Strange story player

Chapter 364 The rules of the wreckage

No, I have to find a way to not respond to him, but also to show that I am not a doctor.

What to do, what to do?

Yu Ruoli's heart was beating very fast, and she didn't dare to look towards the aisle at all, for fear of meeting the patient's eyes.

But now, the patient's footsteps are approaching!

At this moment, an idea flashed in Yu Ruoli's mind!

She quickly recalled whether there were any violations in this method. After confirming that there were no violations, Yu Ruoli stood up with a bang and shouted towards the empty nurse station: "Where is the doctor? I'm here to see a doctor." of!"

Her voice was loud and she was talking to the nurse's station. She didn't know if this would work. After shouting out, Yu Ruoli became anxious.

She usually doesn't speak loudly and speaks very little, and she is not used to this state.

Her back was already wet with sweat, but she noticed at this moment that the footsteps at the intersection stopped.

Then, the voice murmured: "Really, he's not a doctor..."

The footsteps returned.

Yu Ruoli breathed a sigh of relief and deceived him. The "patient" returned to his ward.

She turned her head slightly and looked towards the passage.

However, this glance made Yu Ruoli's skin crawl all over!

Although the patient was returning to the ward, "his" head kept turning around to look at her!

Under Yu Ruoli's negligence, her and the "patient's" eyes suddenly collided...


At the entrance of Bucun Supermarket.

Shen Kui still stood there and did not enter the supermarket at all.

He was in no hurry.

After all, judging from the rules on this sign, there was no reason why he couldn't stay outside for a while.

Supermarkets have many rules, most of which are related to the characteristics of the supermarket.

Shen Ku sorted out his logic.

First, in order to leave the supermarket area, you must complete a shopping trip.

The place at the entrance of the supermarket is obviously included in the [supermarket area]. There is a thick fog behind it, and there is nothing to say.

Next, as long as you enter the supermarket, you must buy goods.

Only one item can be purchased.

No stealing, no damaging of goods.

The payment must be made in person at checkout and no credit is allowed.

In addition, there is a very strange rule.

[In case of conflicts with other guests, please seek help from appropriate staff].

In Shen Kui's view, since this rule says so, there will inevitably be conflicts with other guests, and there will inevitably be inappropriate staff.

Who are the staff in the supermarket? Shopping guide, cashier, cleaning, security? Judging from the size of this supermarket, these four types should be pretty much the same. If there is a conflict, security is usually called for help, right?

Although he hasn't gone in yet, Shen Kui has roughly guessed what will happen if he goes in.

First he had to shop, but shopping required checkout. Not to mention the money he could pay in this supermarket, he didn't even have cash with him.

So, he wouldn't go inside until he figured out what he could pay with.

Speaking of which, I have been at the entrance of the supermarket for quite some time, and not a single customer has come in or out.

Is this what is written on this sign [The supermarket has been disinfected, but customers come and go frequently, and there is still an immediate danger]?

Shen Kui didn't see where it was so frequent. Maybe it was indeed frequent? It’s just that I can’t see it.

He touched his chin and had an idea.

Shen Su took out everything on his body, including his mobile phone, glasses, handkerchiefs, watches...even permanent props. He also took out the pocket watch. After taking out the photos in the pocket watch, he took out all these things. Put it at the door.

Then, Shen Kui still didn't enter the supermarket. He just stood at the door of the supermarket and shouted inside with a smile: "Shopping guide, please help me!"

The weird thing is...

As soon as these words were spoken, the transparent curtain at the supermarket door flew up instantly!

At the same time, Shen Kui suddenly felt the dense gaze!

But...he still didn't see anyone.

But he knew that at this moment, all the "people" in the supermarket were staring at him.

Although the rules of the supermarket did not prohibit him from "yelling loudly", this kind of behavior is still not something a normal person can do.

However, Shen Kui's idea is really useful!

The transparent plastic curtain at the entrance of the supermarket was lifted.

A voice that could not be identified as male or female, old or young, said: " you need any help?"

Still here.

Shen Su smiled and narrowed his eyes. He pointed to the things on the ground at the door and said to the air in front of him: "I'm sorry, I forgot to bring money when I went out. Please buy me a pack of toilet paper. In return, you can use these items Just pick one.”

Shen Ku's lunatic remarks instantly silenced the "shopping guide".

He didn't even think about entering the supermarket!

Although he has no "currency" to pay, and the supermarket is indeed full of dangers, is this method really useful?

Shen Ku himself is also waiting.

Waiting for the "shopping guide"'s response.

However, the moment the "shopping guide" responded to his call and came over to ask, Shen Kui knew that he had guessed correctly.

Judging from the rules of the supermarket area, according to normal logic and procedures, he should have entered the supermarket, then had a conflict with an invisible and terrifying "customer", and with the help of "appropriate staff", he should have reached a certain point. kind of reconciliation.

According to Shen Su's guess, the "customer" would probably give him some "currency" that could be used in the supermarket, and then he could use this "currency" to buy a product.

However, this is only the most ideal state.

It is foreseeable that "customers" will conflict with him. So, what will the scale of the conflict be?

I don’t know, this is an obvious “dead spot”.

Next, what happens if the “right staff” are not found?

Even if he survives the "conflict" and survives, then the two parties must make concessions to each other to reach a "reconciliation". The other party gives him "currency", so what does he have to "pay"?

Even if everything goes well, unpredictable and strange events may still occur at the final checkout stage.

This is really too passive.

Although Shen Kui knew that was the "correct" procedure, he didn't like it.

So, he discovered something under the "rules" of the supermarket area.

For example, a description like "You can seek help from the appropriate staff" tells him two things.

First, there are staff members with different responsibilities.

And the second thing long as the "staff member" is allowed to do things within the scope of his responsibilities, the other party will provide help.

Therefore, Shen Hu directly chose not to enter the supermarket. He called the shopping guide out and asked the shopping guide to help him "buy" a product.

As supermarket "insiders", shopping guides must have the supermarket's "currency".

Next, it is the duty of the shopping guide to "help" customers complete their purchases. According to the rules, "he" cannot refuse.

The most difficult part is whether the shopping guide appreciates the "rewards" provided by Shen Kui.

This is just an attempt. If the other party doesn't accept the "reward" he provides, then there is nothing wrong with choosing the second stupid method.

Shen Hu crossed his arms across his chest and leaned against the door of the supermarket, waiting for the shopping guide's response.

At this time, the voice of the shopping guide came again from the empty place at the door:

"Pocket watch..."

I have a really good eye for permanent props.

Shen Su smiled. He seemed to have expected it. He bent down to pick up the pocket watch and handed it to the air at the door: "Thank you."

He likes rules, and he likes even more... to make the rules his own.

(Two updates today and three updates tomorrow. I took my dad out of the hospital today and arranged things at home. I have been busy all day and I am so tired.)

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