Strange story player

Chapter 466 Ten Seats

The eighth ultimate game appears.

[Strange story: Hidden. 】

【Where are you? I'm coming to find you...]

[Limited time: 12 midnight today to 6 am tomorrow. 】


The name of this strange story shocked the surviving players. It was a typical rule-based strange story without any story.

However, this prompt is too short, right?

There is only one sentence: "Where are you, I'm here to find you".

What can be analyzed in this short sentence?

At this time, all the pupils in the entire pupil space moved.

From top to bottom, in all directions, the dense pupils stared at the same place after the blood-red font appeared——

That's... a female player.

Qin Manjiang, who was wearing a mask, recognized her, and could even say that she was very familiar.

Liu Jingqing.

It's her turn again...

After being locked by the pupils of the entire space, Liu Jingqing just stood there quietly without any movement.

Under the gaze of everyone, her body was slowly coated with a layer of blood.

The first player selected appears.

At this time, everyone realized that the Pupil Realm was already very empty. There were originally forty-nine people, but now there were only about twenty people left, and it was already half empty.

Almost everyone present knew each other.

In fact, the people killed by Kaidan are second to none, but now besides Kaitan, there is actually a mysterious organization in the real world that secretly attacks players.

Those people seemed to know the real-life identities of the players and found their real-life residences effortlessly.

The players who are still alive have either escaped pursuit or are missing like Zhong Xueran.

Qin Manjiang looked at Yan Xiao aside, these people... could no longer be saved.

The reason why I used five hundred spiritual pupil points this time to exchange for an opportunity to leave permanently was because I wanted to follow Yang's idea and continue to explore that path.

That would be a more likely way to return to normal life.

Qin Manjiang raised his head and looked at the eyes that blinked from time to time above his head. Human life was really insignificant compared to these things.

Be it yourself or Yan Xiao, what ability do you have to ensure that everyone can survive?

To others, these ideas may seem like wishful thinking, but someone has to dream.

You have to find a reason for yourself to live in such a world...

Soon, a second player appeared.

Most of the surviving players defended her.

Nie Yunzhen...

This woman became the second player selected.

When looking at her, Qin Manjiang's eyes unconsciously drifted to the void beside him, where the code names of the ten seats were displayed.

Unknowingly, the order of the ten seats also changed dramatically.

[Chief: Nie Yunzhen] is still her, unchanged.

[Second Seat: Abyss], Qin Manjiang surpassed Chen Zhiyuan and became the second seat.

[Third seat, player], this should have been Chen Zhiyuan's seat, but after the strange talk in [Sick Village], Shen Kui surpassed Chen Zhiyuan and Yan Xiao and became the third seat.

[Fourth seat: Chen Zhiyuan], he has not performed a ghost story mission for a while, and there is no change at the moment.

[Seat 5: Doctor], Yan Xiao’s position has also been postponed, with little change.

But Xu Yi, who was supposed to be the sixth seat, has now become...

[Sixth seat: So annoying], Zhong Xueran took Xu Yi’s place.

And Mei Sijun, who is in the seventh seat, can no longer come back, and is replaced by...

[Seventh Seat: Tribulation], he is a young man named Su Yu, who Qin Manjiang is extremely suspicious of, and the top ten seats in Yuecheng are the hidden stake in Fucheng Tongjie.

[Eighth Seat: Swimming Fish], Yu Ruoli... This is a person that Qin Manjiang subconsciously avoids. He can feel that Yu Ruoli has different feelings for him, but... he cannot respond.

When he was in the sick village, at the last moment, he used his "like" emotion to save her from turning into a fish. At this moment, she was looking into the [Abyss], holding her drawing book, standing silently in the corner, not talking to anyone.

At the ninth seat, a name familiar to Qin Manjiang also appeared.

[Ninth Seat: Chi Yu], writer, Liu Jingqing.

Liu Jingqing herself was also surprised that she could survive to such an extent. In fact... in the strange story of "death on schedule", she was very likely to die, but her luck was so weird that by chance, she became The first person to clear the level.

The last one, the tenth seat, is a person Qin Manjiang has never cooperated with, but he stands behind Nie Yunzhen.

[Seat 10: Mayfly].

This is a man who looks to be in his thirties, with a very attractive figure and appearance. His hair is tied into a small braid on the back of his head. The whole person presents a different kind of contradiction and attraction.

There were huge changes in the ten seats. There were fewer and fewer familiar people, and everyone became more and more silent. After knowing that Nie Yunzhen was elected, the crowd there started to make some noise.

Then, the third person appeared, and the dense pupils in all directions in the pupil world all looked at a young man who was wearing something he liked——

Chen Zhiyuan.

Yan Xiao, Shen Hu, Qin Manjiang, Zhong Xueran... everyone was stunned. Chen Zhiyuan... was still selected.

His permanent prop is extremely terrifying. It is a pen. If enough clues are provided, the story line written with it will most likely come true. In other words, Chen Zhiyuan can predict the future to a certain extent.

However, the price Chen Zhiyuan has to pay is also extremely heavy. Every time he uses it, his brain's thinking ability will be permanently weakened.

At the moment, he is no longer able to think more deeply.

He even began to forget some things, and spent most of the day in a daze and absence.

Can he really play the ghost story game like this...

Everyone was silent.

Then, the fourth person was quickly selected.

When all the pupils focused on one person, everyone was stunned.

The ones currently selected are all ten members?

Because this is the third seat, [Player]!

That is... Shen Wu.

Shen Rui was also selected.

After being enveloped by the blood light, Shen Su's expression did not change much. He just stood there quietly. He suddenly felt that the eyes behind him were burning. When he turned around, he saw that it was Yan Xiao.

Yan Xiao didn't say anything, but Shen Kui twitched his brows and completely understood what Yan Xiao meant.

The doctor glanced at Chen Zhiyuan.

What's the meaning? Let me take care of Chen Zhiyuan?

Shen Su took a look at Yan Xiao and turned back without hesitation, pretending he hadn't seen him.

The fifth player also appeared at this time.

He is also a player in the Ten Seats, and this person is the last one in the Ten Seats... [Ephemera].

Everyone was in an uproar.

What's going on with this weird story?

All the players who have appeared so far are ten!

Chief Nie Yunzhen, ninth seat Liu Jingqing, third seat Shen Kui, fourth seat Chen Zhiyuan, tenth seat Mayfly...

Is this [Hide and Seek] strange story so difficult?

At this moment, Qin Manjiang, who had been staring at the largest pupil on his head, could not help but tremble at the corner of his mouth.

He kept staring at this thing, and generally speaking, it was "natural selection" to be stared at by all the small pupils.

And I am always targeted by this big thing. This is simply a "roll call"!

There is no doubt that this time I was clicked again.

The blood light enveloped him, and a series of eyes looked over.

[Professor] The two words "blood" appeared above Qin Manjiang's head.

The other players also put aside some of their doubts. It turns out that not all of them are ten players this time...

Speaking of which, the unlucky [Abyss] escaped this time.

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