Strange story player

Chapter 478 Stairs (Thank you, leader!)

He didn't have time to think too much, because when he saw the number on the elevator screen, it had already changed to "3"!

This shopping mall has seven floors in total.

Are people using the elevator?

Not sure...but people shouldn't be so courageous, right?


I just wanted to use it myself. Maybe someone has the same idea as me, but I want to use the elevator to go down, and the other person wants to use the elevator to come up...

At this time, who would use the elevator to come up from the basement to the first floor?

Zheng Jun's hair stood on end.

What's even weirder is that the elevator didn't stop on the first floor. So which floor did the other person press the button? Was it the seventh floor?

Is it the player who plays the role of a "ghost"? Or a real ghost?

Is it going to go down from the seventh floor?

Zheng Jun thought a lot at this moment. He ducked into the stairwell to the side. However, the elevator did not stop at the third floor, but continued going up.

Zheng Jun breathed a sigh of relief.

But at this moment! Zheng Jun's cell phone suddenly lit up!

He was so frightened that his heart almost stopped. He quickly looked at the screen. It was a phone call!

Is the caller Liu Jingqing?

Why is that great writer calling me?

Zheng Jun was full of suspicion.

After all, in [Tongkai], there is an unwritten rule, that is, once you enter the Kaidan game, even if your phone still has a signal, it is best to turn it off and not answer anyone's calls.

"Imitation" is one of the basic abilities of ghosts. Basically, ghosts are very likely to deceive players through communication tools such as mobile phones and telephones.

Unless it's a critical moment when you have to answer the phone...

Zheng Jun thought for a moment. Although this writer was considered an upper-class person, she had no communication with him either in the real world or in the ghost story game.

Looking at the name on the screen again, Zheng Jun pressed hang up.

He didn't answer.

However, the moment he hung up the phone, he suddenly heard the sound of the elevator door opening!


Zheng Jun looked toward the elevator entrance.

I saw a bright light shining on the floor.

It's the light in the elevator...

However, in that light, there is also an extremely long and narrow shadow!

Zheng Jun felt numb all over and his heart skipped a beat. Could it be that he just hung up the phone?

He quietly walked down the fire stairs. No matter whether the person coming out of the elevator was a human or a ghost... he didn't want to meet him.

However, at this time, he saw the shadow projected in the elevator moving!

This glance made Zheng Jun's hair stand on end. He was finally sure that this was not a player pretending to be a "ghost", this was definitely a real ghost!

When a person moves, the shadow will move up and down, swaying in an amplitude.

But this elongated shadow on the floor is moving!

At this moment, I just heard a "哐——" sound.

The elevator door is closed.

The light disappeared and the shadow disappeared, but Zheng Jun knew that the ghost was still there!

At this moment, the ghost is standing at the elevator door of exit three!

And he was standing under the stairs next to the elevator!

Just take a few steps forward and turn your head to see him...

Zheng Jun felt his mouth was dry and he walked down slowly step by step.

He knew that his action of "hanging up the phone" just now sent a certain signal to the ghost, letting it know that he was on the third floor.

But Zheng Jun still didn't dare to make too big a move. Now that ghost... was too close to him!

As long as you make a little noise in the fire stairway, it will be noticed immediately!

Zheng Jun didn't dare...

He suppressed his fear and moved down bit by bit...

In many film and television works, there will be scenes where the more critical the moment, the more things will be touched and sounds will be made.

Zheng Jun himself was fed up with that kind of plot, but now he seemed to be in a similar situation.

At this time, Zheng Jun realized that many times, people cannot fully control their limbs.

For example... in a situation of extreme fear.

His heart was beating as if it was about to burst out of his chest, and his breathing became much thicker uncontrollably, forcing him to cover his mouth and nose with one hand.

At the same time, he had to carefully identify the stairs under the dim green light. If one of them missed the step and made a sound, he would be doomed.

But at the last moment before the elevator door closed... the direction of the shadow's movement was towards the stairwell!

The ghost obviously knows the approximate location and is coming!

Zheng Jun had already reached the corner of the stairs on the third and second floors. He couldn't help but look up at the stairs above.

However, this sight almost made him scream in fear!

At the entrance of the stairs, under the dim green LED light, a pair of pale feet appeared, floating in mid-air out of thin air!

Zheng Jun's pupils tightened. He couldn't care less about making any noise. This ghost had obviously confirmed his location and had seen him!

Zheng Jun immediately ran away!

The distance between him and the ghost is only seven or eight meters of stairs at most!

It's over, I'm dead...

Why is it Liu Jingqing’s phone number?

Could it be that the player who was found just now is Liu Jingqing?

Why can it still determine my location even though I hung up?

Couldn't we have any reaction to that phone call and just turn a blind eye...

Zheng Jun couldn't help but have questions in his mind. He was regretting it. Although regret was useless, humans are such creatures.

At this moment, Qin Manjiang, who had just arrived at the door of the first floor, suddenly turned his head and looked at the stairs to the side.

There was a faint sound of rushing downstairs.

It's better to come early than to come by chance.

Qin Manjiang rushed in immediately.

He is the "ghost" in this round, and unlike other players, he is not afraid of real ghosts.

The ghost will hurt other players, but not him who is also a "ghost".

The big red [one] in his field of vision is what determines his life or death.

No matter how you look at this thing, the score is always the same. If you want to survive, you have to find more players before the ghosts do.

No...catch it first.

In the stairs, Zheng Jun was stumbling and running. He had completely ignored it, but what frightened him extremely was that the white ghost did not take the stairs at all, but jumped directly!

It can jump several meters in one leap without falling down at all!

It was getting closer and closer, and its pale hands were about to grab him several times, and Zheng Jun seemed to feel a strong suffocation in his throat.

He was so frightened that he screamed. At times like this, people really like to make some weird noises to embolden themselves.

Zheng Jun already had a premonition that he would die here.

It wasn't until this moment that he realized that the reason for the "seven light spots" was not that there was an extra ghost hiding.

But there is another ghost looking for someone!

In addition to the ghosts played by players, real ghosts are also looking for them!

Zheng Jun ran wildly down the stairs in the dark, and finally missed his footing. But he was lucky. This stagger caused the ghost behind him to catch the hand that was already very close.

He fell down the stairs with a "plop-plop--", and he fell all over the place. Finally, he got stuck on the stair railing at the corner of the second and first floors.

His lower body was still standing crookedly on the last two steps of the stairs on the second floor, but his head poked out of the highest step of the stairs on the first floor.

The whole person fell to the ground in an extremely awkward posture. He raised his head in horror and saw a pale figure leaping down again, with pale pupils full of malice.

Zheng Jun struggled to continue climbing down, but now he was in pain all over his body. The moment he rolled down the stairs, he was thrown to pieces and couldn't use any strength at all.

"No...don't...don't kill me!"

He raised his hand in vain, trying to block the narrow ghost hand stretched out by the ghostly white ghost.

But the last bit of rationality in his brain told him that it was over...

However, at this moment, Zheng Jun's scalp tightened!

This time he wasn't scared, someone actually grabbed his hair!

The grip was so strong that even his face and corners of his eyes were lifted up. The pain made Zheng Jun burst into tears.

The next moment, a relatively familiar voice appeared panting on the stairs below:


"Fortunately your hair is long..."

(Update 3 tomorrow, thanks to the leader of the villain Cold Puppy!)

Thanks for the tips from Mengshan Youyao, Long Name, Dark Fairy Tale, Bald Flamingo, chengjin and lalilali.

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