Strange story player

Chapter 489 Unity

When Shen Kui and Nie Yunzhen mentioned Qin Manjiang, Qin Manjiang was already shivering from the cold water in the pool.

Although he was not attacked by ghosts for the time being by holding on to Liu Jingqing, if this continued, the cold would kill him.

It can't be delayed any longer.

The matter at hand must be resolved as soon as possible. The female corpse at the bottom of the pool, which was extremely bloated, and Liu Jingqing, who is currently holding her wrist, must choose one of them to confirm who is the ghost.

However, what makes Qin Manjiang extremely confused is that now he has no idea what to do after confirmation?

Is it true that "finding the evil ghost" is successful after you have determined in your heart who is the ghost?

There is no doubt that whether Liu Jingqing is a human or a ghost, at least the person at the bottom of the pool will not be a human.

This was his previous thought.

But this strange story has the power to distort cognition and change the player's "vision".

For example, this red map appears in the field of vision.

Since what the eyes see is not necessarily the truth, we can only judge based on other things.

Maybe it was just in my own eyes that what was at the bottom of the pool was a bloated corpse.

And Liu Jingqing, whom he is currently holding, might also be a corpse in the eyes of others.

After all, Qin Manjiang himself had personal experience. In the first round, before he came into contact with the players, all his actions and words were completely disguised as ghosts. Only extremely keen people could detect some clues.

So... who is the real ghost, Liu Jingqing next to her, or the female corpse at the bottom of the pool?

Also, why am I trapped in this pool? No matter how hard you paddle, you can't move forward, backward, left, or right, but you can dive downward.

It seemed to be guiding him downwards deliberately.

In other words, no matter who fell into the water, or was tied by their hair and dragged to the bottom of the pool, just like Nie Yunzhen before.

Or it could be like him. Although he fell into the pool, because he was "bound" to Liu Jingqing, his hair did not attack him and he was not dragged to the bottom of the pool. matter who you are, if you find that you can't swim in any direction in the water and can only go down, you probably won't sit still and wait for death, but choose to dive down and take a look, right?

Therefore, it was only a matter of time before the female body at the bottom of the pool was discovered.

And once the existence of a female corpse is discovered, everyone will almost certainly be sure that it is a ghost.

The same goes for Qin Manjiang.

The ice-cold temperature in the water made it impossible to stay for long. Nie Yunzhen had been there for a while and hadn't come back yet. He must have encountered something.


She said that she went to look for the pole. If she went to the elevator corridor where she found her, she was afraid that she would also encounter "her" ghost.

The locations are different, the scenes are different, and the people are different. Maybe the solution to each strange event in the second phase is also different. It cannot be solved in a unified and effective way like the first phase.

Now, it’s better to solve it yourself.

Who is the ghost between Liu Jingqing and the female corpse at the bottom of the pool?

Qin Manjiang also thought that the corpse under the pool was a ghost at first.

But just now, what he accidentally glanced at made him completely overturn this conjecture.

Qin Manjiang grabbed Liu Jingqing's wrist and dived underwater.

He is dragging Liu Jingqing to the bottom of the pool!


Because those footprints...

At the moment when he made the final decision, Qin Manjiang glanced at the wet footprints on the steps.

First of all, they would come to the pool just because they felt someone was watching them.

But when the four people came over, they found wet footprints all over the steps.

Liu Jingqing came here with everyone, and those footprints could not have been left by her.

It could only be the female corpse under the pool, and Qin Manjiang originally thought so.

But... that was a female corpse that was extremely swollen from soaking!

When Qin Manjiang dived into the water just now, he also saw the appearance of the female corpse with his own eyes.

It was indeed extremely fat from soaking, and the feet were also very swollen.

Therefore, these wet footprints could not be left by the female corpse.

What is puzzling is that just now Liu Jingqing took off her shoes and compared them with these footprints, and her soles fit perfectly with these footprints.

Then connect it with this series of unnatural things.

For example, after the second stage started, Liu Jingqing was the only person who ran in from the outside.

At the same time, Liu Jingqing was also the last person to arrive.

Liu Jingqing was trembling all over. She was not completely afraid, but really cold!

This coldness was completely understood after Qin Manjiang fell into the water.

Therefore, no matter how incredible the answer was, Qin Manjiang had to think like this - Liu Jingqing was split into two by a ghost.

She was also at the bottom of the pool. The reason why she felt cold was because the other half of herself was completely submerged in the water.

The reason why she could feel the presence of that ghost was purely because it was herself!

This is a trap. No matter whether you choose Liu Jingqing or the female corpse at the bottom of the pool, it is not the right answer.

The ghost is not at all among the two...

Having said that, Qin Manjiang, who pulled Liu Jingqing and dived into the water again, looked at these hairs and suddenly thought that these hairs floating from the bottom of the pool to the surface seemed to have been trying to catch people and drag them into the bottom of the pool.

And Liu Jingqing herself had just rushed into the pool inexplicably.

This may be her survival instinct.

She was at the bottom of the pool, and she was outside the pool. One wanted to stretch out her hair and catch herself, and the other wanted to jump into the pool to save herself from being wrapped in the cold water.

Underwater, Qin Manjiang encountered huge resistance.

There is some force preventing Liu Jingqing from sinking to the bottom of the water. This is why Qin Manjiang has to tread water constantly when she falls into the water, but she can float on the water strangely without doing anything.

The hidden, real ghost is secretly preventing this from happening.

But... now I can't help it.

Qin Manjiang used his greatest strength to lead Liu Jingqing all the way down.

In the clear and cold water, the bloated corpse sunk at the bottom of the water made one's scalp numb and nauseated just by looking at it.

But Qin Manjiang remained calm. He took Liu Jingqing's hand, stretched out his hand, and reluctantly grabbed the hand of the bloated female corpse.

The water was flowing, and the female corpse's swollen hand was swaying slightly in the water. After trying several times, Qin Manjiang finally grabbed the female corpse's hand!

The disgusting touch of the swollen corpse made people feel chills in their hearts.

But Qin Manjiang forcibly held the hands of this man and the corpse together.

The moment Liu Jingqing's palms came into contact with the female corpse, Qin Manjiang suddenly emerged from the water!


He raised his head suddenly, fresh air entered his nostrils, but he found that his palms could actually touch the bottom of the pool?

When he opened his eyes, he saw Liu Jingqing beside him, floating on the surface of the pool, her eyelashes trembling slightly.

The next moment, Liu Jingqing suddenly opened her eyes!

She looked around in horror, then raised her hand and pointed: "The ghost is there! tore me into two!"

(There is a third chapter, it will be a little later, you can go to bed first and read it tomorrow)

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