Strange story player

Chapter 461 Discovery

On the other hand, Shen Su, Yan Xiao, and Xia Nan were investigating near Xiao Chongyang Temple.

The three of them acted separately, each with their own methods.

Xia Nan followed the footprints left by Zhong Xueran and followed them step by step. His speed was very slow because he had to carefully distinguish the footprints belonging to Zhong Xueran on the muddy mountain road.

In Xia Nan's view, instead of finding the murderer who attacked Zhong Xueran, it is better to find Zhong Xueran himself first. Human life is more important than other things at any time.

But Shen Hu obviously didn't think so. He returned to the Little Chongyang Temple halfway up the mountain, found the Taoist Zhike at the door, and asked, "Little Taoist, can the Little Chongyang Temple be a long-term stay?"

Taoist Zhike looked at Shen Hu for a few times, shook his head and said, "Sorry, donor, you can stay at Chongyang Temple for two or three days, but you cannot stay for a long time, unless you have become a disciple and have a lay certificate."

"What about at the foot of the mountain? Is there a place where I can stay for a long time at the foot of the mountain?" Shen Kui asked with a smile, "The environment here is good. I want to live here for a while to recuperate my body and mind."

Upon hearing this, the Taoist Zhike nodded in agreement and pointed down the mountain: "There are several residential houses at the foot of the mountain where guests stay. If the donor has any ideas, you can go down the mountain and ask."

"Really..." Shen Kui touched his chin, turned around, and immediately walked down the mountain.

Seeing his sudden change of attitude, Zhike Taoist was a little confused.

Doesn’t this donor want to cultivate his body and mind? Why does it look more like I'm looking for someone...

His guess was indeed correct. Shen Ku was looking for someone. According to his reasoning, if he chose this place to attack Zhong Xueran with strange stories, the other party would probably not know Zhong Xueran's movement trajectory.

In other words, the only place the other party knew where Zhong Xueran might appear was this Little Chongyang Temple.

If you want to stay in a place like this for a long time, you can't just put up a tent. That person must have a stable place to stay.

Since the Taoist temple does not accept visitors, it is the end of the mountain.

Shen Kui went to the foot of the mountain. After he left, Yan Xiao also came to the entrance of the Taoist temple.

Yan Xiao's action path was exactly the opposite of Shen Kui's. He first went to the foot of the mountain, and then returned to the mountainside.

After paying the ticket, Yan Xiao entered the Little Double Ninth Festival without saying a word.

He and Shen Kui had similar views. Somewhere on this mountain must be the foothold of Zhong Xueran's attacker.

Now that Zhong Xueran has been dragged into the strange story, it is unlikely that they can help her directly. The best way is to find that bastard and use him to rescue Zhong Xueran.

The difference from Shen Kui is that Yan Xiao feels that that person's final destination is in the Taoist temple!

If a person wants to wait for another person, the best way is to sit next to a tree stump.

There are only a few people at the foot of the mountain. If you stay at the foot of the mountain every day and wait for Zhong Xueran to show up, it will be thankless on the one hand and you may miss people. On the other hand, it will be too sneaky. If you are remembered by the people in the Taoist temple, , but it will cause greater trouble.

But it's different inside the Taoist temple. As soon as Zhong Xueran arrives here, that person will definitely know it as soon as possible.

Although Yan Xiao also asked and knew that he could not live here for a long time, his idea was different from Shen Kui, because Zhong Xueran came from a Taoist family, so... he knew why Zhong Xueran came back, and he only knew that Zhong Xueran would come to this place. , there is an explanation.

That man... is also a Taoist priest.

Yan Xiao entered the Little Chongyang Temple and without squinting, he went straight to find the current temple owner, Taoist Master Li.

"Donor, what else can you do?" Daochang Li was a little confused.

Yan Xiao looked around and asked, "Daozhang Li, I have a question."

"Please." Daochang Li nodded slightly, stretched out his hand to lead Yan Xiao to sit down, and asked him to make him a cup of tea.

"I wonder, besides Taoist Master Li, how many Taoists are there in this Taoist temple?"

Yan Xiao asked.

Daochang Li looked surprised, as if he didn't know why Yan Xiao asked this matter, but it was not a secret. After hearing this, he said: "Except for the poor Taoist, there are fifteen others."

"Are they all brothers of the Taoist Master?" Yan Xiao continued to ask.

Taoist Li didn't know what he meant by this. Logically speaking, all the monks in the Taoist temple were brothers, but Yan Xiao's question clearly didn't mean he wanted to know the answer.

Daochang Li frowned for a moment, looked up at Yan Xiao, and said, "To be honest with the donor, this temple is already dilapidated. It was official endorsement and private donations for renovation that led us to come here."

Yan Xiao frowned and understood what the Taoist meant.

"So, in addition to the official appointment from Fucheng, there are also people in the temple appointed by the non-governmental organization that donated funds?"

Daochang Li nodded silently.

Yan Xiao immediately stood up and asked, "Please tell me, Taoist Priest, where is that Taoist Priest now?"

"Second room in the south corner of the backyard, go find him yourself." Daochang Li obviously sensed something was wrong, so he said it without any concealment.

But at this time, the Taoist priest serving tea suddenly said: "Uncle Yu has gone out in the afternoon and has not come back yet."

Just as Yan Xiao was about to step out of the door, he stopped and turned to look at the little Taoist priest: "Is that Taoist priest named Yu?"

The little Taoist priest nodded and looked at Daoist Li again. Seeing that Daoist Li had no reaction, he continued: "Uncle Yu is different from us. He was named by Donor Zhao."

Another donor Zhao appeared...

It seems that donor Zhao is the one who funded the renovation of the Small Chongyang Temple.

Yan Xiao looked at Taoist Li and asked, "Taoist, can you tell me the full name of donor Zhao?"

Taoist priest Li shook his head and sighed, and glanced at the little Taoist priest. The little Taoist priest knew what he meant, took Yan Xiao's question, and replied: "Almsgiver Zhao's surname is Zuocha Zhao, his given name is Fengchuan, and he is from Yuecheng." (Page 260) Three chapters)

As soon as this name appeared, something suddenly came to Yan Xiao's mind, and there was another person!

Qiaojia Village, Qiao Ziru's resurrection incident, when Qiao Ziru and Mei Sijun were trapped in the ghost story, everyone in Fucheng [Tongjie] went to Qiaojia Village, and they also investigated the cause and effect when they arrived.

The cause of that incident was that a boss named Zhao Fengchuan fell in love with a piece of land owned by Qiao's family.

But that land was where Qiao Ziru's grandma was buried. Qiao Ziru's father received the money, and Boss Zhao invited a Taoist to move the coffin and break the ground.


That Taoist was later trapped in the ghost story together with Qiao Ziru and Mei Sijun, but he escaped intact!

A boss named Zhao Fengchuan, a Taoist hired by the boss...

Could it be that he was the Taoist who had been waiting to attack Zhong Xueran at the Little Chongyang Temple? !

"Excuse me, do you have any photos of him?" Yan Xiao asked immediately.

He realized the seriousness of the matter. If it was really what he thought, then the strange talk between Qiao Ziru and Mei Sijun was probably a set up!

However, the little Taoist priest shook his head: "No."

Yan Xiao was not discouraged. He had met the old Taoist before, and after hearing the words, he verbally described him: "He is in his sixties, thin, somewhat immortal, with a goatee..."

Before he finished speaking, the little Taoist priest nodded hurriedly and said:

"It's him, Yu Zeming, Taoist Priest Yu!"

Thanks to Book Friends 2022, Wei Lin, and Book Friends 202207 for their rewards.

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