Strange story player

Chapter 438 Fooling (Additional update for the leader of the mechanical deity)

Xia Nan didn't dare to rest for too long.

Although he had deduced part of the way out, he had too little information and couldn't do much right now.

But there's one thing he can do, and that's get to the finish line!

At least at this moment, neither Spider Woman nor [One] can stop him from reaching the top!

Perhaps, the peak hides [a] true memory of self-isolation.

Perhaps the summit is the gateway to the real world.

Maybe... we will encounter the unimaginably terrifying giant ghost that Lin Ruonan talked about last night at the summit.

But no matter what, he is the only one who can reach the top now.

Xia Nan moved forward again.

But at this time, he suddenly heard a terrifying roar!


This harsh and sharp roar came from down the mountain. The people who heard this sound were not only Xia Nan, but also Chen Xin and Wu Tiansheng.

Is it the fierce ghost in the incarnation of [1] that is screaming? Chen Xin thought.

But Wu Tiansheng and Xia Nan trembled. From their perspective, only the spider woman could make such a terrifying cry at this moment.

This cry echoed in the valley. It was impossible to determine the specific location, but the distance was definitely not far... a thousand meters at most.

Was someone else killed by ghosts?

Xia Nan's eyes dimmed and her pace quickened again.

Wu Tiansheng also ran up faster. Because he was closer, he could hear the scream more clearly. It was simply terrifying!

Fortunately, Wu Tiansheng himself is a professional athlete, and his endurance is extremely good. Now that he is exerting his strength, he is much faster than Xia Nan who fled to the top of the mountain first.


Does Spider-Woman make this sound when she kills someone?

Xia Nan and Wu Tiansheng were both confused.

Spider-Woman has always been a "taciturn" figure.

Xia Nan even witnessed the death process of Hu Feifei. When it killed Hu Feifei, it remained silent and neat.

Who are you killing now? Would you make such a sound that doesn't convey emotion?

Xia Nan couldn't help but look back, but he continued to move forward.

Now, he has reached the top part of the snow mountain and arrived at a relatively flat platform.

The surroundings were covered with white snow. At this time, we turned to the right and continued to climb for about 200 meters until we reached the peak platform.

But when Xia Nan turned around like this, she didn't stop and suddenly stepped on the loose snow!

He staggered and lost his balance instantly!

People's instantaneous reaction ability is actually extremely powerful. Many people can subconsciously catch the phone that is about to land when the phone slips, even if they are unprepared.

But it was still enough to break out in a cold sweat.

Xia Nan was in such a state at the moment. He knew something was wrong the moment his body became unbalanced.

His body reacted one step ahead of his brain, turned around as hard as he could, adjusted his posture, and stopped the tendency to pounce forward.

But the body was still sliding forward uncontrollably.

The moment he fell to the ground, Xia Nan's fingers clung tightly to the snow on the ground. However, his lower body fell off the platform due to the fall. There was nothing under his feet, and he could not step on anything...

He actually hung on the edge of the snow cliff!

It was only then that Xia Nan's consciousness completely took over his body.

His fingers were dug into the snow, and his upper body was lying on the edge of the snow cliff.

Xia Nan didn't dare to look back. He could already feel the cold wind flowing on the edge of the cliff.

Half of his body was hanging on the cliff. If he fell, he would be shattered into pieces and his body would not be found.

calm down……

Climb up slowly, it'll be okay...

Although Xia Nan broke out in a cold sweat, the worst case did not happen at the moment.

You can climb up slowly.

He tried to slowly lift his right leg up, hang it on the edge of the cliff, and then slowly and hard...


The hands that were firmly inserted into the snow suddenly loosened up!

Xia Nan's body shook violently twice, and the right leg she had just tried to lift dropped back down!

The snow is slipping!

Indeed... the snow is not stable at all, how can it be grasped?

Because of this slip, half of Xia Nan's body was still crawling on the edge of the cliff. At this moment, only two arms and one head were left above the edge of the cliff.

His whole body was hanging on the cliff!

Now, even if you want to hook your feet to the edge, I'm afraid it's impossible.

Xia Nan herself was a little dumbfounded...

I had just been attracted by the scream of the evil ghost, and just looking back, something big went wrong immediately.

The only one you can blame is yourself.

You can't blame the person who was killed by the ghost just now...

It was windy, snowy and freezing, and Xia Nan could only pray that the wind would not get stronger.

If the wind was as strong as last night, he would definitely be blown off the cliff and thrown to death.

There is one more question. The platform you are currently on is a place where you can rest temporarily. Turn to the right and continue upward to reach the top.

In other words, this is the way to go.

Whether a player or a ghost...

As long as you pass by here, you can see your head exposed on the edge of the cliff.

But I can't see them.

Because of the snow on the edge of the cliff, Xia Nan's field of vision was all white snow, and his breath was full of icy cold breath. People passing by would most likely be able to see the top of his head as long as they stopped for a moment to rest, but Xia Nan could not All I could see was the snowdrift in front of me.

This problem left Xia Nan with no way to ask for help.

Because he couldn't tell whether the person coming was a ghost... or a human.

If the ghost comes first, you will be doomed.

Moreover, he couldn't hold on for long.

With his arms resting on the edge of the cliff, with only his head exposed, he could last for thirty minutes.

Not to mention the test of low temperature and cold wind.

The temperature will cause him to tire more quickly and his arms to stiffen more quickly.

Not only was the cold wind blowing back and forth, it was also possible to blow him off the cliff and fall to his death.

Xia Nan's will to survive is very strong, but now, just the will to survive is completely useless.

He could only wait.

Wait for the player to come first before the ghost.

But... what made him a little desperate was.

Even if a player comes, judging from the previous situation, the only player who will come is Wu Tiansheng.

And Wu Tiansheng... is a suspected ghost...

Xia Nan did not forget that the spider woman who killed Hu Feifei just came out from behind the snowy slope where Wu Tiansheng went to the toilet.

If the person coming was Wu Tiansheng, he would also be in a desperate situation.

what to do……

Xia Nan licked his lips, his mouth was dry.

Speaking of which, the current situation really stems from that fierce ghost's howl.

Who died at that time? It actually caused a ghost to make that kind of noise...


Time goes back to three minutes ago.

Qin Manjiang was finally caught up by the evil ghost transformed into [One].

【一】had already cut him to pieces and cut him into thousands of pieces in his heart, because the man in front of him didn't take the ordinary path at all, and chose to jump down the path that was eccentric, winding, and steep.

He seemed completely unafraid of injury or death.

[1] It can be seen that this person is definitely stalling for time.

But what's the use of procrastinating? If I catch up with you, you will die!

Everyone must die!

Finally, Qin Manjiang was almost exhausted and stopped panting, looking at Li Gui who was still approaching at an exaggerated speed.

There was no look of despair on his face as if he was being overtaken by a ghost. Rather... there was even a hint of ridicule on his face.

[1] When he saw the mockery in Qin Manjiang's eyes, an ominous premonition suddenly surged in his heart.

Then, he saw the man take off one of his gloves, but put his other gloved hand into the pocket of his large cold-weather suit.

And took out a piece of...meat.

The lanky ghost more than two meters tall suddenly roared!

[1] Rushed towards Qin Manjiang with extreme anger.

He knew...the man in front of him had tricked him!


Qin Manjiang had a good time, and the contempt in his eyes was not concealed, and he mocked: "You really want to kill me? But your consciousness possession is mandatory, right?"

"Now, come and play in my body..."

Qin Manjiang's mouth curled up strangely, and he touched the piece of meat with his ungloved hand.

In an instant, a cold breath penetrated Qin Manjiang's body from the contact area between the meat and the hand.

Li Gui's body quickly became lower, and the dry skin and flesh quickly filled up, returning to the appearance of the abyss, and fainted on the ground.

[One]'s consciousness could not help but penetrate Qin Manjiang's body. His anger and resentment were almost to the point of wanting to tear Qin Manjiang's soul to pieces.

But the moment he entered Qin Manjiang's body, he heard a frivolous voice:


(Additional updates for the leader of the Mechanicus, thank you!)

Thanks to Cui Geng, sanity, and lalilali for the reward. Good night!

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