Strange story player

Chapter 422 Snowy Night Peak

How did it appear here?

Qin Manjiang and Xia Nan felt cold in their hearts. Now that it was suddenly blocking the door, they couldn't even escape.

This "Spider Woman" with legs under her skirt should only appear when the [original plot] changes. Could it be that Lin Ruonan and Hu Feifei triggered a certain plot when they went to the toilet outside?

Both of them were thinking this in their hearts.

But at this moment, Qin Manjiang suddenly realized something.

Original plot?

Why is it that the [automatic deduction] situation is now the [original plot] by default?

In fact, no one has found any evidence to support that statement.

Qin Manjiang's eyes lit up, and he finally understood what [Abyss] was doing.

The [Abyss] who appeared in Fucheng's pupil world on his behalf, this time Kaitan did something to betray his teammates.

But the prerequisite for that is that he must be able to master the ability to actively trigger the [plot].

During that time just now, Qin Manjiang had been thinking about that question, why the [Abyss] could cause changes in the [plot], and now... he finally figured it out.

At this time, the "Spider Woman" at the door suddenly stepped back. It didn't even need to turn around, its densely packed legs and feet moved backwards. It was really no different from a spider, and its speed was astonishingly fast!

Xia Nan's muscles were tense all over. He originally thought he would die here tonight. After seeing it retreating on its own initiative, Xia Nan breathed a sigh of relief, but the doubts in his heart became more and more intense.

He had never heard that the evil ghosts that had blocked the door would let humans go.


He couldn't figure it out using ordinary logic, but what puzzled him even more was that Qin Manjiang actually rushed out in the direction that the "Spider Woman" left!

He's crazy? !

Xia Nan subconsciously took a step forward to follow Qin Manjiang out, but suddenly stopped.

Because Qin Manjiang's voice came from outside the wooden house: "Don't come!"

It wasn't until she stopped that Xia Nan realized that she had listened to the [Professor]'s words.

The sky was dark and the wind and snow were howling outside.

Xia Nan was frightened, afraid, and confused.

This strange story was really confusing, but apart from that, there was another thing that made him particularly concerned. I feel a sense of familiarity from [Professor]?



That "woman"...

Qin Manjiang rushed out of the wooden house and followed the footprints left on the snow.

He is by no means crazy, he just... discovered something extremely terrifying!

The legs of the "Spider Woman" were so densely packed together that it was hard to see how many there were. It wasn't until it appeared at the door at close range that Qin Manjiang finally counted the number of her legs.

Fourteen articles...

Fourteen legs in total!

This is definitely not a coincidence. In the ghost story called "Seven Children", a ghost with fourteen legs appeared.

This gave Qin Manjiang some very bad associations.

Moreover, the behavior of this "Spider Woman" is also very strange. It will appear every time a [plot change] occurs. The greater the [plot change], the closer [it] appears to the players. .

Qin Manjiang found it strange the first two times. With the speed at which his group was moving in the snow, it would be impossible for them to escape if this ghost really wanted to chase him.

There are only two possibilities.

Either there is some kind of rule that restricts this "Spider Woman". It can only wait until [the plot changes] to a certain extent before appearing next to the players and launching an attack.

Either... it doesn't want to kill people at all, and it will appear as a result of the [plot change] as a last resort.

Like now, maybe Lin Ruonan and Hu Feifei changed the plot to a certain extent, so it had to appear at the door of the cabin, but as soon as the restriction was reached, it turned around and ran away.

But... doesn't "Spider Woman" run too fast?

Qin Manjiang knew that there was a risk in doing this, but he was already involved in the ghost story. How could there be no risk? What's more, such an adventure also comes with considerable benefits.

Although he said this, Qin Manjiang still lost track of him.

As soon as night falls in the snow-capped mountains, the wind and snow get even crazier. The night and white snow completely obscure the view. It is difficult to move forward even during the day, let alone at night.

The blizzard that hit Qin Manjiang's face was mixed with small pieces of ice.

Although he wore a white mask on his face, he was not wearing goggles after all. Soon he couldn't open his eyes and lost track of the footprints left on the snow.

Looking back, the firelight of the wooden house can still be seen, but the figure of "Spider Woman" has long since disappeared without a trace.

After weighing the situation, Qin Manjiang gave up the idea of ​​continuing to chase the "Spider Woman" and turned back.

When he returned to the cabin, Hu Feifei and Lin Ruonan had also returned.

The two women looked a little frightened.

Qin Manjiang asked Xia Nan "What's wrong with them" with his eyes.

Xia Nan shook his head, but heard Lin Ruonan take the initiative to say:

"We... saw something strange."

She is a woman who can be described as proud.

To see a look of despair on such a person's face would be even more uncomfortable than killing her.

But at this moment, Hu Feifei and Lin Ruonan's expressions were even more bizarre than "lost."

Lin Ruonan was a little better. Although his complexion was frighteningly white, his eyes were still alert.

Hu Feifei was miserable, her whole face was just dull, her mouth was open unconsciously, and her eyes were filled with only fear and confusion.

Then, under Lin Ruonan's intermittent narration, something incredible happened that seemed to be related to this strange story...


"Miss Lin, wait for me!"

The two ladies left the wooden door together. Lin Ruonan did not intend to go too far for convenience. After looking around, he went behind a snow slope on the back of the wooden house. The terrain here was low-lying, so he could quickly escape if anything happened. wooden house.

Hu Feifei didn't plan to go further. She came out mainly because there was no toilet in the cabin. They couldn't relieve themselves in front of two unfamiliar men. They just needed to leave the cabin and quickly solve their personal problems. , they don’t pay much attention to it either.

However, when they reached the back slope and were about to untie their belts, the snow... suddenly stopped.

The movement of the two people also stopped. They didn't do anything, they just came to this low-lying back slope. The wind and snow that were still biting just now stopped so suddenly!

The strange scene made the two of them feel numb.

They wanted to escape back to the cabin on the spot! But at this moment, the low clouds in the sky quietly split open... and the moonlight... shone down.

This moonlight seems different from the usual moonlight. It is brighter, whiter, and... colder.

Their bodies stiffened and they lost the ability to move. Their necks and eyes seemed to be pulled by some force, and they slowly looked towards the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain was illuminated clearly by the moon.

Then... they saw it.

Next to the tall peak, a huge and skinny humanoid object is standing next to the peak. One of its hands is holding the waist of the peak... The hair like withered grass is shaking strangely in the moonlight...

It was just a back figure, but it was huge and terrifying to an extent that the two of them could not imagine!


The clouds closed, the moonlight disappeared, and the strong wind and blizzard... came again.

The wild and disorderly wind blew their clothes, and Lin Ruonan suddenly bit the tip of his tongue and woke up.

However, when he turned around to look, what he saw was Hu Feifei's face that had become twisted and demented, almost deformed.

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