Strange story player

Chapter 435 Confession

"I don't have time. I can't explain it in detail. You can understand that I used my personal abnormality to determine that the space in front of me is the spiritual world. Our thoughts, words and deeds are all being monitored. [1] can control [Wu Tiansheng]'s actions. , after he stole our ideas, we had no chance of winning."

Qin Manjiang said quickly.

Chen Xin was a person who was reasonable and presented facts. He could not believe such a bold speculation until Qin Manjiang gave detailed evidence.

Seven separate spiritual worlds?

Each one has [One] consciousness involved?

The master of this spiritual world is Wu Tiansheng?

Will everyone's words, deeds, and even thoughts be stolen?

This is really... a bit too ridiculous.

"No matter what you want to do next, if the reason is not clearly explained, I can't believe your words." Chen Xin insisted.

Qin Manjiang wasn't annoyed either, but he just sped up his speech.


"Snow is the best evidence."

"Even if this is the spiritual world, snow should appear according to certain rules." He looked at Chen Xin and said.

Chen Xin nodded. Indeed, even if this is the spiritual world, snow cannot come and go.

Moreover, once the snow becomes intermittent, it actually shows that it has some practical significance.

"There have only been two moments where it hasn't snowed so far."

Qin Manjiang looked at Chen Xin: "The first time was after Lin Ruonan died, and now it is the second time."

"This is Hu Feifei's invitation. The words appearing on it mean that she has died. With her death, the snow stopped."

Then, Qin Manjiang immediately asked Chen Xindao: "I carefully recalled the weather yesterday. The wind and snow increased from small to heavy, and started to form a blizzard in the evening."

"Does the size of the snow resemble our emotions? At first, we were vigilant and curious about the world. As the strangeness appeared, fear and vigilance became stronger and stronger, reaching their peak at night."

"The moments when the wind and snow stopped, both times were when the players died. I don't think this is a coincidence, because they died, so the emotions no longer appeared, and the snow naturally stopped."

"The snow that falls from time to time is the eye that watches us. Only when the snow stops, all our actions and thoughts will not be known to [One]."

This time, Qin Manjiang no longer gave Chen Xin a chance to ask questions because he didn't know when the snow would fall again.

"[One] and Wu Tiansheng are now one, and [One] knows what each of us is thinking, so he knows very well that we are going to find Spider Woman and escape from the spiritual world by getting close to Spider Woman."

"But you also discovered that [One] has not stopped us until now. Does this mean that our ideas are not a threat to him?"

"On the contrary, it was Hu Feifei who received the news of his death."

"I don't know why Hu Feifei died, but it's not a bad thing." Qin Manjiang's voice was emotionless.

Chen Xin looked a little uncomfortable. Although he agreed with some of Qin Manjiang's thoughts, he could not understand Qin Manjiang's attitude towards his companions.

Chen Xin found that neither Hu Feifei's death nor Lin Ruonan's death seemed to be worth mentioning to Qin Manjiang, and he didn't take it to heart at all.

"Hu Feifei's death bought us this period of time without snow. My plan is very simple. We..."

"I'm sorry." Chen Xin interrupted Qin Manjiang and looked at him expressionlessly.

This [Professor] was indeed just a player who joined later, and some of his remarks were completely unacceptable to Chen Xin.

"If you regard the death of your companion as a good thing that can buy time, I think you and I have nothing to talk about." Chen Xin turned around and left without hesitation.

Qin Manjiang was startled. Looking at Chen Xin's firm back, he smiled instead, with a feeling of relief and peace of mind.

The choice made by myself and Yan Xiao... was not wrong.

"Please wait a moment." Qin Manjiang stopped him. At this time, the sky had not yet snowed.

Chen Xin frowned and turned around, but slowly opened his eyes!

Because he saw that the [Professor] took off the white mask, revealing a face exactly like [Abyss]!

"It's not that I don't value my companions..." Qin Manjiang said with a smile. Although Chen Xin is a player in Fucheng [Tongjie], he is not familiar with Chen Xin, so he has not developed an appetite. Speaking of which, this Wearing a mask during this strange story was mainly to protect Xia Nan.

"You... you..."

Chen Xin's eyes went back and forth between Qin Manjiang and [The Abyss]. At least at this moment, the weirdness in front of him was greater than the current weird talk.

What's going on?

The abyss is Qin Manjiang, and the professor is also Qin Manjiang? !

"I am Qin Manjiang, the unlucky guy you know, the one who has been chosen since entering the ghost story game." Qin Manjiang said helplessly.

Chen Xin pointed to the abyss in disbelief: "Then who is he?"

"He..." Qin Manjiang thought for a moment and said, "He should be... the brother whose fate is connected to mine."

Chen Xin didn't know why, but Shen Yuan froze and didn't refute.

There was some look in his lowered eyes that he had never seen before, like a young grass shoot emerging from the muddy land that had just thawed in spring.

"I do have something to hide from everyone, but I have to do this," Qin Manjiang looked up at the sky. It seemed that it would continue to snow soon. "There are two outsiders in Fucheng Tongjie. They seem to be looking for someone... this time Many players have disappeared from Fucheng Tongjie, maybe they did it secretly."

"So...even if you are going to die, we can't die in the real world. It's best to die in the ghost story game." Qin Manjiang did not explain his words.

But Chen Xin was not stupid, he completely heard the implicit meaning.

But this statement made Chen Xin even more surprised.

Why is it better to die in a Kaitan game?

According to Qin Manjiang, are there other variables for people who die in the ghost story game?

Qin Manjiang met his gaze and said: "I don't know the specific reason, but one person said to me... that he will let everyone in Fucheng Tongjie survive."

Qin Manjiang couldn't help but smile: "I just believe in him."


That guy Yan Xiao said this to him more than once.

Therefore, even if he is about to die, Qin Manjiang wants everyone to die in the Kaitan game, but this time, he wants everyone to die in the hands of Spider Woman or [One] as soon as possible.


Although I didn't witness the huge ghost on the top of the snow last night, judging from the descriptions of Hu Feifei and Lin Ruonan, that thing... was not an ordinary curse.

He worries about uncontrollable variables.

Because... this is extremely rare, a world where all "prop effects" are directly sealed, and even props cannot be brought in, a world of "terrifying ghosts".

(This copy speeds up the pace and ends. There will be three updates tomorrow, including an additional update for the leader of the Mechanicus. I will finish this volume as soon as possible.)

Thanks to renee Jiang, Kaka is not sad, Book Friends 2023, anja, purej999, Weilin, and the Messenger of Heaven for their rewards. Thank you all, and good night.

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