Strange story player

Chapter 427 Confusing (first update)

However, when Qin Manjiang and Xia Nan went out, they saw a man with a broken head and blood.

Wu Tiansheng?

The two of them were startled and almost thought it was a ghost.

Wu Tiansheng stood in the snow with his face covered in blood, looking extremely miserable.

"Mr. Wu? What's going on?"

Xia Nan stepped forward and checked him.

Wu Tiansheng was obviously relieved, shook his head and said, "I don't know either... I was in a wooden house with Chen Xin yesterday. While I was talking, he suddenly attacked me."

"I was knocked to the ground by him with a stick," Wu Tiansheng said with lingering fear. "He thought I had fainted, but I was stronger and escaped while he was not paying attention. He could not catch up with me."

Xia Nan listened while treating his wounds. The injured part of Wu Tiansheng was a little above the back of his head. He was hit at this location, and it was hit to the point of bleeding, which showed that the force was definitely not light.

With this position and strength, not to mention fainting, or even immediate death is very likely.

Not only did Wu Tiansheng not die, he even ran out bleeding.

This does not mean "relatively strong", this simply means "extremely strong"!

After following Qin Manjiang and Xia Nan into the wooden house, Wu Tiansheng discovered a body lying on the ground.

He looked sad and asked: "Did Miss Lin die last night?"

"Maybe," Qin Manjiang whispered, "she died in her dream."

Wu Tiansheng was startled by this sentence. He looked at Qin Manjiang and Xia Nan and said, "Actually... I'm not sure whether Chen Xin attacked me..."

"What do you mean?" Qin Manjiang was confused by this statement.

But Wu Tiansheng lowered his head and said, "Because in my opinion, although that person is Chen Xin, he doesn't seem to be Chen Xin. I can't see his face clearly, but Chen Xin was the only one in the room at that time..."

"Moreover, after escaping, I had a dream. A ghost with many legs chased me and continued to swing at me..."

"When I woke up, my head was bleeding again. In a daze, I saw a figure holding a stick with his back to me. When he wasn't paying attention, I ran away again..."

"Then I found you."


Qin Manjiang's eyes changed, and he grabbed Xia Nan's hand that was treating Wu Tiansheng's wound.

Xia Nan looked up at him blankly: "What's wrong?"

Facing Xia Nan's doubtful eyes, Qin Manjiang was a little unsure, but he still said: "Don't treat Mr. Wu's wounds for the time being, clean them up, and we will set off immediately."

Set off?

Shall we continue to the top of the mountain now?

Although Xia Nan didn't know Qin Manjiang's intention, he still nodded and did not insist on continuing to treat Wu Tiansheng's wounds.

Qin Manjiang looked at Xia Nan who was busy packing things in the wooden house, and thoughts kept surging in his mind.

There's something wrong with him...

The real moment of Lin Ruonan's death should be the moment when her neck was suddenly broken and bleeding from all seven holes.

Before that, Lin Ruonan had been sleeping.

If Wu Tiansheng did not lie, then there must be something wrong with Xia Nan... Wu Tiansheng dreamed of being attacked again after escaping, and his body was indeed attacked when he woke up. This is very similar to Lin Ruonan's situation, the only difference is that One is dead and one is not.

Before Lin Ruonan died, it was Xia Nan who was holding her neck and shaking her shoulder with one hand, trying to wake her up.

In other words, if dreams and reality are indeed related, then Lin Ruonan's death must be related to Xia Nan's actions in reality.

Also, Wu Tiansheng may not have lied.

Regardless of whether his injury was caused by Chen Xin or not, judging from his physical strength and ability to run so far in the snow after being hit with a stick, it would be a piece of cake for him to subdue Chen Xin, a graduate student holding a wooden stick.

And judging from his description, Chen Xin did not have any strange powers or signs of being possessed by ghosts, but he still chose to escape.

Could it be that Wu Tiansheng is a relatively weak person by nature?


Although they had not known each other for a long time, Qin Manjiang could feel that Wu Tiansheng had nothing to do with being timid and weak.

Is he lying?

Why did he lie...

What happened between him and Chen Xin?

"What should I do, Miss Hu?" Xia Nan suddenly asked.

Qin Manjiang and Wu Tiansheng both looked toward the wall. Wu Tiansheng seemed to have discovered that there was another person in the darkness beside the wall.

"Hu Feifei," Qin Manjiang walked up to her, squatted down, and asked, "Do you still want to continue walking up? If you want, come with us. If you don't, you can wait here."

Hu Feifei looked at Qin Manjiang blankly, her eyes were extremely blank.

After witnessing the "ghost" last night, her mental state has been very wrong. After a sleep, she seemed to be better, but she still seemed to be a completely different person, silent and silent.

Climbing the snow-capped mountains in such a state is completely harmful to others and yourself.

But Qin Manjiang still left the right of choice to herself.

Hu Feifei stood up, his eyes dull, but he spoke: "Go..."

Since she still wants to go, no one can force her to stay here.

"Then let's set off."

After a night of wind and snow, the number of people climbing the peak increased from seven to four.

Chen Xin is missing, [Abyss] is missing, and Lin Ruonan is dead.

Not only that, among the people still alive, Qin Manjiang always feels uncomfortable.

Obviously there are great hidden dangers in the team.

There was something wrong with Xia Nan, Wu Tiansheng might have lied, not to mention Hu Feifei, she might go crazy at any time.

Qin Manjiang now hopes that Li Xi will come out quickly. Now he seems to be unable to believe anyone.

Lin Ruonan's body was left in the wooden house, and the team of four people set off again to the summit.

Today's snow-capped mountains are much better than yesterday. At least there is no wind or snow. Although there is still no sun, the surrounding visibility is much clearer than yesterday.

Qin Manjiang remembered the route map, and he took the lead. Xia Nan was in second place, Hu Feifei was in third place, and Wu Tiansheng was climbing up behind him.

Although the weather is much better today, the difficulty has not eased. After all, yesterday we were only at the foothills, and we could barely climb to less than a third of the entire snow-capped mountain.

The remaining sections of the road are all steep snow cliffs, and in some places there is no foothold at all.

The team moved forward very slowly. Qin Manjiang felt his physical strength. In fact, his physical strength was much better now, but because he did not take in energy and only replenished fresh water, his condition today was much worse than yesterday.

Moreover, although the altitude of this snow-capped mountain is not high and the air is not thin, the cold air still feels like tiny needles being inserted into the body, which is extremely uncomfortable.

Originally, Qin Manjiang planned to ask Wu Tiansheng carefully what happened after he and Chen Xin walked alone. But now that he started climbing, he couldn't speak at all. This was too energy-consuming, so he could save it and wait until he found a place. Let’s talk after a break.

There are no other clues at the moment, so seizing the time to climb to the peak is the top priority.

Just when they were about to find a place to rest for a while, they suddenly discovered a snow cave half covered by wind and snow.

That is……

Qin Manjiang's eyes flashed, and there was a figure in the snow cave.

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