Strange story player

Chapter 398 Paleontological Research Association

When they got to the top of the building, they broke the door lock with a kick and the two of them went directly to the rooftop.

Although it sounds strange, Qin Manjiang did not feel any malice against him from Lian Yan.

This person seems to be doing exactly what he said, just to "repay the favor."

It gave him ideas and allowed him to escape from the weird world of [Ping An Hospital].

Standing on the edge of the 33rd floor, looking downstairs, the view at night was not good and the height was extremely high. Qin Manjiang could hardly see anything clearly.

Lian Yan took out a telescope from nowhere and handed it to him.

Qin Manjiang did not refuse. He picked up the telescope and looked downstairs. At first glance, it seemed that the things involved in tonight's banquet were more complicated.

He saw pieces of iron plates completely blocking the road, and some people with loaded guns standing at the intersection to prevent the "guests" from escaping.

Several corpses were beaten into sieves and became chickens to scare the monkeys.

Wait... that person is... Mi Qiao?

Qin Manjiang spotted a figure in a white dress among the people with guns and ammunition.

She was let out.

Qin Manjiang put down the telescope.

There was an organization, or an alliance of interests, that knew about the existence of [Pupillary Realm] at least twenty years ago in Moon City.

And because [Pupillary Realm] cannot be actively informed, it can be inferred that the organization in Moon City has its own method of transmitting information about [Pupillary Realm].

It not only avoids the obliteration of the rules of [Pupillary Realm], but also introduces the existence of [Pupillary Realm] to new members in the organization in detail. fact, they have mastered some kind of method that can "directionally" transport players to [Pupillary Realm]?

It doesn't necessarily mean how many can be transported, but as long as one or two are successful, you can steadily ensure that the "members" of your organization are always active in [Pupillary Realm] and investigating matters related to Pupil Realm.

Now it seems that although the host of tonight's banquet is Lian Yan, the one who blocked the road and killed people should be Mi Qiao's organization.

Lian Yan walked to Qin Manjiang, picked up the telescope, and looked downstairs.

"They are collaborators, a group of people who are not gamers, but understand [Tongjie]."

"Its top management comes from all walks of life in Moon City and is very powerful. However... they have no idea what they are trying to investigate. Stupid overstepping... will only lead to punishment."

Lian Yan put down the telescope and looked at Qin Manjiang with a smile: "What else do you want to know, Mr. Qin?"

"Why did you tell me everything?" Qin Manjiang looked at him, "I don't think I have any kindness towards you. Even if I did, the information you have revealed so far is enough."

Lian Yan came closer, usually looking into Qin Manjiang's eyes.

The strong wind on the rooftop shuttled around the two of them, making the corners of their clothes rustle.

"Is my life so worthless?" Looking at it, Lian Yan had a smile on his face.

He turned around and said, "Don't worry, I am sincere and reliable tonight, and I will honestly tell you everything you want to know."

"However," his tone remained unchanged, "after tonight, please don't come near us again."

"After all..." Lian Yan leaned on the railing at the edge of the rooftop, the strong wind blowing his hair flying. The smile on his face remained unchanged, but became a bit crueler and colder, "Yuecheng is my territory."

"Delicious! Delicious! Delicious!"

The doll in Qin Manjiang's arms started making noise again. Logically speaking, the sound should be extremely harsh, but Lian Yan couldn't hear it at all.

The only one who could hear the doll's voice was Qin Manjiang.

He only recently realized this problem. This doll can speak in the real world, but it is silent in the ghost story game.

But he occasionally wonders, is it really the doll talking, isn't it his own hallucination?

After all, ever since they came to Yuecheng, Hua and his group have looked at him more and more strangely, like looking at a madman...

"What's the name of Yuecheng's organization?"

Qin Manjiang asked.

Since Lian Yan has said so, it's no use asking if you don't ask.

"Association for Palaeontological Research."


Qin Manjiang looked unbelieving.

"It is indeed the Paleontological Research Association," Lian Yan spread his hands, "Although the name is not in good taste, no one really thinks that they are studying ancient organisms."

"Speaking of which, although I am the host of tonight's banquet, I am not the one responsible for inviting the guests. A violinist who has been missing for many years does not have that many connections." Lian Yan squinted his eyes, as if feeling the temperature of the wind, " It was the people from the Paleontological Research Association who helped me invite many people, and their own people were also among the guests."

"What's the purpose?" Qin Manjiang was puzzled.

The so-called Paleontological Research Association made such a big noise. Could it be that they wanted to use this banquet to get rid of Yuecheng's business competitors? After all, running an organization requires money.

"Do you know... the meaning of the existence of [Tongjie]?" Lian Yan suddenly asked.

Qin Manjiang was silent for a moment and said, "For fun."

His answer made Lian Yan's eyes light up. He jumped up from the railing with great satisfaction, approached Qin Manjiang and said, "That's right!"

"Whether it's ghosts or us, they are all entertainment props in the eyes of the creator of [Tongjie]."

"It's like fighting crickets." Lian Yan had a mocking smile on his face.

"While we think so, the folks at the Paleontological Research Society don't."

"Those idiots actually think that this is an opportunity for them to become gods. It is the projection and gift of high-dimensional creatures. It is gods choosing their agents in the world. They are extremely eager to get rid of their human identities. As long as they have consciousness, even if they become Even ghosts won’t hesitate.”

"However, if there are indeed conscious ghosts, in a sense, that existence is no longer in the category of human beings."

"Although I deny their views, I have to admit that the people of the Paleontological Association have a clearer understanding than all of us on the road to studying [Pupillary Realm]. As far as I know, they can even imitate [Tongkai] turns a real-life village into an existence that is integrated with the Kaitan world, and the entrance and exit are the same."

Lian Yan was still talking slowly. This information, which was extremely precious to others, was judged to be useless information because it did not conform to his knowledge. He told Qin Manjiang without any hesitation.

However, Qin Manjiang remained silent for a long time.


In the words he mentioned just now, he heard something that made him unable to stop thinking.

[They can even imitate Hitomikai and turn a real-life village into an existence that is integrated with the Kaitan world, with the entrance and exit being the same].

Three words popped up in Qin Manjiang's mind -

Xiajiang Village.

Thanks to LISUTEA, Book Friends 2023 for the reward, thank you!

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