Strange story player

Chapter 387 old people

Qin Manjiang and Shen Kui left the dormitory on the third floor. As soon as they arrived on the second floor, they heard footsteps coming from the stairs on the first floor!

The two of them, one on the left and one on the right, ducked and hid on both sides of the corridor on the second floor.

But at the top of the stairs, a man holding a candle appeared!

The candlelight wavered uncertainly, and the shadows pulled strangely on the wall.

It's the old dean!

Qin Manjiang hid in the left corridor and quietly observed the old dean. The old man came up from the first floor, and Yu Ruoli was probably locked up somewhere on the first floor by him.

The strange thing is that the old dean holding the candle did not return to his residence on the second floor, but went straight up the stairs to the third floor and walked towards the third floor!

As their footsteps gradually became quieter, Qin Manjiang and Shen Kui immediately returned to the middle hall on the second floor. Before they could speak, they heard the voice of the old dean suddenly coming from the third floor: "Brother Qin, Brother Shen? Where have you been?"

"Have a good rest after eating and don't run around..."

He seemed to know that Qin Manjiang and Shen Kui would definitely hear his voice, and their words were full of ridicule and malice.

"If you still don't come back, I'll have people look for you..."

When most people hear the old dean's strange voice late at night, they would be frightened half to death and think about it, but to Qin Manjiang and Shen Kui, it sounds like a complete provocation.

"This old dog thinks it's sure to eat us." Shen Kui smiled dangerously, with a frightening cold light flashing in his eyes.

Qin Manjiang nodded slightly. Although he did not speak, his expression was obviously not that of fear.

"You come with me first."

Qin Manjiang whispered, and he pulled Shen Kui. Shen Kui understood, and the two of them immediately went downstairs and went to the first floor.

"Listen to me," Qin Manjiang said quickly in the lobby on the first floor, "He just said that he would let people come to us. The only people here who can still be called people are the seven old people. He should open the dormitory on the second floor. Let them come out to find us."

"I will make some noise and lure people to the backyard. You seize the opportunity to go to the second floor, search the dormitories of those old people, and find the residence of the old man who was missing in the first place. That is our only clue to clear the level."

Shen Ku pressed his neck, twisted it, and asked, "How did you get away?"

"Of course I have a way." Qin Manjiang smiled.

Shen Kui looked at him deeply and raised the corners of his mouth: "Okay."

"But before that, you come with me first." Shen Kui also said the same thing as Qin Manjiang just now.

Qin Manjiang was stunned, what was he going to do?

But he saw Shen Su heading straight to the front yard, and Qin Manjiang immediately followed him. The two came to the pitch-black yard. Shen Su looked up at the entire nursing home building. It was already past midnight. There was still fog at this moment, but the night was not so dark. It's rich, but a little bright.

Although the building is still blurry, the outline can be roughly seen.

"It's indeed wrong." Shen Kui's doubts were verified and he was satisfied.

Qin Manjiang looked at the building carefully, and as he looked, he understood what Shen Su meant.

"Is there a hidden space on the second floor?"

There are eight rooms in total on the second floor, four in the left corridor and four in the right corridor. The rooms on the same side are opposite each other.

So, on the same exterior, you can see two windows on the same side.

That is, there are four windows on the front of the nursing home, and four windows can also be seen on the back of the nursing home.

But...the positions of these four windows are a bit subtle.

Qin Manjiang and Shen Kui went to the dormitory on the second floor to check it out in person. The dormitory was not as big as they imagined.

There seems to be quite a bit of space left, both on the left and right!

The remaining space is enough to create a darkroom.

Yes...that's right, this village called [Sick Village] did not have ghost stories at the beginning. However, given the scale of this nursing home, things like darkrooms were definitely designed at the beginning of the construction, not later. Excavated on purpose.

What is certain is that from the beginning, the owner of this nursing home, also known as the "Director", had a secret himself.

That's why he created this structure when he first built the hospital, and it was still on the second floor.

"Tell me, he suddenly appeared from the second floor and held down our shoulders. Where did he come from?" Shen Su asked.

However, this sentence reminded Qin Manjiang exactly, and an idea flashed in his mind, and his whole body was filled with horror.

"No...why are there still seven?"

Qin Manjiang looked at Shen Hu and asked in a low voice.

Shen Kui was puzzled at first, and then his expression suddenly changed!


"Records of a Sick Village" mentioned that there are seven elderly people in the nursing home, one director and two caregivers. The source of the ghost stories in the sick village began with the disappearance of an "old man".

But after the old man disappeared, everyone often saw a figure in red clothes wandering on the second floor.

But now, in the nursing home at this moment, there are still seven elderly people and one director!

The missing old man is back? !

No, not likely...

The greater possibility is that there is a "non-human" being mixed in among the seven old people.

Although strictly speaking, those seven old people are not human beings anymore. They were severely corroded by "frog eggs" and have long since become walking zombies. They are still "alive" now because they are controlled by the strange power of "frog eggs". touching their bodies.

"Among the seven old men, six have bad tempers and one has a good temper." Qin Manjiang whispered to Shen Hu.

"That person has special characteristics. Judging from the story, the good-tempered old man looks like the figure in red who later appeared on the second floor. That figure unknowingly integrated into the nursing home and became the seventh old man." When Qin Manjiang spoke, he kept paying attention to the movements on the second floor. He had already heard the sound of the door opening. The old dean was really letting the old people out to look for them!

"The only person I see wearing red clothes is the dean. His vest is red." Qin Manjiang said puzzledly. He really couldn't figure it out. If the old dean was an old man with a good temper, why...


Qin Manjiang suddenly remembered a rule!

[If you find the only old man with a good temper, you can enter the rest time].

By the way... the old dean seems to have been inviting them to stay, eat, drink and rest.

Several times, Qin Manjiang felt that the other party's purpose of keeping them was too obvious.

And the old dean didn't give people the impression that he was a kind person at all. He almost had it written on his face that he had problems.

What exactly is going on?

Shen Hu also thought about it and confirmed Qin Manjiang's statement.

Indeed, although he had not met all the old people, he was deeply impressed by the red vest under the old dean's coat.

Could this dean be the figure in red who appeared on the second floor after the "grandma" disappeared?

At this moment, Qin Manjiang suddenly pulled Shen Ku's sleeve and whispered: "I feel now that even if I make a noise, it may not be able to attract everyone."

"Forget the rule [no aggression] and beat anyone to death when you meet them."

Shen Kui weighed the cooking wine bottle in his hand and squinted his eyes: "It's just what I want."

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