Strange story player

Chapter 448 Confession

Qin Manjiang's words made everyone focus on Abyss.

Everyone knows that this "abyss" is the core of today.

And [Abyss], who agreed to Qin Manjiang's invitation, had obviously anticipated what would happen. Since he was willing to come, it proved that he was at least prepared to face doubts.

Facing everyone's scrutinizing gazes, the abyss remained calm.

In fact, he is more like "Qin Manjiang" than Qin Manjiang himself.


He answered Qin Manjiang's questions concisely and concisely.

In fact, when he received Qin Manjiang's phone call invitation, his first reaction was confusion and confusion.

It was just a strange story, could it be that I had already completely won his trust?

He didn't understand.

The instructions buried deep in his brain allowed him to immediately send the news back to Yuecheng.

"Doctor, he contacted me."

"Oh? How did he react? Want to kill you?"

"He asked me to go to the airport and wait for him."

"……do you want to go?"

The doctor's question made him silent for a moment, and then he gave his inner answer: "I think."

"Then go, listen to what he wants to do, and then report to me."


That's it.

He would appear on this occasion today only with Dr. Zhou's permission, that's all.

Qin Manjiang looked at him. One of the reasons why he returned to Fucheng this time was because of the person in front of him who looked exactly like him.

"What I'm going to say next may surprise you, but I promise it's all true." Qin Manjiang said to everyone.

This was an idea he had been brewing for a long time.

He had never told anyone about himself, but after discovering the [Abyss], he felt it was time.

These words are what Qin Manjiang wants to say to [Abyss].

"Strictly speaking, just like you, I am another person's substitute." Qin Manjiang looked at the abyss and smiled, "Maybe I am not even a substitute, I am just an empty shell that has been prepared for a long time. "

As soon as these words were spoken, everyone's eyes once again focused on Qin Manjiang from Abyss.

Everyone was attentive, even the somewhat lazy Shen Su looked serious, staring at Qin Manjiang.

"Everything starts from a man named Jiang Du twenty years ago..."

The rain is still falling outside the window, and the river breeze is blowing, which is actually a bit cold. Thick raindrops hit the window sill, splashing white mist.

The room was quiet except for one voice.

Everyone was listening quietly, listening to the rain, and listening to the somewhat unbelievable and somewhat sad stories coming from Qin Manjiang's mouth.

Qin Manjiang talked very slowly, starting from the strangeness in his childhood to becoming "ordinary" in high school and college.

From being isolated by all the children to meeting his only friend, Li Xijiu.

Everyone listened so carefully that no one noticed that he only had a smile on his face when he recounted Li Xi's memories.

In fact, Qin Manjiang thought about a question himself.

If he hadn't met Li Xijiu, would he have become Jiang Du's body?

After all, before he was twenty years old, all aspects of him were set to "middle" values, and nothing would make him too happy or too sad.

It's like a clock that is wound up. How many turns it can make it run.

If this develops step by step, Jiang Du's relics will be sent over. After he gets the [Tongjie] mobile phone, Jiang Du will officially return and replace him effortlessly.

But unexpectedly, something happened that Jiang Du didn't expect.

Qin Manjiang told the story of how he joined the Kaitan Game and how he was selected by the Tongjie.

Here, Li Xijiu is inevitably mentioned again.

In fact, Jiang Du did not expect that Fucheng [Tongjie] would actually focus on the physical body [Qin Manjiang] he prepared for him.

But by a coincidence, Qin Manjiang was not dragged into the game by Guaitan, but Qin Yiyi and Li Xi were implicated instead.

Among them, because he had been confused before and Qin Manjiang had already gone to university, he was completely unaware of the changes in his sister Qin Yiyi in his hometown of Xiajiang Village.

On the contrary, it was Li Xijiu. A phone call from him made Qin Manjiang step into the game without hesitation.

But looking back now, I realize that there was actually a big problem that I subconsciously ignored.

Until now... Qin Manjiang never wanted to mention it.

Therefore, when telling this story to everyone, Qin Manjiang also ignored his doubts.

That was...the real cause of Li Xijiu's death.

After participating in so many ghost stories, Qin Manjiang already knew that Li Xi was the real ghost in the movie theater in the fire.

In other words...Li Xijiu was the end of his life.

That strange story was Qin Manjiang’s personal [Novice Tutorial].

In other words, from the beginning, Qin Manjiang was the only living person in that strange story.

Li Xi was already in a ghost state.

This novice tutorial is specially prepared for you.

If it were Li Xijiu, no one would be able to drag Qin Manjiang into the ghost story game.

So... that was a carefully planned strange story that had been prepared for him. It was not a temporary idea, nor was it the natural evolution of [Tongjie].

The follow-up also confirmed Qin Manjiang's guess.

He once saw Li Xijiu's figure in a strange space full of ghosts. That was at the end of the ghost story at [Ping An Hospital].

Therefore, he has been avoiding it subconsciously. Even if he knew that Li Xijiu's soul was in Xia Nan's body at this moment, Qin Manjiang was also avoiding it.

He still doesn't know how to face Li Xijiu, and to face the chilling fact that Li Xijiu's acquaintance with him was also a "purposeful plan."

Qin Manjiang talked for a long time.

He told almost everything that happened to him and told everyone present.

Originally, among these people, there should also be Zhong Xueran and Chen Zhiyuan.

In the former case, Qin Manjiang promised Xu Yi that he would not involve her in a more dangerous situation.

As for the latter, Qin Manjiang couldn't bear to drag Chen Zhiyuan in. It was enough for Chen Zhiyuan to simply survive. He no longer needed to know any secrets or participate in any dangerous things.

It was not a very fast story, lasting about half an hour.

Qin Manjiang even mentioned all his experiences in Yuecheng.

All his secrets were told to the people in this room.

When he stopped talking, a deathly silence fell in the room.

Yan Xiao frowned, Shen Gu subconsciously tapped the table, and Li Xi looked out the window without saying a word. The abyss that was originally the calmest was now the most intense one.

He knew that he was just Qin Manjiang's stand-in, but he had no idea that Qin Manjiang himself was not even a stand-in, just a "spare body."

"Hey, what do you want to do when you suddenly confess these things?" Shen Kui suddenly raised his head and stared at Qin Manjiang.

It sounded similar to others. What Qin Manjiang said today was no different from his last words.

"This..." Qin Manjiang picked up the tea cup and took a sip, smiling cheerfully, "I'm sorry, everyone, I caught up from behind..."

"After [Seven Children] ended, I took a look at my spiritual pupil points, and I had already exceeded five hundred."

"So I plan to challenge the personal mode, which is to use five hundred spirit pupil points to exchange for a permanent escape machine like Yang..."


Li Xi suddenly stood up, and the friction between the seat and the floor made a harsh sound.

He stared at Qin Manjiang, the flesh on his face trembling with excitement.

Qin Manjiang looked directly into his eyes, as if he could directly see Li Xijiu's soul:

"I've already redeemed it."

(One update today, Kavin, and the third update tomorrow.)

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