Strange story player

Chapter 516 Someone is coming


It's the second bell!

Everyone heard the sound of the second bell ringing.

As for Nie Yunzhen, who was beside the fountain pool, she was thinking of hitting her head three times in a row. However, when she was about to hit her for the second time, she found that there was no reaction at all when she hit her with a hammer!

Isn't it really possible...

Nie Yunzhen put down the drumstick, turned around and ran away.

Before, she hid near the public toilet next to the shopping plaza and almost witnessed with her own eyes the process of Qin Manjiang ringing the bell and then being chased by a ghost.

She knew very well that once she rang the bell, she would be immediately targeted by ghosts!

And she had already been ready to escape.

Nie Yunzhen turned around and rushed towards the second shopping mall.

She believes that everyone should understand her intentions! Since everyone needs to knock three times to pass the level, and the ghost does not stay by the bell all the time, this gives everyone a lot of opportunities.

As long as you cooperate properly, you can make that ghost play around!

But...she thought too simply.

While Qin Manjiang was escaping, he witnessed the strange figure of the ghost splitting into two when the bell rang.

In other words, every time the bell rings, the ghost will split!

One of them continues to chase the previous target, and the other is chasing the current bell ringer.

This is simply too incomprehensible.

What worries him even more is whether this "splitting" of ghosts only occurs in the main body, or whether the split individuals also have this ability.

If the split individuals can split again following the sound of the bell, the number of ghosts will increase at an extremely terrifying rate!

There are five players in total, and each player needs to tap to pass the level, a total of fifteen times.

Even if it is only taken nine times, according to the "matrix" splitting rules, ten ghosts will appear.

But if the individual and the mother participate in the split together, it would be terrifying...

The number of ghosts will increase exponentially in the order of 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512.

When the number of ringing bells reaches ten, the number of ghosts will exceed one thousand...

Just thinking about it makes my head tingle.

This is not calculated based on the number of times required for all members to clear the level. It really has to ring fifteen times... I am afraid that there are already tens of thousands of ghosts in the entire Shekou neighborhood.

I hope it won't be the second one.

Qin Manjiang can only think like this now.

But he was a little uneasy... As the first bell ringer, Qin Manjiang saw the ghost crawling down the outer wall of the mall with his own eyes. It should have been searching for prey in the mall at that time.

If you follow this logic, the ghost that climbed over from the outer wall is already in a state after splitting once...

In other words, if the ghost that comes is not the mother body, the ghost's splitting rule may really be the second one!

Qin Manjiang felt heavy, the second bell rang, all the lights went out again.

This is definitely not meaningless, but what is the meaning of turning off the lights?

Everything remains to be verified.

However, taking advantage of the moment when everything went dark, Qin Manjiang quickened his pace. The reason why he came to the underground parking lot was to guard against this attack. He was most familiar with this place, and even if it was pitch dark, it would not be much of an obstacle.

But at this moment, there was a rapid crawling sound on the ceiling behind him.

The sound disappeared and appeared, stopped and moved, as if... it had lost its direction.

Qin Manjiang hid behind the pillar and listened attentively for a while. The ghost's movement was very gentle, but it went in another direction.

It seemed to be on the wrong track.

It seems that its sensing ability has disappeared.

Or is it that the only thing this ghost can sense is the person ringing the bell?

I wonder who rang the bell just now. Could it be Shen Ku?

Qin Manjiang glanced at the red map.

Because of the three-minute delay, this map really doesn't have much reference value.


After taking this look, Qin Manjiang was a little confused.

Unknowingly, eight light spots appeared on the map!

There are only five players... In other words, three ghosts appeared? !

So, the splitting rule of ghosts is the first one, the splitting of the mother body?

Although it is much better than the exaggerated tens of thousands of ghosts, the news that ghosts can split is terrible in itself.

The way the matrix divides, it means that the number of ghosts will always be "one" more than the number of ringing bells.

What Qin Manjiang didn't expect was that a total of four light spots appeared near the shopping mall on the entire red map!

While paying attention to the map in his field of vision, he listened carefully to the ghost's movements, but at this moment, his eyes suddenly glanced at somewhere on the red map.


The position of that light spot was in the direction Shen Zu went before, right?

I remember that the light spot was there three minutes ago, and it is still there now...

Could it be that Shen Kui planned to hide in one place until the end?

No, that's not like his personality. he in any trouble?

A thought quickly passed through Qin Manjiang's mind, and he immediately decided that after he got rid of the ghost, it would be time to refresh the position of the light spot next time.

If the light spot still stays where it is, go and take a look for yourself.

The most urgent task is to study why the ghost suddenly changed from "jumping mode" to "ceiling climbing".

Also, why all the lights suddenly dimmed again...


It's the second bell!

In the ocean ball pool, Liu Jingqing was thinking excitedly.

The ghost was attracted away the last time it rang, but what about this time?

The ghost on the ceiling should also leave...

She didn't dare to move now and could only concentrate on listening to the sound.

However, to her disappointment, the ghost didn't move at all!

The broken water pipes were still pouring out clear water, and most of the entire ocean ball pool was submerged.

The only thing that made Liu Jingqing feel relieved was that all the lights in the mall suddenly went out...

Not only the previous lights, but even the LED lights went out, plunging into complete darkness!

She originally thought that if the water continued to flow, even if she was not drowned, the water would make the ocean ball float, and she would definitely not be able to hide it by then.

But now it's fine. In the dark mall, Gui Yin can't see anything.

As long as you don't create any noise...

However, the crisis still existed. The ghost on the ceiling made it clear that she was hiding here, but it did not come down. Instead, it released the water and kept waiting.

If you can't think of a way, you will drown in the water sooner or later!

The sound of water rushing became louder and louder, and Liu Jingqing's calves were already submerged.

At this rate, it would be up to her chin in ten minutes at most.

what to do……

How can we break the current situation?



My head no longer hurts, but my head feels dizzy and my eyelids are getting heavier.

Shen Kui bit the tip of his tongue hard, using the pain to stimulate his brain and wake himself up.

He heard it too.

The second bell rings.

But, still no one came to use the elevator.

Once the ghost finds that there is a light spot on the red map that has not moved, he will definitely find it.

By then, he will be dead.

He was very open-minded. After all, everyone is not a fool. Who would use the elevator in this situation?

However, the idea just occurred.

He raised his head blankly, with disbelief in his eyes for the first time.

There was a sound of "Wow--".

He heard the elevator door open.

No way... is there really a fool using the elevator?

Whether it's up or down... I can't do anything about going up, but I can do it when going down...

It's down!

Shen Kui's eyes narrowed.

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