Strange story player

Chapter 445 Taoist Temple (first update)

To the northwest of Fu City, there are barren mountains and graves everywhere, and no one would come here under normal circumstances.

At this moment, a car stopped at the foot of the mountain. A tall woman got out of the car and looked up at the steep mountain.

It's the New Year's Eve these days, and the air is filled with the smell of burned paper ash, incense candles, and firecrackers.

In the past, no one came at all, but before and after the New Year, people came and went. Everyone came to pay homage to their ancestors and visit their graves. They were wrapped in down jackets and dragged their families through the smoke and dust.

Zhong Xueran's face was expressionless. She didn't come here to pay homage to her ancestors and sweep their tombs.

But...for the Taoist temple here.

In the northwest of Fucheng, there is a small Chongyang Temple. It used to be very prosperous, but it has been abandoned recently.

The reason for its desolation was that there was no successor, because the person in charge of the Small Chongyang Temple was named Zhong.

This place... can be regarded as the ancestral land of the Zhong family.

Zhong Xueran wrapped her windbreaker tightly and started climbing without saying a word.

The Little Double Ninth Festival is located on the mountainside. There is no main road going up and there is no way for vehicles, so you can only climb up with two legs.

Along the way, the wind became stronger and stronger. When Zhong Xueran arrived at the entrance of the Taoist temple, he saw a scene completely different from what he had imagined.

Why is the Little Chongyang Temple no longer in that dilapidated appearance?

Zhong Xueran frowned slightly, looking at the obviously renovated Little Chongyang Temple in front of her, she felt a little puzzled.

The ancient Taoist temple, shrouded in hazy smoke, looks like a silhouette floating on a scroll, looking exceptionally quiet and solemn.

But the little Chongyang Temple in my memory has long been covered with dust and covered with cobwebs. Even the clay sculptures in the Taoist temple are incomplete and are not what they look like now.

This place is regarded as the private property of the Zhong family. She is now the only descendant of the Zhong family. How could anyone move into the Little Chongyang Temple without her consent?

In fact, the place has begun to receive pilgrims again. People who come to the barren mountains to sweep tombs and worship their ancestors will probably drop by here. It seems that the Little Double Ninth Festival Temple is quite lively.

Zhong Xueran was puzzled. She looked around and saw that the people who came to visit Little Chongyang were indeed ordinary people. Everyone was coming in and out, and some were visiting this Taoist temple that had been resurrected from the dead. There was nothing unusual about it.

She stepped into the Taoist temple gate.

"Donor? Donor?"

Beside the door, a knowledgeable guest called out.

Zhong Xueran stopped and turned to look.

"What?" Zhong Xueran asked.

Her voice was cold and cold, giving people a feeling of being difficult to get along with.

Come to think of it, anyone who suddenly discovers that their "things" have been re-decorated and stolen by others will not be very happy.

What's more, Zhong Xueran came here specifically to find something.

This place has been renovated from the inside out, and the things you are looking for have probably been taken away.

"Donor, please buy a ticket."

Zhike Xiaodao reached out and said.

Zhong Xueran followed his hand and looked at the sign next to the door, which read in black and white -

[Little Double Ninth Festival View, admission fee is 10 yuan].

Why do I have to pay for entering a Taoist temple in my home?

This actually made Zhong Xue laugh out loud.

She took out ten yuan, handed it to Zhike Xiaodao at the door, and took a small piece of paper from his hand that was both a ticket and a receipt.

"Excuse me, who is the owner of this Taoist temple?"

Zhong Xueran asked with a smile.

Zhike Xiaodao was not very old and looked like he had just entered college. Although Zhong Xueran asked with a smile, there was a bit more chill in his ears.

Xiaodao raised his head and took a look at the lady wearing a windbreaker in front of him. She had a high nose and heroic facial features. Compared to words like beautiful, this lady was more suitable for cleanliness.

Xiaodao didn't know Zhong Xueran's origin, but he responded truthfully: "The temple owner's surname is Li, and he is..."

Before he could finish speaking, Zhong Xueran had already stepped into the Taoist temple and walked directly to the Qing Xiu room in the backyard.

It doesn’t matter if the surname is Zhong.

"Wait...wait! Donor!"

Xiaodao wanted to stop Zhong Xueran, but he couldn't leave the door without permission, so he could only shout dryly.

When he saw Zhong Xueran's familiar appearance, and combined with Zhong Xueran's question just now, it was hard not to suspect that this lady was here to cause trouble.

At this moment, Zhong Xueran has entered the backyard.

This place is not open to pilgrims, but how could we stop her?

Pushing open the door of the quiet room, a man who looked to be in his thirties or forties and wearing a yellow robe was sitting cross-legged on the futon.

Zhong Xueran raised his brows and asked, "My name is Zhong Xueran, Zhong Xuming is my grandfather, and the Little Chongyang Temple belongs to the Zhong family."

She gets right to the point.

But I saw the Taoist sitting on the futon open his eyes, grinned, and showed his white teeth: "In terms of seniority, I can call you my nephew. Your father Zhong Baifeng is my senior brother."

Zhong Xueran was stunned.

But she quickly reacted, stared at the Taoist priest on the futon, and said, "You lied. My father was taught by my grandfather himself. The Zhong family will not accept disciples with foreign surnames."

Unexpectedly, Taoist Li laughed loudly, shook his head and said, "Miss Zhong, you only know one, but not the other. Your father married into the Zhong family. His former common name was Zhang Baifeng. He and I went to Chongxu in the south of the city. Look, after he married your mother, he changed his surname to Zhong Baifeng."

"so what!"

Zhong Xueran's eyes were like snow particles shining in the sun. When he heard the Taoist named Li in front of him speak, he remained unmoved.

"The Little Chongyang Temple belongs to the Zhong family, why do you occupy the magpie's nest?"

"Miss Zhong is serious, please sit down," Taoist surnamed Li was not angry, but explained with a smile, "Miss Zhong doesn't know something. The Little Chongyang Temple is a registered Taoist temple and must not be abandoned. Over the years, Fucheng officials have been registering Taoists to take over, but the Little Chongyang Temple is seriously damaged and no one is willing to pay for the repairs."

Zhong Xueran was startled, and the anger in her heart gradually subsided. The Taoist priest surnamed Li was telling the truth.

There is indeed such a rule. Registered Taoist temples cannot be abandoned. Once no one takes the decision, they can be taken back to the official ownership and Taoist priests can be appointed by the official to move in.

She sat down cross-legged and asked, "Daozhang Li, are you officially assigned here?"

"Yes." Daochang Li nodded.

"Is Fucheng official paying for the renovation of the Little Chongyang Temple?" Zhong Xueran continued to ask.

"No..." Daochang Li shook his head and said with a wry smile, "The renovation of this Taoist temple started half a year ago, and it was not completed until recently. The funder is not an official from Fucheng, nor a poor Taoist like me, but a private citizen from Yuecheng. Donations to organizations.”

Moon City?

Doubts flashed in Zhong Xueran's eyes. Why did the non-governmental organizations in Yuecheng donate money to the Taoist temple in Fucheng?


Zhong Xueran's expression changed slightly and he asked, "Daozhang Li, is the person responsible for the renovation here also the non-governmental organization in Yuecheng?"

Daochang Li nodded: "That's right."

Zhong Xueran looked ugly. This level of renovation must have been turned upside down. The [Secrets of the Pupil Realm] handed down from the ancestors may have been taken away by the other party.

The non-governmental organizations in Moon City were definitely prepared.

"Excuse me, Chief Taoist, what is the name of that non-governmental organization..."

Li Daochang thought about it carefully and said, "That's the name of the Paleontological Research Association."

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