Strange story player

Chapter 506 Searching


There was a roar in her head, and Liu Jingqing appeared in a completely dark space.

The strange thing is that she clearly saw two people!

"Miss Nie! Mr. Chen!"

Liu Jingqing said in surprise.

"I'm here too." Qin Manjiang said hello in Chen Zhiyuan's hand.

The sudden sound startled Liu Jingqing. After searching for a while, she realized that the person speaking was actually the doll in Chen Zhiyuan's hand?

Wait... isn't this doll a permanent prop of Mr. Qin?

Difficult...can you tell?

"Huh, it looks like that guy is quite honest." Qin Manjiang couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief when he saw Liu Jingqing also appearing here.

Liu Jingqing opened her eyes wide. Is this doll really Qin Manjiang? !

But after hearing what Qin Manjiang said, she immediately shook her head: "No, Mr. Qin...he wants to kill me!"

"What's wrong?" Qin Manjiang's tone suddenly changed and he asked in a deep voice.

Liu Jingqing looked at Nie Yunzhen, Chen Zhiyuan, and Qin Manjiang who had turned into a doll. The suppressed fear and grievance in her heart finally broke out at this moment. She rubbed her eyes and began to tell what happened before.

When she finished speaking, Qin Manjiang said nothing.

But Nie Yunzhen sneered: "It's indeed him. He is just that kind of person. He hasn't changed at all."

"I'm sorry." Qin Manjiang finally spoke, but his tone was something no one had ever heard before.

Even Liu Jingqing felt a little uncomfortable.


Everyone suddenly realized that Qin Manjiang could be excited, fearful, cheerful, calm, mysterious... Everyone had seen what he looked like.

Only, no one has ever seen him angry.

Qin Manjiang seems to have never been angry?

"I will give you an explanation."

Qin Manjiang's voice came out from the doll again.

This time, it seems a little different?



Within thirty minutes, the ghost’s true form was found.

This is the game of sinking bones.

[The further away from it, the greater the probability of sudden death]

[The closer to the end time, the greater the probability of sudden death]

[At the end of half an hour, if you are not found, you will die directly]

Three very clear requirements, but other than these, there are no clues.

Fifteen minutes have passed, but he hasn't moved an inch.

It wasn't because he gave up. Shen Kui had no intention of giving up at all. He was just too lazy to do useless work.

The meaning of those three lines of text is very simple and can be distilled into a message - don't move, hurry up, otherwise you will die.

This feeling is actually like standing on a time bomb with a thirty-minute countdown. The method to defuse the bomb is near the bomb, but people cannot act at will.

Shen Kui began to observe the surrounding environment more carefully, trying to find any clues.

His eyes glanced at the books and magazines on the bookshelf, the clock on the wall, and then looked at the chandelier again.

Still found nothing.

On the contrary, his mind was getting more and more confused and his heartbeat was getting faster and faster.

Where is the ghost?

First of all, the sentence "the further away from it, the greater the probability of sudden death" means distance in space.

And the sentence "the closer it is to the end time, the greater the probability of sudden death" expresses the scale of time.


The true form of this ghost is like a scale with two ends, one end is time and the other end is space.

Is it the clock on the wall?

Shen Kui cast his gaze on the wall of the cafe.

It is the only one with the attributes of time and space.

And the distance between it and itself is not too far.

Is that it?

More than half of the time had passed. Shen Su walked forward and touched the clock hanging on the wall.

However, nothing happened.

Although it was as he expected, there was still some doubt in his heart.

What will it be?

An object that cannot be found through exhaustive methods. In other words, it has not become anything within my field of vision.

That is...something I can't see?

The corner of Shen Kui's mouth twitched.

It won't be that simple...

The clothes, pants, shadows, tables, chairs and benches, all furniture and decorations can be seen, and being seen can also be touched.

As for what I can't see... of course it's my back.

Once upon a time, Shen Kui saw an interesting experiment.

Can a person accurately recognize his or her own back?

The answer is beyond many people's expectations. When one's own back blends into the crowd, people can see the backs of their friends and acquaintances at a glance, but they cannot recognize their own back!

Except for some special professions, such as models, they need to adjust their posture and pay attention to their backs.

In fact, even when looking in a full-length mirror, the vast majority of people will not completely turn their backs to look at their backs, let alone how their backs will look when they walk.

In a person's life, the most familiar and unfamiliar thing is probably his own back.

And when it comes to the places you can't see, of course it's your back.

Is a ghost lying on my back?

Shen Kui was speechless. It couldn't be that simple...

He reached out and touched his back.

He didn't touch anything, which made him sigh in relief, okay, okay.

The fact that he didn't touch a ghost made him feel more at ease.

He didn't believe his ghost could be so stupid...

But besides the back, what else can a ghost become?

What is nearby but invisible can only be things on my body.

He touched the back of his head, then his ears, nose, and mouth, but nothing happened.

Although it is true that these organs cannot be seen by themselves, if they are transformed by ghosts, there will be some abnormalities no matter what, right?

Shen Ku also found it funny.

However, the rapidly passing time told him that he didn't have much chance to laugh.

Now there's minutes left.


If the organs were turned into ghosts, there would be something strange no matter what...

And now the only organ that looks strange is... the eyes!

Neither the red map nor the red text should appear in the eyes of human players like them.

The eyes had obviously been manipulated.

The reason why I didn't think about touching my eyes was completely subconscious.

He touched every part of his body that the eyes could not see, except for the eyes themselves.

What the eyes cannot see is, of course, the eyes themselves!

Coupled with the appearance of the red text and the red map in the first stage, Shen Ku also subconsciously acquiesced that the red text he saw in this game was a "normal phenomenon."

But if you think about it carefully, whether it is Qin Manjiang or Nie Yunzhen, although they encountered all kinds of weird things after the second stage of the game started, their eyes never changed again.

In other words, making blood words or maps appear in the field of vision is the ability of the "ghost" behind this game.

However, this second stage corresponds to each player's unique ghost. No matter how confident Shen Ku is, he does not think that he is unique enough to be dealt with by the original ghost in this game.

So... the change in his eyes was not caused by that ghost, but by the ghost in this "little game" of his own.

It's right there in the eyes!

Shen Kui stretched out his fingers without hesitation and pressed his eyes.

(The plot of the second phase has come to an end. There will be no third update tonight, but the fourth update of the plot of the third phase will be tomorrow. Rush! Please give me some monthly votes. Thank you everyone~)

Thanks to Book Friends 2023, Erlu, wangyao023 for the reward, good night~

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