Strange story player

Chapter 511 Lighting

This is... a ghost! ?

Liu Jingqing was frightened out of her mind by Zheng Jun's headless body on the ceiling.

Has Zheng Jun also turned into a ghost?

She didn't have time to think too much and ran to the second floor.

There is only one thought in Liu Jingqing's mind now...escape!

If you want to go to the underground parking lot, it seems that you can only take the elevator, or go directly from the direction of the garden in the middle of the street through the formal entrance.

What to do, where to escape now?

Although Liu Jingqing used all her strength to escape, the sound of rapid movement could still be heard from the heights behind her!

There is no doubt that the ghost is still chasing you! I just don’t know if it’s the ghost that jumps five meters high or the headless Zheng Jun that’s chasing me.

But no matter who it is, Liu Jingqing can easily be killed.

Liu Jingqing was frightened. Although she tried her best to escape, the last round of physical and mental exertion left her in a very bad condition. Although the ghost behind her seemed unable to directly sense her specific location, its Senses are very sharp!


It's not so much the senses, but... ghosts are particularly sensitive to light!

It was the same at the corner of the snack street, and it was also the same at the stairs just now...

The two times I was discovered by ghosts were at the moment when light appeared.

The first time was when the phone suddenly lit up, and the second time when the elevator door suddenly opened.

Ghosts and light...could this ghost be able to sense new light sources?

After all, the LED lights in the mall are also emitting light, but it seems unable to determine the player's position through those lights.

It should be, it suddenly lit up, it was new light... it would be sensed by it!

You can't turn on a new light source in a dark place. Just relying on the light of the LED light can't make it faster at all.

Liu Jingqing's speed gradually slowed down, and her physical strength was not enough... She was a little desperate. Even if she wanted to speed up and escape from here, she couldn't do it.

She had already rushed out of the stairwell, and she could hear the rustling sound in the stairwell very fast!

I can't continue to run away. If I just run, it's impossible to outrun it...

You have to find a place to hide!

Liu Jingqing gritted her teeth, and at this moment, another three-minute change of light spots occurred.

On the red map, her location was still in the mall. There was no horizontal distance change between her at this moment and her three minutes ago, but another discovery surprised and delighted Liu Jingqing.

In addition to the ghost and her light spot, another light spot also appeared in the mall!

Who is here too?

Liu Jingqing was running out of breath, but this discovery still gave her a glimmer of hope.

There are two players' light spots appearing here, which can somewhat confuse the direction of the ghost.

But she soon realized that this was just where it was three minutes ago, and the light spot might have gone now...

Calm down, calm can only rely on yourself, don't think about relying on others...

Liu Jingqing cheered herself up.

But at this time, she could hardly run anymore.

Even if there is no physical and mental fatigue, just running up the stairs is tiring enough.

Although they and Qin Manjiang found several good places to hide during the day, the situation was too weird at that time. Everyone in the mall was looking at them. It was obviously the spy of the ghost. In other words, the ghost knew that they might Where to hide!

Moreover, now that the rustling sound of rapid movement behind him was following so closely, he only had four or five seconds of hiding time at most, but what would four or five seconds be enough for?

She became even more desperate.

The distance between you and the ghost is only four or five seconds, which means that even if you are hiding, the ghost can still hear the hiding movement.

Moreover, even if you are lucky and don't make any noise of hiding in the dark mall, if you lose sight of the person in such a short time, the ghost will definitely be looking for him nearby.

You can still find her with just one search...

what to do……

what do I do?

Liu Jingqing was desperate.

Her steps were getting slower and slower, human strength had its limits, and she could no longer hold on.

This is...the sixth floor. The ghost is still in the stairwell, but he will come out soon...

However, just when Liu Jingqing desperately wanted to stop, something happened quietly that she didn't expect at all!


After a suspicious bell suddenly appeared... all the lights in the mall turned on at this moment!

The darkness in Liu Jingqing's eyes was completely swept away. At this time, in the stairwell behind her, the ghost's rustling sounds suddenly stopped!

Taking advantage of this opportunity, does Liu Jingqing have any other ideas?

She rushed to the ocean ball pool in the direction of the children's playground and buried her whole body in it.

You can't move... you can't move at all. In this pool, as long as you don't move, it will be difficult for the ghost to find you.

But if you move even a little bit, those ocean balls will make obvious movements!

She panted slightly. Although she urgently needed to take a big breath after the strenuous exercise, she didn't dare to at the moment. It was extremely uncomfortable to hold it in.

After burying herself in the ocean pool, Liu Jingqing listened carefully to the ghost's movements.

For the time being, no movement was heard.

The lights suddenly turned on just now.

And not just one, but all the lights in the mall suddenly turned on!

Did someone go to the main control room to open it?

If the ghost's ability to locate human players is related to the light source, then suddenly turning on all the lights will be beneficial to the human players.


Who did this?

Liu Jingqing glanced at the third light spot on the red map that completely overlapped with her and the ghost.

She was a little confused... Ghosts might have the characteristic of "phototaxis", and only she should know about it.

What did the person who turned on the light find that made him suddenly turn on the light?

Moreover, the ghost's movements suddenly stopped. Logically speaking, its vision should be better. Why did it stop suddenly?


Could it be said that ghosts are not attracted to light but are afraid of it?

Because it hates light, that's why it's so sensitive to light, and that's why it immediately locates players who have created new lights...

Could it be like this...

Liu Jingqing was lying in the ocean pool, feeling that her whole body was limp.

No matter what, she was very grateful to the person who suddenly turned on all the lights. No matter what the other person's purpose was, at least this action gave her a glimmer of life from a complete dead end.

But Liu Jingqing knew...she was not absolutely safe now.

The truth was just as she expected, that terrifying footsteps appeared again!


There was an obvious sound, just a sound of footsteps, appearing outside the children's playground.

Not that rustling voice... In other words, not "Zheng Jun"? Is that the ghost that jumps five meters high?

Liu Jingqing held her breath and did not dare to move.

The lights have been turned on. As long as she makes a little movement, the ocean ball pool will also see obvious changes.

However, it is not as good as God.

Just like a toothbrush at home that suddenly falls over.

Liu Jingqing, who was completely still and hiding in the ocean ball pool, still heard a sound that made her frightened.

"Click..." There was a slight crisp sound, "Click... click click..."


An ocean ball on the edge of the pool suddenly rolled into the pool. After bouncing a few times, it stopped moving.

But that white twisted figure suddenly cast its vicious gaze... towards the ocean ball pool.

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