Strange story player

Chapter 442 Reaching the Summit

It’s Xia Nan’s cry!

Wu Tiansheng, who was already in competition mode, didn't even have any mood swings when he heard Chen Xin's cry just now.

But after hearing Xia Nan's voice, he stopped and couldn't help but look in the other direction.

Over there...snow and dust are flying, and there's an avalanche!

Wu Tiantian gritted his teeth and his eyes were about to burst.

Xia Nan... don't die... just hold on!

Wu Tiansheng rushed up the snow peak desperately, and there was only the last pass left in front of him-the peak cliff!

This cliff is ten meters high, almost completely vertical, and has very few points of strength. Only those with extraordinary physical strength and knowledge of rock climbing can climb it.

The end point of the route map on the back of the [Invitation Letter] is the top of this cliff.

Wu Tiansheng didn't know that at this moment, everyone still alive in this game had given their hope to him.

Chen Xin is right, [Tongjie] cannot make players die.

Since Wu Tiansheng was selected as [One]'s permanent body, Wu Tiansheng's path to survival should be different from other players.

If we say...the rest of the people's way of survival is to trap [One]'s consciousness in their own bodies, and then get close to the "Spider Woman".

The way to survive for Wu Tiansheng is to climb this cliff and reach the end of the route map.

This is his only way to survive. In this game, no one except Wu Tiansheng can climb an almost vertical ten-meter cliff with bare hands!

Abyss used his body to summon the consciousness of [One] and liberated Wu Tiansheng.

Qin Manjiang deliberately provoked [Yi]'s anger and asked [Yi] to chase him.

But Qin Manjiang didn't expect that [One] could turn into the huge ghost described by Lin Ruonan.

Although the size is not horrifyingly large, the appearance is almost the same as the description.

After Qin Manjiang seduced him for enough time, at the last moment he took out the piece of dried "human flesh" that he had hidden for a long time. By touching the "human flesh", he forcibly pulled [One]'s consciousness out of the abyss and integrated it into his own body.

But... not Wu Tiansheng's body has time limit.

Just one person cannot be locked up for long.

But if three people delay, it should be too late...

Now, the person taking over the task of "Guan" [One] is Chen Xin.

They were not worried that [One] would harm their bodies while possessing him. After all, if [One] could do this, he would have done so long ago, and there was no need for other means.

But it can't stop [One] from harming others after possessing it.

At that time, even if he cannot hurt other people, he can still hurt the body he possesses through other people.

Therefore, Qin Manjiang could only run away with Abyss.

Once [One]'s consciousness is out of trouble, it will return to Wu Tiansheng's body, and then all efforts will be in vain.

Although there was no communication between everyone, Qin Manjiang, Shen Yuan, Chen Xin, and Xia Nan all made the same choice...

Give Wu Tiansheng... buy time!

Wu Tiansheng didn't know what Qin Manjiang and the others were doing, but he was extremely surprised by Xia Nan's actions.

Wu Tiansheng is indeed the same as Qin Manjiang's impression, he is a very reliable person.

He reciprocated the favor by taking off all his cold-proof clothes and traveling lightly, leaving no escape route for himself.

Wu Tiansheng had already realized that if he failed to reach the summit within fifteen minutes, he would die with everyone else.

At this moment, although everyone is in different locations in the snow-capped mountains, their thoughts are all in the same place.

Wu Tiansheng breathed into his palm.

The strong and beautiful muscles all over his body burst out with a sense of strength. He looked up at the steep cliff in front of him and carefully observed every point where he could draw strength.

Let’s do it once and for all… let’s go!

Strictly speaking, rock climbing requires sufficient warm-up of small terminal joints such as fingers, wrists, elbow joints, and ankle joints, but he doesn't have the time now.

Wu Tiansheng clasped the rock crevice with two knuckles. The first three meters alone were extremely difficult. He stepped on a strong point with his right foot, left his left foot in the air, and moved up little by little with his hips close to the wall.

When reaching a height of three meters, the previous focus point of the fingers became the focus point of the feet. This cliff is indeed not prepared for ordinary people. All its climbing paths only have a maximum of three fulcrums!

Wu Tiansheng is not a professional rock climber, but he does not lack knowledge and training in this area. For ordinary people, these three meters are as difficult as climbing a cliff, but Wu Tiansheng successfully crossed it.

But on the second three meters, in the middle of the cliff, an accident happened!

This is a snow mountain, not indoor rock climbing. There are cross winds in the snow mountain!

Wu Tiansheng clung to a rock crevice with both hands, and the toes of his left foot also stepped on a rock crevice. His body was pressed tightly against the cliff, but he still could not withstand the sudden cross wind.

Wu Tiansheng swayed, his left hand holding the rock peak was not as strong as his right hand, and he left the cliff at this moment!

Cold sweat suddenly broke out on his back. In desperation, he pushed up with his left foot and right hand, and actually made an extremely difficult pull-up!

The outward force was instantly directed into an upward force. Wu Tiansheng adjusted extremely quickly and completed a leap in an instant. He stepped on the foothold above and firmly grasped the sunken rock pit with both hands.

Wu Tiansheng let out a slight breath. The second three-meter stage has passed, and now it is the last four meters. These last four meters, the first two meters are not difficult, there are relatively close grasping points and focus points.

But those two meters near the top have only two fulcrums...


This means that he can only use the knuckles of his hands to clasp the top gap, hang his legs in the air, then stretch and jump suddenly, and then immediately raise his hands to grab the edge of the top platform before he can climb up!


Even Wu Tiansheng, a professional athlete, was exhausted and extremely tired at this moment.

His fingers were trembling and his muscles were shaking, a feeling he was familiar with.

In the past, it was almost the same when I practiced physical fitness to the limit.

The cold wind pierced his skin like sharp thorns.

The heat in his body was losing rapidly, destroying Wu Tiansheng's last will.

Wu Tiansheng looked up at the last two rock cracks. His field of vision was very narrow, and the sides turned black. It seemed that only those two rock cracks were left in the whole world.

Lift your left foot and step on your left hand...

His left hand quickly reached up and grabbed the rock crevice near the top...

Then comes the right hand. The moment he leaps up to grab it, his foot will lose its fulcrum, and the strength of the entire body can only be supported by the fingers clasping the rock peak.

be quick!

Veins popped out of Wu Tiansheng's eyes. Although the muscles all over his body were trembling and his heart was beating and whining, he didn't care at all.

Only to this extent...

How could it possibly be compared to the time Xia Nan fought for with his life!

He squeezed out the last bit of strength in his body and couldn't help but let out a muffled groan.


The muscles all over his body tensed instantly, and the fingers that clasped the crack of the rock worked hard together, driving his strong body to jump upward!

And when he reached the highest point and was about to fall... he grabbed the edge of the peak platform with four fingers of both hands except his thumbs!

A pull-up movement slowly lifted his body to the peak platform. He leaned forward, supported his elbows on the ground, raised his legs, and turned over...


Wu Tiansheng's chest rose and fell violently, and he successfully climbed to the top!

The peak is not big at all, only about five meters in diameter, but it is extremely flat.

Wu Tiansheng didn't have time to rest. He immediately saw the floating, basketball-sized light spot in the middle of the peak.

This light spot gave him the same feeling as the light on the road map on the back of the [invitation letter]!

Hurry...if you go out quickly, Xia Nan might be saved...

Wu Tiansheng's consciousness was a little blurry.

He could no longer stand up.

His limbs were so weak, and even his fingers had no strength at all. He could only crawl over from the ground little by little, stretched out his hand with difficulty... and touched the light spot.

(I will finish this volume tomorrow)

Thanks to Wei Lin, Book Friends 2017, and chaserui for the reward, good night.

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