Strange story player

Chapter 514 Contradiction

No... there can't be another ghost.

The rustling sound of movement disappeared at the entrance of the stairs.

The one who caught up with me later was the ghost that jumped very well...

Liu Jingqing finally made up her mind, but she did not stand up rashly. Instead, she carefully tried to lift the ocean ball up little by little without making too much noise...

Her head slowly raised, and through the gap between the ocean balls, she saw bright lights.

All the lights are on!

She didn't know whether this was a good thing or a bad thing, but she always felt that there should be some connection between ghosts and light.

With the help of this light, Liu Jingqing first looked to the left, but there was nothing...

I looked to the right again, and there was none.

It's really gone!

There was a burst of ecstasy in my heart.

However, before she could stand up completely, suddenly!

A "whispering" sound of movement suddenly came from above the head!

Liu Jingqing was so frightened that her heartbeat almost stopped.

Her whole body was stiff and she didn't dare to move.

Vaguely, through the gap between the ocean balls, she saw a pale figure quickly crawling across the ceiling!

The ghostly white color...isn't Zheng Jun! It's that ghost!

Why hasn't it left yet? !

Didn't I hear its footsteps just now?

Liu Jingqing's scalp felt numb.

She has just raised her hands and arched her back. Although she has not completely emerged from the ocean ball pool, if you look carefully, you can vaguely see someone in the gap of her ocean ball!

Don’t see me… don’t see me…

Liu Jingqing prayed in her heart that she could not continue to open the ocean ball and get out, nor could she let go and lie down like before.

She froze in place and could only maintain this half-rising position, lying prone in the ocean ball pool.

Soon, the sound of rapid movement sounded from the ceiling again. This time Liu Jingqing could clearly see that what was stepping on the ceiling was a pair of pale feet with black fingernails!

It's really that ghost!

Liu Jingqing had goosebumps all over her body, and the uneasiness in her heart almost destroyed her last sanity.

Did it see me?

I can see it through the seam of the ball. With the sensitivity of a ghost, it is impossible for it not to be able to see me...

But why is it still crawling up and down the ceiling?

Although Liu Jingqing couldn't figure it out, she had no better solution to the current situation.

She could only continue to lie prone in the pool.

One minute...two minutes...three minutes...

Time passed little by little, and Liu Jingqing maintained her posture like a plank.

She was sweating all over her body, but unlike the plank position, her posture was not only more tiring, but also hurt her waist.

Soon, she felt her waist was extremely sore.

Why doesn't it leave?

The ghosts kept making noises, and the constant noises made her feel more and more stressed.

She even wanted to just push away the ocean ball and escape.

Did this ghost find me? If you find out...please give me a quickie as soon as possible...

But if it wasn't discovered, why does it keep wandering here?

At this moment, there were finally some changes in the movement on the ceiling!

"Da da da da——"

First a few drops, then a wisp, and finally a stream!

It's water!

There's water running down the ceiling!

Liu Jingqing felt a chill on her back. She thought it was blood or something, but when a stream of water flowed down from the cracks in her ocean ball, she realized that it was really just clean water, just tap water.

That releasing water? !


At this moment, Liu Jingqing's doubts reached their peak.

She was almost certain that this ghost crawling back and forth above the ocean ball pool must have noticed something strange here.

But why doesn't it just come down and look for it?

Moreover, she had already stood up slightly in order to try to get out. If you look carefully, you should be able to clearly see her hiding in the pool.

Why...why didn't it come down to kill me after it found me? Instead, it started to let loose?

All kinds of weird phenomena made Liu Jingqing's fear disappear a lot.

Sometimes, even though the truth is unbelievable, when there is only one possibility, you have to believe it even if you don’t believe it.

Just like now, Liu Jingqing thought about it and could only think of one reason.

This ghost can only crawl on the ceiling and cannot come down!

But what about its eyesight? It was most likely that her back was exposed... but its behavior was more like it knew she was in this area, but couldn't determine where she was.

But it didn't behave like this before. It noticed just a little bit of light and followed me all the way to the mall.


There is light everywhere now, if it is particularly sensitive to light, or...particularly afraid of it.

The current environment is simply an "eyes-opening" environment for it!

Liu Jingqing figured out a very crucial point.

In other words, as long as it doesn't move, it may not be able to see it at all!

But what's the use of releasing water?

This thought just crossed Liu Jingqing's mind.

Soon... her heart skipped a beat and she understood the ghost's intention.

The ocean ball pool is surrounded, and as long as enough water is released, she can be completely submerged in it!

Once she is submerged in the water, she will either struggle to float up and be discovered by it, or she will drown directly in the pool, such a shallow pool...

Liu Jingqing's eyes were a little desperate.

what to do……

I clearly heard that the ghost left just now, why is there still one here?

Including "Zheng Jun" in the corridor, there are already three!

Unless the person who made the footsteps just now didn't leave and was just lying to her...

The water is getting bigger.

The cold water has covered Liu Jingqing's insteps.

She was lying on her stomach in the pool. She was already very tired. Coupled with the cold water, Liu Jingqing felt that she would not be able to hold on at any time.

What's even more terrifying is that as the water gets higher and higher, I will really drown to death!

Drown in this ocean pool, which is up to one meter high.

What should I do to escape from here...

How can I do?



After the bell rang, Shen Kui paused.

He was the first person to see the hanging bell, but he did not choose to ring it.

Shen Kui never likes to be the first to eat crabs. Although that may yield the greatest benefits, it is more likely to cause sudden death on the spot.

As soon as the bell rang, he knew that it was most likely Qin Manjiang who rang it.

When they met just now, I told him that the first place where the ghost appeared was the fountain pool, but he didn't expect him to go there so quickly.

As for the customs clearance conditions, Shen Kui also looked at them.

Not only Liu Jingqing, but everyone who saw the customs clearance conditions immediately discovered the "bug".

From a ghost's perspective, it only needs to guard the bell to be invincible.

So what else do human players play? Just wait until six o'clock arrives and everyone is killed by ghosts.

Things are obviously not that simple, and in Shen Kui's view, such an obvious loophole obviously has room for explanation.

The reason why the ghost cannot "always stay by the clock" is the hidden key information.

But this information needs to be seen in person, the state of the ghost and the hanging clock...

Speaking of which, when the clock struck, even the lights in the underground parking lot turned on.

But will the lights in the underground parking lot be so bright?

Shen Su looked at the lights thoughtfully.

It’s not like the natural brightness of these lights…

In other words, this brightness is activated by the action of "ringing the bell".

Could it be that... there is some secret connection between ghosts and light?

(In Chapter 3 of Crazy Code!)

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