Strange story player

Chapter 361 Breaking through the South Wall (fourth update completed)

Nine winding lanes.

Luo Chengyou, who entered the middle, had already reached a dead end.

Because this dark and narrow alleyway is gradually shrinking!

The walls on both sides would get closer and narrower as he walked.

Although Luo Chengyou could choose to slow down and walk slowly, that would only delay his death.

What's more, there is also a limit on the battery capacity of mobile phones.

The white branch on the far left does not have the black substance like "frog eggs", and the original branch on the far right is exactly the same as before.

Only the narrow alley in the middle could allow him to escape the pursuit of monsters behind him, but this alley was dark and wet, and it was also the alley with the most "frog eggs".

Luo Chengyou has not stepped on any "frog eggs" until now, entirely because of the help provided by the flashlight lighting function of his mobile phone.

Once his phone ran out of battery, he could barely move in such a dark environment.

Therefore, he can't walk too slowly. After all, the battery of his mobile phone is limited.

Luo Chengyou could only try his best to find a speed that would cause the least damage to "both sides". Although this forward speed was not accurate, it was all he could do.

At this moment, Luo Chengyou was almost desperate.

He remembered that one of the rules said, "If you find the right path, you can leave the Jiuqu Alley area."

On the other hand, it means that there are wrong roads in Jiuqu Alley.

He suspected that he had chosen the wrong path.


How to choose between these three paths?

Is it the one on the far right?

Luo Chengyou suddenly thought that after all, the rightmost branch road was exactly the same as the original main road in terms of width and "shape". It was very much like a continuation of the original laneway, while the two in the middle and on the left seemed more like they were created by some strange force. from.

But under the circumstances at that time, it was impossible for him to outrun the "monster" behind him if he continued to run!

If he really chose the road on the right, he would still be overtaken or die.

Luo Chengyou finally despaired.

He couldn't look back, couldn't stop, he could only move forward step by step. This lane was just like life.

If you choose the wrong road at a certain intersection, you can't turn back at all. You have to keep going even though you know you will die ahead.

Is there really no other way...

Luo Chengyou was still moving forward.

The battery on the phone is only half left.

The two sides of the alleyway are still narrowing, from the width that can accommodate two people walking side by side, to the point where they are only two palms away from touching the wall.

A narrow space will naturally make people feel suffocated. This is how Luo Chengyou feels at this moment. Although he has not touched the walls on both sides of the alleyway, and there are no ghosts or monsters, his despair at this moment is even greater than what he has experienced before. Every ghost story I have ever had is intense.

People do fear unknown horrors.

But at this moment, Luo Chengyou understood.

The unknown is certainly scary, but what really makes people despair is knowing your future but having no way to change it at all.

Just like him now.

He knew that he would die if he went down, but he could only continue going down.

The fact that he was heading towards foreseeable death step by step and unable to change it made Luo Chengyou's breathing become more and more rapid, and he even wanted to give up.

Rather than continue like this, it is better to stop or look back.

Various thoughts kept going back and forth in his mind, and his expression was changing crazily.

The current situation was a choice he made himself, and the consequences were intuitively reflected on him.

Should we keep going, or should we choose to die with dignity?

It is foreseeable that no matter which path you choose, you will die.

The flesh on Luo Chengyou's face was trembling, and his fear and despair had reached a certain critical point.

If this continues, he will really go crazy.

In fact, his sanity is now somewhat unsustainable.

The reason why he is still moving forward step by step is because Luo Chengyou has regrets in his heart.

Just like my younger self.

As a young doctor, he failed to choose to go to the hospital he longed for, but chose to succumb to reality, which he has always regretted.

But it is not wrong for anyone to succumb to reality.

Luo Chengyou understood this truth very early. He just felt regretful and did not think there was anything wrong with his choice.

He is an only son, and his family conditions are not very good. His parents are about to retire. What is the problem for him to choose a private hospital that offers more money?

If a person cannot even do the most basic survival or fulfill his responsibilities well, he is not qualified to talk about dreams at all.

This is Luo Chengyou's point of view. He has never believed that his choice was wrong.

Like now.

Although the walls on both sides were constantly tightening, like two shining guillotines, about to kill him.

But he still didn't think his choice was wrong.

In that situation, if he didn't face reality and quickly get rid of the "monster" behind him, he would have died.

Thinking of this, all the complicated thoughts in Luo Chengyou's mind disappeared in an instant.

Only one remains.

Keep walking.

This is the path I chose, keep going until the end!

Even if you are touched by the walls on both sides, even if you are caught in the gap between the walls, it is your choice.

【Do not look back】.

This rule of Jiuqu Alley actually means little to Luo Chengyou.

He may hesitate and regret, but he is never a person willing to look back.

Step by step……

Luo Chengyou continued to walk forward.

The walls on both sides were only a palm's width away from him.

At this point, Luo Chengyou had already looked away.

The reason why he is still moving forward now is just to implement his choice. He wants to see how far a "wrong" road can go.

The narrowing of the walls on both sides continues.

A slap...

The width of three fingers...

Two fingers...


The next second.

He hit a wall.

Just a moment! His entire body was squeezed crazily by both sides of the alley, and his internal organs and bones all over his body were experiencing extremely oppressive and severe pain!

If it were an ordinary wall, it would not produce such a terrifying pressure when it was just touched.

But obviously, Luo Chengyou violated the rules.

He "hit" the wall.


Luo Chengyou spat out a mouthful of blood.

He could no longer take a step, but the walls on both sides continued to tighten!

Now, they are tightening on their own.

Is that the end?

Luo Chengyou was "clamped" by the walls on both sides and couldn't fall down even if he wanted to.

His consciousness was also blurring rapidly. While he was still awake a little, Luo Chengyou thought of something.

He stretched out his hand with all his strength and touched the disgusting, sticky "frog eggs" on the wall.

He wanted to know the consequences of running into these things.

However, the moment Luo Chengyou touched these "frog eggs"...

The pain on his face froze for an instant, and then came disbelief, realization, self-deprecation and relief.

It turns out that this is what [no disinfection required] means.


The walls on both sides suddenly tightened, squeezing Luo Chengyou into a puddle of minced meat.

The blood was smeared on the wall, as if it had been absorbed, and quickly disappeared...

Jiuqu Alley Area——

The fog cleared.

(End of fourth update, good night)

Thanks to Qiyan, wcpyyds, Los Santos poet, Mingjing Yifeitai, and Book Friends 2021 for their rewards.

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