled like this?

However, he did not expect that the person who died after being caught was Liu Jingqing.

After all, that woman's luck has always been good.

But why doesn't it come after me?

And how did it find its way directly here? Is it induction?


Shen Kui raised his head and glanced at the light above his head.


On the other side, Qin Manjiang cautiously walked through the park in the middle of the street and saw the fountain pool and the huge hanging clock from a distance.

There are bright lights all around, and the lights that light up with the sound of the bell are much brighter than themselves, just like the lights in the underground parking lot.

However, only the street lights around the fountain pool have not changed at all. By the way... when all the lights were turned off before, these lights did not go out either.

Is it because this is the place where the hanging bell is placed, so it is treated specially?

Qin Manjiang thought.

After carefully observing the surroundings, he didn't see any human figures. As expected, ghosts don't stay around.

However, after hammering down, he will be targeted by ghosts again. Now two people are dead and only three players are left.

Currently, there are fewer people and more ghosts, and there is exactly one more ghost than people.

Even if they stare at each other, there will be one left. In this case, ringing the bell again will inevitably attract the attention of the evil ghost.

And that feeling will last until the next time the bell rings.

Qin Manjiang weighed his physical strength and realized clearly that he was unlikely to continue running away for more than ten minutes.

He was not in a hurry to ring the bell, but observed the street lights.

Why are the street lights here unaffected by the sound of the bells?

In other words, why are the lights affected by the sound of bells except here?

At this time, he focused his eyes and saw a patch of grass on the edge of the garden in the middle of the street.

Those are... traces of being pressed.

Qin Manjiang walked over quickly.

He rummaged through the grass carefully and finally... found a hairpin in the grass.

This is Liu Jingqing's card.

She had been hiding here.


Judging from the traces left behind, she was in an extremely abnormal state at the time.

Is she dead...?

Qin Manjiang's eyes dimmed and he thought of the worst outcome.

The other disappearing light spot should be Chen Zhiyuan.

Nie Yunzhen will not die, Shen Kui is very smart, only Chen Zhiyuan...his state is already very dangerous.

Qin Manjiang sighed silently and put away the hairpin.

Walking towards the fountain pool, Qin Manjiang picked up the drumstick again. This time, he was a little hesitant to knock it down directly.

If he knocks it this time, all the lights will go out. Qin Manjiang really has no confidence that he can escape the ghost's pursuit in this environment and physical condition.

But it won’t work if I don’t knock.

The unsolvable dilemma made Qin Manjiang more and more desperate. can't be like this.

The "optimism" must be gone for me to think this way.

Things haven't come to this at all...

Qin Manjiang looked at the drumstick in his hand. While he was still hesitating, he caught a glimpse of a white and terrifying figure in the corner of his eye!

Street garden? I just passed by there, why did it suddenly appear? Chased from the underground parking lot? !

He didn't have time to think about it and just hit it with another hammer!

The bell rang and all the lights suddenly dimmed.

Qin Manjiang fled towards the empty shopping mall.

But at this time, the street lights that were still on made the weird feeling in Qin Manjiang's heart more and more obvious.

Why are the lights near the hanging clock completely unaffected?

It stands to reason that the closer you are, the more affected you will be...

He didn't have time to think about it, at least he was out of sight of this ghost.

However, the moment he took steps, Qin Manjiang was suddenly startled!!

Bell ringing, bell ringing, kick the can game…

Unaffected lights near the hanging clock…

If they make an assumption and assume that all the red text they see in the third stage are fake, then there is no need for this hanging clock to exist at all. Since the ghost can put the same text in the player's field of vision, Then you can tell a more deceptive lie directly.

For example, guiding them to the same place or something like that can easily catch them all in one go. didn't.

In other words, the hanging clock does not exist because of ghosts. On the contrary, the fake rules made by ghosts are based on this hanging clock!

Because it cannot destroy the hanging bell, it can only use the original rules to the greatest extent to deceive the players.

And the "ring three times" mentioned in it is probably not ringing three times...

No matter how many times you hit this keyword, you can be sure.

After all, if this ghost doesn't establish false rules, players will definitely find the hanging bell when they pass by, and there will always be bold people who come forward and try to ring it.

In other words...if there were no fake rules to cover up, after ringing the bell, players could easily discover the real customs clearance rules?

Qin Manjiang was panting while running, but his eyes were getting brighter and brighter.


There has never been a time when the way out was "determined" by strange stories.

Only this time, he just rang the bell, and the red text appeared, forcing everyone to survive.

If you think about it carefully, this is not only inconsistent with the usual style of [Tongjie], but rather than a way of survival, this is more like... a dead end that is a pure waste of everyone's time.

(Fourth update in progress... coming soon)

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