Strange story player

Chapter 366 Records of the Sick Village

This is a book that records the "disease" process of the sick village!

Xu Tingfang was pleasantly surprised and a little shocked.

In other words, this village was not born as a "Ghost Story" village, but was formed after a series of changes?

Looking at the records of the previous three days, she had already discovered the three elements: fog, black particles, and nursing homes.

If we really want to trace its origin, all the diseases in the sick village occurred after an old man in the nursing home "disappeared"!

After the old man who everyone knew was missing but couldn't remember who was missing, the fog came.

Then starting in nursing homes, the disease began to spread crazily.

The person who wrote this book seemed to live alone and did not like to interact with others. Only then did he escape the disaster and had time to observe everything at home and record it.

This will become an important clue!

Xu Tingfang no longer bothered to look for the librarian, she couldn't wait to continue looking down.


The fourth day.

The good news is, I'm not sick yet.

The bad news is that almost half of the people in the village are crazy.

Moreover, guys with "frog eggs" on their necks began to attack normal villagers.

They can still talk and still have "reason", but the behavioral logic they follow is completely different from that of humans. It seems that... they have become another kind of "social animal".

A cousin and I started taking turns keeping vigil at night. In fact, he was older than me, but who made me senior?

The next day, I went with him to take his newly ill parents to the medical station.

Although the medical station has not cured anyone, people must have hope when they are alive.

If there is no hope, people will go crazy even if they are not infected with the disease.


Day five.

The medical stations did have some effect. Doctors discovered that alcohol could quickly kill these disgusting black particles, so everyone began to rush to the supermarket to buy all the alcohol.

I was also a little surprised that such a terrifying "virus" would be afraid of such a simple alcohol?

After witnessing it with my own eyes, I have to admit that the "antivirus" effect of alcohol is very obvious.

So, a large-scale disinfection of the whole village began.

Because alcohol is limited, and the alcohol in the supermarket has less killing effect than alcohol, we divided the various public facilities in the village according to their importance.

Some less important places are disinfected with commercial alcohol, and some more important places are disinfected with medical alcohol.

Happily, the effect is remarkable.

We finally got the situation under control.

Until some idiot said, "How about letting the patient try drinking?"

I didn't think there was anything wrong with this suggestion at the time.

The doctor nodded in agreement.

That day, in the presence of people who were not yet infected, the doctor picked up a glass of wine and tried to feed it to the sick nurse.

Then, I saw a horrific scene.

The black particles on the nurse's neck began to climb rapidly towards her face, and bulged rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!

They are not viruses...but tiny eggs!

Real eggs!

Densely dense, unknown creatures like thin threads emerged from the egg, and then got into the nurse's face.

The flesh and blood all over her body was surging and distorted. I noticed something was wrong, so I turned around and ran away.

That night, I had a nightmare.

Later, my cousin told me that the doctor died without a complete body.

What's even worse is that some idiots who had the same idea as the suggester secretly gave "wine" to their relatives.

My cousin said that he had seen it from a distance.

After the sick people drink alcohol, their height will suddenly stretch to more than three meters, tentacles will grow on both sides of the body, and there are dense eyes at the root of each tentacle.

"Their" chests were also split open, with a bloody mouth growing vertically and filled with sharp teeth.

After killing the person who fed them alcohol, "they" would escape into the fog.

Is this a good thing?

I have no idea.

But I know that wine does not seem to be a disinfectant.

On the contrary, it has a catalytic effect on those tiny, densely packed black eggs.

If the eggs do not parasitize the human body, they will indeed "die".

But once the host drinks alcohol, they will quickly develop into "adult worms", seize the body, and turn the host into... a monster.

Damn...who brought this kind of thing into the village?


Day six.

There is no other way, this heavy fog has no tendency to lift, and someone is organizing young people who are still awake.

We must head into the fog to find a way out.

Sooner or later, the supplies in the village will be exhausted. Although I don't think breaking into the fog is a good idea, it is indeed better than doing nothing.

I signed up.

At noon that day, five of us took the food we had saved and started walking in the familiar direction away from the village.

It went well at first. Although there were monsters in the fog and they were very dangerous, we were lucky and didn't encounter any.

Moreover, although the fog is thick, as locals, we are already very familiar with the plants and trees under our feet. We can know where we are just by staring at the ground.

However, the problem also lies here.

In the heavy fog with visibility less than three meters, we were almost out of the village, but the road under our feet suddenly became familiar again!

Everyone started to panic, this was wrong.

This is not like getting lost at all. The further you go, the stranger you get. Instead, it is very familiar at first and then becomes unfamiliar after a sudden step.

It's just like when I used to play some stand-alone games, I walked to the edge of the map and was teleported back by the system.


Really exactly the same.

Although they were scared, everyone tried again and again, in every direction.

However, no matter which direction we go, no matter how fast or slow we go, as long as we reach a certain distance, the next step... we will definitely be returned to the starting point.

And this origin...

It is a public toilet in the village.

This is so weird.

Every time I see this public toilet, I feel horrified. It is like a time loop machine, playing with everyone's body and mind.

Finally, someone couldn't hold on any longer and fled back to the village screaming.

Sometimes, when the mood is already on the verge of collapse, a straw can break a camel's back.

I went back too.

Go back and record everything, then commit suicide.

Instead of turning into a monster and wandering in the fog all day long, it is better to die with some dignity while you are still alive and still have the consciousness of being a human being.

Seeing the people here, if you accidentally come to the sick village, you must...


what is that? ? ? ? ? ?


Seeing this, Xu Tingfang suddenly felt numb. The author of this book originally planned to commit suicide, but suddenly he changed his writing style and began to describe all the weird things.

She continued to look down and saw only one line of words written below:


It parted the fog and stretched out a huge hand full of eyes!

Thanks to Feiniaoyuan, I am very tired today, Book Friends 2022, and Mulu for the reward.

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