Strange story player

Chapter 410 Strange Invitation

So cold.

Qin Manjiang got up from the ground.

The sky was dark, with snowflakes flying in the air. He tried to breathe into his palms, but not only did he see white mist, but also...thick ski gloves.

Qin Manjiang immediately looked at his body.

The clothes have been changed!

The phone is not on me, and the doll is not in my arms.

But the mask is still there.

What is this...

At this time, he felt a letter from the lining pocket.

The envelope is black with golden lines on the corners, making the letter look somewhat mysterious.

Qin Manjiang opened the envelope and read it word for word.

This is an invitation.

[The agreed twelve years have arrived. 】

[We have waited twelve years to dig it out. 】

[Gather at the old place. 】

【one. 】

A very brief invitation letter.

Qin Manjiang looked at the one in the corner.

In his mind, he couldn't help but recall the scene when he was lying in the snow, frozen and dazed.

In that scene, he was called [Xiao Qi].

In other words, this strange story called "Seven Children" unfolds with seven players, each playing the role of a child.

Judging from the text in the invitation, the seven children had a "twelve-year agreement" and they would dig out something hidden after twelve years.

Now that twelve years have passed, Xiao Qi, whom he played, was probably on his way to an appointment, but the snow was too heavy and he collapsed in the snow due to exhaustion.

Among the other six people...who plays "one"?

Qin Manjiang raised his eyes and looked around. The surrounding area was completely white, and he didn't know where he was going.

There is no memory of "Xiao Qi" in his mind.

The only thing that exists are some fragmented images of "back then".

Therefore, Xiao Qi knew the location of the [Old Place] in the invitation letter, but he didn’t know where it was at all.

what to do?

Just find a direction and go forward?

At this time, a turning point occurred.

Another young man's figure appeared in the snow.

Qin Manjiang took a closer look. Although the clothes were completely different and turned into a thick coat, the face was clearly that of the player named "Wu Tiansheng"!

He seems to be a professional athlete?

When Qin Manjiang saw Wu Tiansheng, Wu Tiansheng happened to also see Qin Manjiang.

Neither of them made any noise, they just extended their hands to say hello.

Wu Tiansheng glanced at Qin Manjiang in the snow and found that the "professor" still wore a mask on his face, which surprised him.

After all, not only was his cell phone gone, but his props were also missing. As soon as he woke up, he found that his clothes had been changed.

But the "Professor"'s mask is still on his face. Isn't that mask a creation of Fucheng [Tongjie]? Not counting things like clothing?

Wu Tiansheng was secretly wary, but his feet were still approaching Qin Manjiang.

When the two met, Qin Manjiang said hello first: "Hello, I should be Xiaoqi now."

Wu Tiansheng glanced at Qin Manjiang in surprise. He did not expect that the other party would say that. After all, it is not easy for the person who speaks first to lie.

This gentleman is probably really Xiao Qi.

"I'm Ah Si."

Wu Tiansheng didn't hide it and revealed his identity. He took out an invitation letter from his arms.

From the outside, it looks exactly like Qin Manjiang's invitation, with a black cover and golden lines, except that the lines on this invitation are in the middle.

Qin Manjiang was thoughtful.

"Do you know the meeting place?"

Qin Manjiang asked.

Wu Tiansheng shook his head.

The wording in his invitation letter was exactly the same as Qin Manjiang's.

It also only mentioned the "twelve-year agreement" and also mentioned "gathering at the old place".

But Wu Tiansheng had no clue where the old place was.

However, he put forward an opinion: "When I first became conscious, I fell in this direction."

Wu Tiansheng pointed to the left front.

Qin Manjiang nodded and said: "Like you, I was heading in this direction before I fainted. What you mean is that before we came, these people were going in the same direction. It should be that way, right? ?”


Wu Tiansheng nodded, raised his hand to block the wind and snow in front of him, and said: "This snow may get heavier and heavier, we'd better hurry up."

Qin Manjiang agreed with him. There was no intrigue between the two of them. They looked for any traces of other players nearby. After finding that there was indeed no one else, they set off.

It was mentioned in the opening remarks of the strange story that this strange story took place in the Fucheng area, but what Qin Manjiang didn't expect was that it would be in such a deserted place, where even the shadow of the city could not be seen.

The surrounding mountains are surrounded by mountains, and the field of vision is completely white. The wind and snow are getting heavier and heavier, making it extremely difficult for the two of them to move forward.

When they got to the back, Qin Manjiang had already recovered a lot but his physical strength was a little weak. It was Wu Tiansheng who was helping him move forward.

Wu Tiansheng has very good physical strength and possesses a lot of survival skills. In such a harsh environment, he can adapt better than Qin Manjiang.

At the beginning, Qin Manjiang was quite wary of Wu Tiansheng in his heart, but by the second half of the process, his wariness had dissipated a lot.

This professional athlete doesn't talk much but has strong athletic ability. He is a person who speaks more with actions than words. It has been a long time since Qin Manjiang felt the purest sense of solidity from a companion.

Wu Tiansheng gives people this feeling.

The two people who walked straight to the left found a road covered with heavy snow twenty minutes later. Qin Manjiang was not as physically strong as him, so most of the time Wu Tiansheng went around to find the way, while Qin Manjiang waited for him to come back.

This time, Wu Tiansheng brought back someone, a female player.

"Hello, I'm Hu Feifei!"

Girls wrapped in thick winter clothes said hello.

Of the seven children, two are girls.

Qin Manjiang nodded to Hu Feifei and asked, "Where did you come from?"

Hu Feifei stretched out his hand and pointed back. Wu Tiansheng and Qin Manjiang looked at each other. That direction was to the left when they came.

"Can I see your invitation letter?" Qin Manjiang asked.

"Okay!" Hu Feifei took out the invitation letter without hesitation and handed it to Qin Manjiang.

Qin Manjiang opened the invitation letter, glanced at the content briefly, and then unfolded the entire invitation letter and turned it over.

When Wu Tiansheng saw this, his eyes lit up. He reached into his arms, took out his invitation, and unfolded it like Qin Manjiang, with the cover facing up.

Plus Qin Manjiang's own letter.

"When did you notice it, sir?" Wu Tiansheng asked.

Qin Manjiang didn't even raise his head: "At the beginning, the content in the invitation was the same, but the golden lines on the black cover were different."

"I can't put it together with yours. It seems like a part is missing. If I add Miss Hu's letter, it will just fit together."

With that said, after the three invitations were fully unfolded, the backs were spliced ​​together.

The golden lines form a circuit diagram.

This road map is only about half complete at the moment.

But all three of them breathed a sigh of relief, at least they had the right idea.

The other half of the map should be in the hands of the other four players.

But at this moment, Hu Feifei, who was about to sit forward and take a rest, was suddenly startled. She ducked to the side of Qin Manjiang and looked back at her feet.

The wind blew the snow away, and a pale, dry, stiff, and somewhat frightened face appeared on the snow.

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