Strange story player

Chapter 469 Argument

"Before that, can I ask a question?" Qin Manjiang looked at Nie Yunzhen.

Nie Yunzhen looked at him and asked with his eyes.

"How do you know I am Qin Manjiang?"

he asked.

Although the purpose of wearing a mask was just to block his "appetite" and he had no intention of hiding his identity, Nie Yunzhen called him directly and found out his identity, which made Qin Manjiang feel that his behavior was a bit stupid.

Nie Yunzhen just looked at him and said something incoherent: "Be careful about your friend who suddenly disappeared."

Li Xijiu? !

Qin Manjiang's heart tightened, and he subconsciously wanted to frown, but he held it back.

Nie Yunzhen seemed to have seen through his inner thoughts and said: "He used your information to exchange information with me. If you are also interested, we can have a good talk after this strange story is over."

Having said this, Nie Yunzhen suddenly smiled: "What's more, your phone number has not been changed. You have no intention of hiding it from us. Someone with your contact information can easily determine who is you."

"Any question?"

She stared at Qin Manjiang.

Qin Manjiang remained silent. He had been unwilling to think about Li Xijiu's existence in another direction, but Li Xijiu's behavior became more and more weird, so weird that he could no longer ignore it.

We must find out what Li Xi is doing.

There is also Nie Yunzhen. Apart from Jiang Du, she is the only person who has connections with Fucheng [Pupillary Realm] and Yuecheng [Pupillary Realm].

Nie Yun's appearance was really bizarre. A strange story called "The Man in the Coffin" suddenly appeared with a clearance prompt, and then...she appeared.

Moreover, Nie Yun really knew Jiang Du and was even afraid of the name Jiang Du.

But that Nie Yunzhen is not the Nie Yunzhen that Qin Manjiang knows now...

Until now, Qin Manjiang still doesn't know why Nie Yunzhen, who was in Yue City [Tongjie] twenty years ago, became the chief of Fucheng [Tongjie] twenty years later after clearing the level.

Qin Manjiang was not interested in what information Li Xi learned from her. What he really cared about was that Li Xi would use his information to exchange information with Nie Yunzhen. This was enough to show that Li Xi knew very well that Nie Yunzhen was abnormal. , and may even know that Nie Yunzhen came from Yuecheng [Tongjie] twenty years ago.

Li Xi...who are you?

Qin Manjiang shook his head and stopped talking, but Liu Jingqing kept looking at Qin Manjiang with surprise and doubt in his eyes.

Obviously she didn't know that Qin Manjiang and [Abyss] were two people now.

Old God Shen Hu glanced at Nie Yunzhen on the ground and looked away, as if he was not paying attention to her affairs.

At this time, Nie Yunzhen said: "Then let me talk about the arrangements first."

"Because this ghost story is about hide-and-seek. In Fucheng [Tongjie], hide-and-seek ghost stories have happened before. This is the person who has experienced it personally." At this point, Nie Yunzhen looked at Zheng Jun.

Zheng Jun nodded to everyone, said hello, and said with a forced smile: "I am also an old man from Fucheng [Tongjie]. Before everyone came in, I was already a member of Fucheng [Tongjie], but I'm very lucky, and it often only comes to me once every few months, so my spiritual pupil points are not as good as most players."

"About a year ago, I experienced a ghost story game called [Hide and Seek]," Zheng Jun shook his head. "I was the only one who survived. The place where the ghost story was performed was an abandoned children's paradise. Plus I There are five players in total, and the one responsible for finding the ghost in the Children's Paradise."

Zheng Jun fell into memories, stroking the coffee cup with his fingers, frowning slightly: "However, what is different from this time is that although [Hide and Seek] also has to avoid the ghost and cannot be found by it, there is one thing about that ghost story. Hidden storyline.”

"Because the location was in an abandoned children's playground, I had the courage to sneak a peek at the ghost. The ghost that time was a child."

"After investigation, I found that the reason why the game was performed in a children's playground and the reason why the game was played was hide-and-seek was the cause of the child's death."

Zheng Jun sighed slowly and looked at everyone: "The child was playing peek-a-boo with other children and fell into the sewer without a cover. He couldn't be found later. The other children thought he had gone home first, so they They all dispersed."

"By the time he was found, the child had become a rotting corpse, and the children's park's business was getting worse and worse because of that incident, until it closed. The ghost story about hide-and-seek at that time was about the child who died in the children's park. Looking for us."

Zheng Jun lowered his head slightly, with complicated emotions in his eyes: "I found the cause of his death, and then... I hid in the sewer of the children's playground, because in the child's mind, the sewer was an absolutely impossible place to be found. , I survived.”

It can be seen that the last "hide and seek" game left a deep impression on Zheng Jun. Even now, when he talks about that incident, his mood is still a little unstable.

But Nie Yunzhen didn't react at all. After Zheng Jun finished speaking, she immediately said to everyone: "So, it is very important to determine the identity of the ghost. Since it is a hide-and-seek game, it should be impossible for the ghost to have the ability to sense our location. At this time , a hiding place is very necessary, as long as we find a specific blind spot belonging to the ghost according to the characteristics of the ghost like Mr. Zheng Jun did, then we can survive."

"Oh, I remember that you yourself said that there is nothing unusual in the Shekou neighborhood." Shen Kui put down his coffee cup and stared at Nie Yunzhen. "I did a brief investigation myself. The Shekou neighborhood is very prosperous, and there is no such thing as a children's paradise." According to the situation, no human life has occurred here, so it is impossible for us to confirm the identity of the ghost.”

"And I personally don't think ghosts even necessarily appear."

Shen Kui took away Nie Yunzhen's right to speak without any courtesy and said to everyone: "It's possible that one of us will be chosen as a ghost. After all, this ghost story only told us that we need to do it in the Shekou neighborhood. , and this [Hide and Seek] game has three stages. What to do in each stage will only be known when the stages are announced."

"So, instead of listening to people's nonsense here, why not go around the Shekou neighborhood a few times and find the place you want to hide first? What do you think?"

Shen Kui said the last four words while staring at Nie Yunzhen.

Nie Yunzhen's face turned a little ugly at what he said. "Listening to other people's nonsense" was obviously a nod to her.

But she also had to admit that what Shen Kui said made sense.

"That's what I mean. If we can't confirm the identity of the ghost, we can only start from the hiding place. Everyone, let's get familiar with the environment first." Nie Yunzhen said.

"I suggest you not act alone from now on. It would be fun if someone is tricked by a ghost along the way. After all, this is already the Shekou neighborhood, and the ghost might be ready to move in the dark." Shen Kui said again.

"Then...let's work in pairs..."

Before Nie Yun finished speaking, he heard Shen Kui getting up and leaving the coffee table. He snapped his fingers and hooked his hand at Chen Zhiyuan: "You, follow me."

Chen Zhiyuan looked at him blankly, Shen Shi... This person remembers it, but he can't remember the specific things they experienced together.

Although he subconsciously wanted to frown, his feet were already walking towards Shen Zu.


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