Strange story player

Chapter 458 Escape

The fisherman turned to look at Qin Manjiang. Although he guessed that it was somewhat unusual for someone to come here at this time, Qin Manjiang's behavior still exceeded his expectations.

Not only was this young man not frightened at all, but he actually thought of a way to escape in a short time?

"What do you want to do?"

The fisherman didn't waste any time. He had been wandering around Guanyin Ping Lake for so long and already knew what was going on under the lake.

Seeing that he believed in himself, Qin Manjiang didn't waste any time. He pointed at the headlight that the fisherman was pressing firmly and said: "Throw it out as far away as possible!"

The fisherman's heart skipped a beat. He thought Qin Manjiang was crazy.

But soon, he also understood what Qin Manjiang meant.

Almost all the shadows under the water gathered at the bow of the ship. Could it be that the light was attracting them?

But...if this young man makes a wrong judgment and throws away the only light source, he will really be trapped in the lake.

The rocking of the wooden boat became more and more violent, and the impact on the bottom of the boat made people's butt numb. If they didn't hurry up, the wooden boat would be dismantled.


Qin Manjiang subconsciously took on a commanding tone, and his tone was also a bit cold. It was less like him than usual, more like Jiang Du.

When the fisherman heard this, he no longer delayed, immediately took off the boat's headlight, stood up unsteadily, held back all his strength, and threw it out with all his strength!


The clearly audible sound of surging water converged towards the light.

The two men immediately took the oars and tried it. The boat could move!

Needless to say, both of them rowed the oars with all their strength, but rowing is not just a physical job, it is also a technical job. Both of them are working hard, but the rowing speeds are different, which causes the wooden boat to Instead of moving closer to the shore, it started to spin.

Qin Manjiang's brows jumped wildly. If he turned around like this twice, he would really be unable to tell which side was the shore...

He quickly handed the oar to the fisherman: "You paddle!"

After the fisherman took the oar in silence, the wooden boat finally returned to the shore obediently.

Only then did Qin Manjiang have time to take a look in the direction where the lamp was thrown.

The lamp has fallen into the water and is sinking.

However... Qin Manjiang's brows began to beat wildly after the lamp fell into the water.

Because as the lamp continues to roll in the water, the light also illuminates the underwater environment...

The pale faces disappeared with the flash of light, and the bottom of the water was actually densely packed with dead bodies!

Seeing this scene, Qin Manjiang, who had had many strange stories in [Tongjie], was also horrified.

The visual impact is too strong...

A pile of corpses that had been soaked to death were swarming towards the lamp like a school of foraging fish.

The fisherman also wanted to look back, but was immediately stopped by Qin Manjiang.

"Don't look and focus on rowing."

It's not his fault that Qin Manjiang stopped him, because he himself felt cold in his hands and feet just after taking a look. He was afraid that if the fisherman also took a look, if his hands got stiff and he couldn't hold the oar firmly, he would be in trouble tonight.

At this time, the ship's hull suddenly hit the shore!

The two immediately jumped out of the boat and quickly moved away from the shore.

They didn't have time to breathe until they rushed into the woods.

Qin Manjiang and the fisherman were both gasping for air, broken into cold sweats by what happened on the water tonight.

"It's's them!" The fisherman's voice contained not only fear but also resentment through gritted teeth, "Lele was dragged into the water by them, it's them!"

As he said this, the man stood up on his feet, muttering about going out.

Qin Manjiang grabbed him: "Brother, what are you going to do?"

This man's mental state was not stable. Seeing him like this, Qin Manjiang was very worried that when his challenge officially began in five days, there would be a swollen corpse under the lake.

"I'm going to blow up the mouth of the river and drain the water." The fisherman's eyes were red and his voice was suppressed with resentment. "As long as these ghosts appear in broad daylight, the authorities can take action, whether it's a gun or a cannon. I want them dead!"

"But they are already dead..." Qin Manjiang's words made the man's face suddenly turn red, full of anger and suffocation.

Qin Manjiang looked him up and down. The man was in his thirties. Although he had an unkempt beard, he looked like a rich man in both appearance and temperament.

The same goes for the boat headlight that was thrown out just now, and its texture is not ordinary.

Maybe this person can really get some explosives to blow a hole in the mouth of the lake and let these damn ghosts see the light of day.

"These things exist together with the water. When I opened my mouth to release the water, they probably followed the current to somewhere downstream. How could they seek revenge?" Qin Manjiang said to him.

The man's body shook and he looked extremely lonely.

"My name is Qin Manjiang. What's your name, buddy?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"Long Sen..." he said subconsciously, then stared at Qin Manjiang, "You are not an ordinary person, right? Are you a Taoist priest who can exorcise ghosts? Or something else?"

"I'll give you money, as long as you can avenge Lele, I'll give you whatever you want! All my savings will be given to you! Okay?" He looked at Qin Manjiang half threatening, half pleading, with despair in his eyes. The night is still dark.

If only I had that ability...

Qin Manjiang was also full of helplessness.

This Mr. Ronson is a poor man who keeps getting close to strange things for the sake of his daughter.

But players like me don’t even know how long they can live, people who have no tomorrow.

I can't make any promises at all.


"Yes, yes, but I need you to do something for me." Qin Manjiang said to him.

"Okay!" Long Sen's eyes lit up immediately, and even his lips were trembling when he answered, "You can do anything you want from me, is it money? Or do you want me to go into the water and have a look?"

Qin Manjiang shook his head slightly and said to him: "No, I want you to find out why the upstream sluice was opened."

From what Qin Manjiang himself knew, there was no possibility of misoperation in opening the gate to release floods, and the steps were far from as simple as pressing a button.

The reservoir upstream just plummeted and flooded Guanyin Village completely. No matter how you thought, there was something wrong.

But I am not a person with great hands and eyes, and I don’t have that much time. How could I possibly investigate things that happened so long ago?

This Mr. Longsen is a good choice. At least when it comes to the issue of Guanyin Pinghu, the two of them have the same position.

Sure enough, when Mr. Long heard that he was investigating something related to Guanyin Pinghu, he immediately agreed, promising: "Don't worry, Mr. Qin, I will use all my resources to help you figure this out! "

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